What are we?

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Draco and Harry have gotten really close since 4th year they weren't exactly dating, but they weren't just friends. Draco and Harry were in the R.O.R, it resembled Draco's room because Draco was trying to think of a comfortable place to hangout. Harry and Draco were sitting down on a couch, Harry was sitting up and Draco's head was on Harry's lap, he started to play in Draco's hair slightly messing it up because he knew it would bother him. Draco sat up, " Harry what are we?" Harry pulled Draco close " friends..." He moved his mouth close to Draco's ear " with benefits." He whispered.

This made Draco's heart break, but he was at least happy that they were friends. Harry started to kiss Draco, Draco kissed back moving his mouth roughly against Harry's they kissed as if kissing was a vital part of their lives. Draco pulled away for air and rested his forehead against Harry's. The two boys were deeply in love with each other but both of them thought that the feeling wasn't mutual so they tried their best to hide it.

Draco knew that he couldn't continue to be just friends or whatever they are. He had to say something. Harry continued to kiss Draco and started to pull his shirt off, Draco pulled his shirt down and Harry looked confused. " Harry, we need to talk." " okay?" Harry intertwined his fingers with Draco's. "Tell me again for real this time what are we?" Harry breathed in and out. " I dunno but we're not just friends ..."
Harry saw the pain in Draco's eyes. " I know that there is something more going on between us but I can't...."
" WHAT? YOU CANT LOVE ME BACK!" Draco softened his tone, " I'm In love with you, I'm so in love with you but you aren't mine sometimes I pretend that you secretly want me but I often forget that you don't want me, you are not mine and it kills me, it kills me when we kiss, it kills me when you stare at me Hell! It kills me when we talk, because I know that you'll never love me back. I hate to say it but, whenever I asked what are we? I was hoping that it wouldn't brake my heart when you said friends, deep down I was hoping that you would say that we're in love. That won't happen because you don't love me I feel as if I'm only there for you too have sex with me, I'm a person, I have feelings and I can't do whatever this is anymore." Draco roughly let go of Harry's hand and left. He was deprived of all his happiness that night or should I say what was left of it.

Harry was still sitting in the R.O.R wondering why he had been so stupid. He really did love Draco.both of the boys did not sleep that night, instead they were thinking of each other.

Harry knew that Draco didn't want to talk to him so Harry wrote a letter to slip in to his school bag later.
Dear Draco,
I was too shy to tell you how I felt because I never knew that you felt the same way. I love you so much Draco, the only two things I want in this world is you and I want us. I feel so stupid, I should have just been honest with you from the beginning. I'll understand if you don't want me anymore. But I love you with all my heart.

He folded the piece of parchment and he put it in an envelope. He made his way to the great hall for breakfast, usually Draco would sit with Harry, Hermione and Ron but instead he sat at the Slytherin table. He looked terrible, his face was as pale as ever his eyes were red from crying and his hair was a mess. Harry felt horrible when he saw Draco. " Blimey Harry, you look terrible!" Ron said " Thank you for reminding me." Harry started to eat his breakfast. " Harry, where's Draco? Why isn't he sitting with us?" Hermione asked. "Well things between him and I got kind of complicated last night...." Hermione had a sad expression on her face. " we should get going to potions." Harry said trying to change the subject.

The trio made their way to potions class with Snape. Harry and Draco were assigned potion partners so things where kind of awkward. " Hey Draco..."
" Oh be quiet Potter this is class not conversation time." Harry felt as though he got punched in the gut, Draco hasn't called him potter since first year. " Okay then." Harry said "just get the ingredients! Don't just stand there." Draco said angrily. Harry let Draco make the potion because he did not want to ruin it or make things worse between them if that was even possible. When the class ended Harry carefully slipped the note into Draco's bag.

It wasn't until lunch when Draco saw the letter. " what's this?" He said to himself. He slowly opened the letter. He read the letter again and again in disbelief. He started to cry but they were tears of joy. He ran over to the gryffindor table. Harry stood up and broke into a huge grin. " I want to be yours.." Draco said, he pulled Harry into a emotional kiss their lips moved together in harmony. " and I want you to be mine." Harry exclaimed pulling Draco into another toe curling kiss. They totally forgot that they were in the great hall there were people clapping and whistling. Fred passed a galleon to George. Harry and Draco blushed, the walked back to the R.O.R hand in hand. " what are we?"
" forever in love."

I'm sorry it took so long to update I had school work to do. I also have really bad writers block.

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