Once opon a summer

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Most people love summer, days spent in the sun, no school work, friends, family and freedom.

Harry hated summer, he rather spend the whole year at Hogwarts then come back to this hell hole.

The Dursleys were cruel, they laboured Harry with all the chores and he wasn't praised for doing all the work, instead he got locked in his room with small amounts of food that definitely was not fresh.

Even though everything seemed terrible, the worst thing was he wasn't allowed to see his boyfriend: Draco, he told the Dursleys about Draco and they forbade Harry to see him. They called it unnatural but Harry knew it was perfectly Normal. (cuz it is) Harry decided that he would owl Draco.

He grabbed parchment and wrote.

Dear Draco,

I need you, I can't stand staying here... They make me do everything and I can't take it anymore. Draco, love, I need you to come help me please. Get me out of here


He attached the letter to hedwig and she flew off.

Harry spent days waiting, he never got a note back or anything. He just spent those days cleaning and pulling weeds in the hot summer sun.

It was 5am he had to get started with breakfast, and then he had to clean up after breakfast, do the laundry, wash the floors, clean the bathroom with a toothbrush, make lunch, clean up after lunch, and then weed the garden.

It was now 3:00pm so he started to weed the garden. He heard footsteps which he could only assume we're those of Dudley.

" Dudley piss off I've done all the chores today so go eat a cake or something!" He turned around and to his surprise it wasn't Dudley, it was Draco.

He got up immediately and engulfed Draco in a hug.
" I thought you weren't going to come." He mumbled into Draco's shoulder.

" of course I came, I couldn't let you suffer." He said pulling away so he could kiss Harry.

" I missed that." He mumbled onto Harry's lips.

"I did too, but I need to get my stuff just wait here." Harry went inside up to his room and got his stuff, luckily for him the Dursleys were taking an afternoon nap so the coast was clear.

He got up and put a shrinking spell on all his things, he pocketed them and went back outside to Draco.

" so how are we going to get to your house?"Harry asked.

" Apparate."

" but isn't that illegal at this-" Harry was cut off by Draco grabbing onto Harry's arm and apparating away.

They appeared in front of a large wood cabin, that was surrounded by an ongoing garden. " Draco, where are we?" Harry wondered, confused.

" the summer cottage that my family owns, I was thinking we could stay here until we have to get back to Hogwarts."

Harry stood in front of Draco and leaned in for a kiss, he was so thankful that Draco came, he didn't think he would be able to last another day.

Their heads tilted slightly as the kiss continued, noses bumping lightly, delicate sounds of the shared kiss echoing through the wind, hands moving steadily, fingers intertwined, it was a great feeling, to share a proper kiss with your loved one, after months of longing for the sensation of their lips against your own.

Harry pulled away and rested his head in the crook of Draco's neck. "I love you." Harry sighed.
" I love you too baby." Draco replied.

Draco pulled away slightly so that he was now looking at Harry. " we should go inside and get you cleaned up."
Harry silently agreed, they both walked inside with fingers intertwined.

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