wOW tHeY'rE iN lOvE

878 18 3

"I love you" Scorpius said.

Albus looked up from his homework and kissed Scorpius on the cheek softly. " I love you too." He whispered.



"I'm just so in love with you, it's just always you, I'm so gone for you, I don't even know how to explain it." Scorpius confessed.

Albus stayed silent, thinking through the words that poured delicately from Scorpius's lips.

And Scorpius meant every word he said. It was always Albus, every touch, every smile, every kiss. It was always Albus that made him feel so in love. And though his heart knew Albus felt the same, his mind always made him believe that everyone he loves, leaves. But he still had Albus and he had to tell him, Scorpius had to tell him that he was so, so special to him.

"I think you're so beautiful, you mean so much to me. I love seeing you smile, I love seeing you laugh, I love that you are so kind..." Scorpius continued.

Albus felt his eyes glass over, What did he do to deserve this, this boy who would give up everything if he could be with Albus. He didn't even bother wiping his eyes when he replied.

"I am so in love with you too."

And they kissed.

Wowowoewowow my writing has GoNe tO sHiT.

But anyways I hope all of you guys are doing well :)

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