Sectumsmpra part 2

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Draco's POV

I tried to yell, "Cruci-" but I couldn't use that curse, I wouldn't. Before I could think Potter yelled a spell that was foreign to me.

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" Bellowed Harry.

Blood started to spurt out of my face and chest almost as if someone with a sword slashed me, I collapsed on to the flooded floor with a big splash. the once clear water was now a crimson colour. I felt like I was about to die. HOW COULD POTTER DO THIS TO ME! I was too weak to talk to Harry I was in so much pain. I heard Potter gasp he was in shock
"No...." Potter whimpered

He started to run towards me and dropped to the ground beside me. I couldn't see much, after that my vision started to get blurry. it's almost as if I heard Harry heart-break as he cried;
" no Draco- I-I didn't I'm im sorry....Dra-" before he could finish what he was saying I heard faint footsteps and A cold deep voice.
"POTTER MOVE" Snape said as he shoved Harry away from me roughly. " WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU FOOLISH CHILD!" He was livid.

Snape was mumbling an incantation that almost sounded like a song, it was hard to make out what he was saying, the healing process was terribly painful. When he finished he picked my ( pretty much) limp body.
" we need to get you to the hospital wing Madame pomfrey will take care of the scarring. We have to get there immediately!" He started talking to Harry
" And as for you potter stay here until I get BACK!" He said in the most cold and livid voice.

He took me to the hospital wing where I was well taken care of,but I couldn't help myself from thinking what was going to happen to Harry. as much as he deserves punishment I really don't think he wanted to hurt me, I'm sure he was there to help me in the first place, I mean why would he be there, well it is a bathroom but still.

My night was restless; as much as sleep tried to claim me I wouldn't let it, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. I felt empty and weird. why was I thinking about that git? he tried to hurt me, but then again I tried to hurt him too.

I managed to have an hour of shuteye but before I could continue my beauty sleep I heard someone sobbing what is going on?!

"I really didn't m-mean to hurt you mal-Malfoy, I didn't even know what that spell was going to do I hate to see you like this I'm so sorry Malfoy I didn't want to disturb your sleeping but I had to tell you I'm sorry". I still had my eyes shut and I heard him get up. Did Harry just pour out his heart to me? or did he just do the heroic thing and apologize for his reputation. But I highly doubt that it would be that heartfelt.

As he was getting out of the chair I grabbed his hand. He was shocked by this sudden movement he turned his head, I saw his hair as messy as ever and his eyes were red and puffy.
"Potte- Harry you are forgiven, barely, just don't almost kill me with random spells that you have no clue about please just sit down."
" Wait you're being nice to me why being nice to me?" Harry asked in a very surprised tone
" because you're letting me ." I said In a calm almost un-Malfoyish tone
It's almost as if my heart or lack there of was finally telling my brain what to say.
"Ok s-sure." Harry said probably thinking I was going to hex him or something.
He sat down but this time on the bed our hands were still loosely intertwined but neither one of us seemed to realize it.

His emerald green eyes were staring into mine.
"Potter I'm sorry for being such an ass."
"Ok Draco did someone put you under the imperious curse because you're acting really nice and almost human like."
I wasn't really listening I was just staring at him, at his hair, his eyes, his lips...
" Erm... Draco?"

" yes?" I said as if I was listening to one word he was saying
" I should probably get going." He said
" Oh yeah ok yes I'll see you around."
" Bye Draco." He said
As he got up to leave he forgot that he was still holding my hand and I softly let go. He Blushed at this.
" Bye Harry" I replied a little heart broken as I saw the brunette walk out of the room.

I was pondering how me, Draco death eater
Malfoy who yesterday was in a horrible state of mind was now crushing on the Harry Potter not that I haven't fancied him in the past. But I never knew that he was caring and that he might like me too.

Harry's POV
Was Draco being nice? I mean they must have him on some type of heavy medicine. He was so upset yesterday he was crying. The Draco Malfoy was showing emotions other than anger he was vulnerable like someone out of their shell. It's not terrible that he's being nice but I wonder if he's only doing that to get away from the death eater subject.

* It was a week after the incident Ron and I were walking in the halls*
" He was being nice to you?! I hate to say this mate but I think you might be off your rocker." Ron said as if it was impossible for Malfoy to be nice
" I'm the one that's off my rocker, IM OFF MY ROCKER!? Ok maybe that was a bad example but just except that he is being nice for once in his life!" I got some stares for yelling that.
" okay okay!"
" Harry?" Ron said, I nodded in acknowledgement " do you like Draco Malfoy? Like I mean like, like him.?"
A deep pink blush was creeping up on my face.
" see I knew it you love Draco even though it kind of makes no sense well actually it does because you won't shut up about him and you're really bad at pretending to not like him-"
" RON what... That's ridiculous?!"
" Just tell him how you feel you're a terrible liar ( for the most part)."
" I have to go write a essay for Snape bye mate!"
"BUT HARRY ITS A FREE PERIOD!" Ron yelled trying to get my attention but I kept on going. Obviously somehow Draco overheard my conversation with Ron.
" So Potter is there anything you'd wish to say?" He asked hopefully but still keeping his Malfoyish posture
" It's really not the time Draco but at least I know you're back to normal your Malfoyish manor."
" look Potter I know that it's been an odd week but I have to tell you this and I know that you won't feel the same way because we're enemi-" I cut him off with a soft kiss on his lips
" well that got you to shut up." Draco's pale face was now red as a tomato.
" don't worry I like you too." He filled the space between us and pulled me in for a toe curling kiss
I started to chuckle
" what?!" Draco said with a shocked look on his face.
" be my boyfriend?" I asked

Hello I really hope you liked it and if anyone has any requests just PM me the info. The next one shot will probably be a Scorbus one I can't promise that it'll be good but it's worth a try.
Lots of love! :)

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