Thank you

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It was three years after the battle of Hogwarts, Harry nor Draco have spoken to each other since then but That all changed today.

Draco was carrying two heaped bags of groceries when he knocked into some one.
" I'm so sorry." The stranger said. Draco sighed. " it's fine." Draco and the stranger started to pick up the groceries. The stranger handed Draco a bag of squashed lettuce. " Draco?" Harry said. " Oh Hello Potter, what a surprise that I would run into you." It was true that Draco fancied him in the past but he put his feelings aside for the Malfoy reputation. " out of all the people on the planet." Draco said to himself as he continued to pick up the groceries. " Hey Draco?"
" Yes?"
" I think we should catch up, I mean it's been a while and-" Harry started.
"I'd love too." Draco replied.
" How about tomorrow at 12 at the coffee shop?"
"Sounds great."

Draco couldn't help but smile, he honestly couldn't stop. It was as if it was permanently painted onto his face. He got home and picked out his outfit for tomorrow as if he was a 16 year old girl going on a date with her crush. He didn't understand the feeling he felt, it was as if someone made him chug a love potion. He had the same feeling quite a lot during his Hogwarts years but he never knew what it was. He spent the whole day thinking about the next day and what they would talk about. He got ready for bed but his dreams weren't pleasant, he kept on dream about how he never got to thank Harry for saving his life in the room of requirement when it was set on fire. He also dreamt of when Harry 'died', he kept on dreaming of how terrible he was to Harry and how he wished he could take everything back.

When he woke up in the morning he took a cold shower and gradually turned up the heat. He spent a long time washing his hair and making sure he used the perfect body wash. He wanted to make a good first impression, well second impression. He then blow dried his silvery blonde hair and styled it so that it was kind of curly on top (Just imagine Troye Sivan's hair.)

That's what I was trying to get at

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That's what I was trying to get at.... Ok Back to the story.

He put on his favourite cologne that smelled of crisp green apple and pine.
He then put on his light blue jumper with black skinny jeans and black converse's. He took one final look in the mirror before he apparated from his flat to the alley beside the coffee shop. He sat down only to wait a couple minutes for my dat-Harry not 'my Harry' just Harry. He thought to himself.Draco already bought two lattes for both of them. He used both of his hands to hold the cup and to take small sips from the piping hot beverage.
" Thank you." Draco said between sips.
" Um... For what?" Harry said confused.
" Saving my life in 7th year, I never had the chance to thank you."
" Well I wasn't going to just let you die and plus, you saved my life sort of too in the Malfoy manor when my face was messed up."
" I couldn't let them have you..." Draco said.
"Anyway how are things going between you and the weaselette?" Draco said in a dire need to change the subject. " we broke up..." Harry said flatly. "How come?" Draco said in a concerned tone. " well I came out to her therefore the relationship wouldn't ever work or be happy, she's happy for me." Harry said confidently.
" Wow, good for you." Draco said happily.
" Thanks Draco."
"I also wanted to say I'm sorry for being such a prat at Hogwarts."
" You were such a prat." Harry started to laugh. " I still can't believe you took the Time to make pins that said 'potter stinks' and when you were turned into a ferret or-" Draco cut him off "Haha very funny."
" yes it was, but you know I think we should put our past behind us. Obviously you're not an annoying prat anymore, you've definitely changed Draco, in a good way." Draco blushed at that. " you've changed too maybe not the annoying prat part but-" Harry playfully slapped his arm.
"Just kidding!" Draco laughed. Harry could help but think of how beautiful Draco's smile is. And how handsome he got since school. Draco looked at his wristwatch " I should get going..." Both of them got up. " I had a nice time, we should do this again." Draco said and then placed a kiss on Harry's cheek. Harry turned red as a tomato.
" definitely."
" Bye Harry."
"Bye Draco."

I know it's short but I'm making a part 2 because I really need to update and I also need to sleep. I'm sorry for taking awhile to update, 
lots of love

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