It all started with Detention

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Harry was walking back from yet another detention. He hated it so much, getting in trouble for speaking the truth. He was trying to warn everybody but it seemed that their skulls were too thick to realize the truth.

Harry scoffed at thought of getting another detention, as he made the gesture are certain Slytherin was walking down the hall.

"What exactly are you doing out of bed, let alone past curfew potter?" He spat as he rolled his eyes.

" I could ask you the same thing Malfoy!" Draco tended to anger Harry in a way that was unexplainable, oddly he loved it.

"I, I happen to be a prefect." Draco announced, feebly puffing out his chest in pride. He wasn't too impressed by Harry's yawn.

" I couldn't care less about-" Harry was cut off by Draco's loud mouth.

Draco's expression had changed his muscles looked almost relaxed, his eyebrows furrowed.

" Merlin Potter, what Happened to your hand?" Draco question, he felt sad seeing potter hurt just because he was a 'bully' did not mean he didn't care.

"Sod off Malfoy." Harry clutched his now bleeding hand and turned the other way.

Draco lightly pulled into Harry's robe causing him to stop. He then grabbed Harry's hand.

" I must not tell lies" Draco read aloud.
" who did this to you..." He trailed off totally bewildered by the bleeding letters engraved in the boys hand.

"None of your business." Harry mumbled.

" I'm trying to help!" Draco almost shouted.

" well maybe I don't need your help, okay? Why should anyone want to help, why should you want to help me? You now what maybe I deserved this, all of it maybe I am lying about everything... I'll be fine, the hero is always fine..." Harry didn't know why he just poured out his heart right In front of Malfoy but he couldn't stand all the pity he was getting, he just wanted to be normal.

" no. You're not leaving me... Not right now, we should get that cleaned up." Draco insisted. He took ahold of Harry's unharmed hand and brought him to the hospital wing.

" what are you two boys doing here at two in the morning?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

There was a moment of silence before Harry finally spoke up. " I was just wondering if you could clean this up."

Madame Pomfrey nodded her head and silently guided him to her work station. Draco wasn't too sure what to do so he took the risk and went with them. Draco didn't know why he suddenly felt obliged to follow Harry but in this moment he felt like he should protect Harry somehow. It hurt him to see Harry hurt.

Huh how ironic. He felt like it was his job and his job alone to anger Harry. He would never go as far as leaving him scared, it was just some mindless teasing.

" Harry..." Draco was promptly cut off by the gryffindor beside him.

" can you jut forget everything that I said, I shouldn't have said it... I-I'm glad you're here it's just been a rough time."

Draco was so tempted to ask how so? But he knew the limit for now.

Harry finally looked up to see Draco, he took in all his features he noticed Draco looked quite sleep deprived. Harry couldn't help but wonder why Draco was awake so late.

" Harry, I need to ask you something important. Who gave those to you?" Draco asked as he was now watching Madame Pomfrey fix his hand.

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