One more night

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I like this song ^

( 1 year after Hogwarts)
Scorpius couldn't fall asleep, in fact he hasn't had a proper sleep since he broke up with his boyfriend, Albus. It's been almost 2 weeks since the unfortunate event. Scorpius just can't take it anymore.

It was 12:30am and he was sick of the continuous tossing and turning, he just couldn't find a comfortable position. Once found, he realized he still hasn't changed the pillowcase  Albus used, the faint smell brought back so many memories they shared. He just wanted to cuddle up with Albus so he could sleep but all that was gone, he knew Albus didn't want to see him let alone cuddle with him because obviously he doesn't still feel the same.
But Scorpius needed him, his smell, his touch, his embrace...he just needed everything.

He got up from his bed, walked down the lonely corridor still filled with photos of the two, put on his shoes and walked outside still in his pyjamas.

This lack of sleep was driving him crazy, his emotions were everywhere and he just needs someone to hold him while he cries, but he's all alone, walking down the street in the middle of the night hoping for a miracle, hoping to catch sleep.

He kept on walking until he made his way to a very familiar place, it was Albus's house. He knew that Albus probably never wanted to see Scorpius again but it was worth a try. He half heartedly knocked on the door, his nerves on edge. He had no clue what to expect.

After a minute Scorpius decided that he should leave, until he heard the sound of a door opening.

"S-Scorpius?" Albus said, confused.

Scorpius looked at Albus, he was a mess. His hair untidy, his eyes red and Glassy, bags under his eyes showing many sleepless nights and Scorpius couldn't help but tear up, he missed Albus so much.

"Why are you here?" Albus asked trying not to break in front of Scorpius, trying to stay strong as his lip trembled and his eyes filling with tears.

" I can't sleep and I need someone to hold me and tell me that things will be okay, because I know they won't be okay and I feel like I'm fucking breaking. So can I just have one more night with you, please?"

Albus didn't know what to say, so instead he pulled Scorpius into a heart warming, yet heart breaking hug.

Albus lightly pulled away so he could look Scorpius in the eyes. "Scorp-" he started but Scorpius cut him off. "Shhh I know you're going to throw me out so can I please just have this moment." Scorpius pulled Albus closer so that they where hugging again.

Albus pulled away for the last time.
" Scorpius I'm not going to throw you out, I was going to ask you to come in."

The two walked into Albus's flat. Scorpius just stood in the hallway, he was overwhelmed by all the memories and thoughts that where passing through him. They had their first Christmas alone in this flat, they shared their first "I love you" and their last. But they also had their first "I hate you!"  Which Albus yelled after a long time fighting, that lead to a messy breakup and a guilty Albus. He didn't mean to say it, he really didn't, he didn't even know why he did. He loved Scorpius more than anything and hate wouldn't come to mind when he thought of the boy. He didn't know why he did but all he knows now is that he broke Scorpius, he is not the same and it's all Albus's fault.

Scorpius was shaken out of his thoughts as he felt Albus lightly take his hand.

"Come on." Albus said softly looking Scorpius in those once bright eyes, now filled with anger and pain with bags under them to prove sleep deprivation.

Albus brought Scorpius to the bedroom, he let go of his hand once they reached the bedroom. Albus walked over to the bed and laid down.

"You coming?" Albus asked, noticing that Scorpius stood still at the door frame.

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