What is an Ed sheeran?

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Scorpius' POV
I was over at my best friend Albus' house for a while during the summer holidays I decided to stay with Albus because then I wouldn't feel as lonely, I know my dad is pretty upset about mom so I wanted to give him some space to think about everything. Occasionally he will come over for a bit so that he can see me but not that often.

It was almost my last day at Albus' house, the truth is I really like him and I know it's kind of weird that I have feelings for my best friend. but I can't control it , I was already openly Gay and it didn't really help things at Hogwarts. Albus was always there to stick up for me when I needed the help.

I was just getting out of the bathroom when I heard some noise. I think it was music. I walked into Albus' room, and the music was coming from a touchscreen apparatus that he calls an iPhone. Being that I'm pureblood I don't really get all the muggle stuff. But my dad is less strict about muggle things then my grandfather was, ( apparently he hated muggles I don't understand why). Being that Albus' dad was a little more framilar with muggle things , Albus had quite a few muggle objects.

Anyways there was music playing on his phone thing
" Albus what are you listening too?" I sat beside him on his bed
" Ed Sheeran"
"What's an Ed Sheeran?"
Albus started to laugh, he was so cute when he was laughing or happy or sad or angry he is just always cute.
" Not what is an Ed Sheeran, who is Ed Sheeran." He said 
" Okay fine who is Ed Sheeran?" I said wondering why he just didn't answer my question in the first place.
" Only the best singer to ever exist!" He said enthusiastically enjoying my puzzled look
" so there are other singers?" I asked sounding more stupid by the second
" of course.... Whatever just listen to this one it's called Friends" he started to play the song it was pretty good.

We're not, no we're not friends, nor have we ever been.
We just try to keep those secrets in a lie,
And if they find out, will it all go wrong?
And Heaven knows, no one wants it to.

I was staring at Albus but he was on his phone.

So I could take the back road
But your eyes will lead me straight back home.
And if you know me like I know you
You should love me, you should know.

Friends just sleep in another bed,
And friends don't treat me like you do.
Well I know that there's a limit to everything,
But my friends won't love me like you.
No, my friends won't love me like you.

Albus looked up at me an smiled and I was trying so hard to to blush but it happened.
"Scorpius are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay. This Ed Sheeran is very talented."
" you sound like my mom when she compliments music are you sure everything's okay?"
" I'm totally fine." I lied but what else was I supposed to say " No I'm not ok I have a huge crush on you! My best friend that obviously doesn't like me back and it kills me every time I think about us or what we could be." I stopped thinking and continued listening to the music.
We're not friends, we could be anything.
If we try to keep those secrets safe.
No one will find out if it all went wrong.
They'll never know what we've been through.

So I could take the back road,
But your eyes'll lead me straight back home.
And if you know me like I know you,
You should love me, you should know.

Friends just sleep in another bed,
And friends don't treat me like you do.
Well I know that there's a limit to everything,But my friends won't love me like you.

No, my friends won't love me like you.
But then again, if we're not friends,
Someone else might love you too.
And then again, if we're not friends,
There'd be nothing I could do, and that's why Friends should sleep in other bedsAnd friends shouldn't kiss me like you do.

" is the song done yet?"
"Almost, do you not like it?" Of course I HATE IT, well I don't. But the song is kind of describing my situation minus anything romantic, I thought to myself. 

" it's fine Albus it's fine, you know me I'm always fine" Albus noticed that I was very far from fine and pulled me into a hug I hugged back.
" I know you're not fine Scorp, tell me what's wrong you know I'm always there for you"
I pulled away from the hug
I breathed in and out
Ok I got this just got to confess my feelings for my best friend, how could it possibly go wrong?
" listen Albus, I'm just going to say this and you might, well probably will hate me after this but I've had a crush on you for the longest time I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship but I'm like you so,so much. I love the way that you're always there for me I love how you pushed through all the problems that we had, I love how even when you're dad said that couldn't be friends you still stayed my friend. I love your eyes and your hair I love your jokes I love your unwillingness to study with me but you do it for me, I love all the little things about you like how you are nice to anyone and how you don't judge a book by its cover, you are the most perfect and amazing and the sweetest  person I know. And so much more little things the list could go on for years  and  I know you don't feel the same. but love sums up the emotion that I'm feeling right now and If you don't want to be my friend anymore Ill understand if you hate me, but that song pulled the last straw and I had to get this out.  I love you."

I got up and left in tears and locked myself in the bathroom I was sitting on the floor with my head in my knees.
" Alohamora" he said softly
" aww Scorp come on, I could never hate you" Albus sat beside he on the floor  he pulled me into a hug and started rubbing soft circles on my back to comfort me I was crying into his chest.
I looked up into his beautiful green eyes and he wiped a tear from the side of my face
" If I can get my boyfriend to confess their love for me over and Ed Sheeran song I should listen to him more often."  Albus said calmly
" B-boyfriend"
" if it's okay with you Scorp."
"Of course it is" my heart was pounding in disbelief
I closed the gap between us and put my lips against his it felt like we were always meant to be, Albus was kissing back softly but passionately.
"I love you so much Albus."
" I love you more Scorp."
" not possible." I pulled him into another soft kiss and we decided to spend the rest of the day cuddling. It was a dream come true.

And I know that there's a limit to everything.
But my friends won't love me like you.
No, my friends won't love me like you do.
Oh, my friends will never love me like you.

I should be sleeping right now but I'll try and post tomorrow.
Lots of love! :)

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