Hold my hand

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6th year

Scorpius was sick of keeping his relationship with Albus a secret. He loved Albus more than anything, honestly he just wanted to hold his hand and kiss him in public without worry.

"Al..." Scorpius started, sitting on Albus's bed.

Albus looked up and hummed in acknowledgement.

Scorpius took a deep breath, he knew this was not a subject Albus liked to be confronted with. " I just, it's just... I think that we should... That we should Umm come out to your family."
Scorpius stammered.

Albus gave him an unreadable look, he sighed.

"Scorp, I love you,I really do... But I don't know how they will react."
Albus stated before wrapping his arms around Scorpius pulling him into a hug before sighing once more.

"Am I still coming over for Christmas?" Scorpius mumbled in Albus's embrace, changing to a more approachable subject.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to spend it without you." He replied kissing the top of Scorpius's head.

"I love you Albus."

"And I love you."


Scorpius and Albus made their way onto the Hogwarts express for the Christmas holidays, sitting in their usual cabin.

As they found it quite chilly, Albus sat up leaning against the wall, with his legs spread so that Scorpius could sit between them. He looked up at Albus with a glint of joy shimmering in his eyes.

" When we get to yours, can we cuddle and watch the moving picture box together?"

Albus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. " the...what?"

"The moving picture box?" Scorpius repeated.

"Oh," he started to chuckle. " you mean the television. Yes of course we can watch a film when we get home." He pecked Scorpius on the lips.

Scorpius like most pureblood's had the most peculiar names for muggle objects. Albus found it adorable when Scorpius addressed muggle objects with the wrong word. It was another reason why Albus loved Scorpius.

While Scorpius started to speak again, Albus wrapped his arms around the blonde. " I find it quite fascinating how muggles manufactured such a thing, without the use of magic. Did you know the television was first successfully demonstrated in San Fransisco on September 7th, 1927..." Scorpius continued to tell Albus everything he learned in muggle studies. Albus didn't mind at all, he found it cute how his boyfriend was fascinated by things that were normal and mostly irrelevant to him.

Scorpius rambled on for another twenty minutes before finally making a conclusion.

"...And that's the history of the television, or as I like to call it,the moving picture box."

Albus sighed "Scorpius you're too cute, I wish I was as smart as you."

"Smart?" Scorpius snickered. " hardly I just have a good memory."

"Whatever you say." Albus rolled his eyes as he continued to play in the blonde locks, Scorpius soon fell asleep and Albus just enjoyed being in his presence.

"Scorp, babe, wake up." Albus whispered as he lightly shook Scorpius.

Scorpius yawned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Hey," he said groggily.
" was I really asleep for that long, you must have been so bored."

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