Black and white

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Scorpius' POV
soul mate
ˈsōl ˌmāt/
noun: soulmate
a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner

This world is black and white, Not metaphorically speaking, literally speaking; for the most part anyways, I'll explain everyone sees black and white until the meet their soulmate when the touch them or talk to them or even see them, the world bursts into colour. I Scorpius Malfoy Have not seen colour for the seventeen years that I've been alive... Ok maybe I have but barely. I mean I do get glimpses at the most odd times like when I'm studying or eating candy with Albus or seeing him smile. It's my last year at Hogwarts I  will probably never see colour. I mean I really like Albus and since last summer we've got extremely close like closer than we've been before,My best friend isn't my soulmate I'm sure of it.

" Hey Scorpius!" Albus said with a huge smile on his face.
" Someone is Happy today."
" I am quite happy." He said as he leaned against the wall.
" why may I ask?"
" I see colour!"
" Albus we've been through this, I know!" I said a little more rudely than I meant to.
" It's different this time, everything is so vibrant and beautiful." Albus blushed at the last part.
" lucky you, everything is just the same."
I said disappointed.
" y-you don't see I-it too." Albus said softly.
" No" I lied
" Oh well I should get going then." He said in A heartbroken tone. He walked away with his head down.
I followed him into the hallway and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"A-Albus...." That is when it happened I felt as though the floor was shaking beneath my feet I collapsed.

The next thing I knew I was in the hospital wing. I looked at my hands they were a very pale peach colour the blanket was a cold colour that made me think of winter, why was I seeing colour? I looked to my side and I saw Albus in a chair. No wait he's not my soulmate that like impossible, I've always fancied Rose romantically, but now I'm not too sure what I should believe.
" Hey Scorpius! You're okay." Albus said smiling.
" what happened?" I asked confused.
" well you came in the hall to talk to me and then you collapsed, you were unconscious for a day."
" A DAY!"
" yeah, I stayed here though; you know to make sure you were okay and everything."
He said as he put his hand on mine. I looked into his eyes they were beautiful as if little golden rays of sunlight were trapped in there. " Thanks for staying."
" Always." He said Giving me a reassuring smile.

It had been two weeks since I've been able to see in colour when I'm with Albus the world is so vibrant, I've been going outside a lot more often than usual. I'm really not sure how to tell Albus that it's him though, he talks to girls quite often, it's probably one of them.

We were sitting on a blanket near the lake, I rested my head on Albus' lap. " beautiful day today." Albus said.
" I need to tell you something very important Albus, don't hate me." I said changing the subject immediately. I sat up,
" I won't hate you, Scorpius I could never hate you."
" it was you." I said looking at my hands.
" What, I don't understand." Albus said in a confused tone.
" I don't really understand it either" I sighed. " Albus I can see the world now, in colour; it was you. You're my sou-soulmate."
I looked into his eyes, and I got lost.
" Scorpius...I don't know what to say"
I walked away, well ran. Albus just sat there, I knew he would hate me.

Helllllllllllooooooooooo I was going to make this longer but I didn't so I'm going to be making a part two, I'm also working on another oneshot rn so updating might be a little slow.

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