One (part 2)

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Scorpius was stopping by the dorms before he would make his way to lunch he hurried into the bathroom as he heard a loud thump. He screamed as he saw Albus pale on the ground by his own blood. He dropped beside him and pulled him into his chest.

"Albus... Please wake up, come on please f-for me... I need you don't d-die." He cried as he tried to wake up Albus.

He castes a lightening charm onto the brunette before he carried him out of the dungeons.

"Somebody help." He screamed, running through the corridors with Albus's limp body in his arms.

" he can't d-die I need him." He whimpered to himself. He sprinted to the hospital wing in dire need of Madame Pomfrey.

Madame Pomfrey was in great shock when she saw Scorpius covered in Albus's blood while he held Albus ever so tightly in his arms.

" help please... I-I don't know w-what I just.... Please I l-love him too much." Scorpius stammered.

" put him on the bed now!" She ordered, Scorpius did as she said.

He then was rushed out, so he waited for hours to find out if Albus would live. He couldn't help but listen to the overwhelmingly loud thoughts he was having while he stared at the hospital door.

Scorpius couldn't help but think it was all his fault. He had been so stupid he didn't even know why he called Albus disgusting it just rolled off his tongue and slipped past his lips. He really did care for the boy he just couldn't help but feel as though it was wrong to feel this way towards Albus or any other boy in that matter.

A couple more hours passed by before Madame Pomfrey came to announce the news. Scorpius bolted out of his seat.

" is he okay, is he a-alive please tell me he's alive... I need him to be alive." Scorpius said on the verge of tears.

" sit down please dear." She replied softly placing a hand on the blondes shoulder, leading him to the chairs He had previously been waiting on for five hours.

" he's not... Please tell me he's not dead..." Scorpius sobbed.

Madame Pomfrey told Scorpius to take a deep breath.

" He lost a lot of blood and he was extremely malnourished but you found him just in time for me to find a pulse it was weak mind you but it was still there."

" wait you mean he's alive?" Scorpius asked now crying tears of joy.

" yes he is, you can see him. He woke up about an hour ago, I wanted to monitor him before he had any visitors." She got up and brought Scorpius into the room. Scorpius climbed onto the hospital bed engulfing Albus in a hug. Scorpius cried louder into Albus's chest. it broke his heart seeing Albus in bandages.

Albus started to cry softly. Scorpius clutched tighter onto the boy pulling him close wrapping his arms around him to make sure Albus was in fact alive.

" you were supposed to let me die, Scorpius I n-need to go." Albus croaked .

It hurt Scorpius so much to hear Albus say that, he couldn't imagine a world without Albus.

" No Albus, you're not supposed to die, I need you to stay for me okay. Because I love you. I should've said it when I realized I did. I shouldn't have even called you disgusting I didn't even mean it... Oh god and it lead to this. I'm sorry it's all my fault I'm so, so stupid. I love you, I love you, I love you so much. So please don't you ever try to leave me again because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you left, I need you." Scorpius sat up.

Albus didn't know how to react.

" but you d-don't love me I-I'm disgusting re-remember. You're only saying this because you almost lost me. Go love someone else, it's better for you." Albus confessed quietly.

Scorpius grabbed onto Albus's fragile hand. Scorpius eyebrows furrowed softly.

" yeah maybe I realized I couldn't live without you, but I still loved you, I love every part of you"

He then kissed Albus's hand, All the way up the bandages on Albus's pale forearm. He made his way up to Albus's face and kissed him on the nose and on his forehead.

" I love you." Scorpius whispered over Albus's lips.

Albus leaned in first meeting his cold lips to Scorpius's warm ones. He wrapped his arms around the blondes torso pulling him closer than before, he didn't want to let go because he could've lost this, he could've been gone but Scorpius saved him and he was glad. Despite the chill in the air and lack of body heat that Albus was producing he felt warm and safe while his arms were wrapped around Scorpius and while Scorpius's arms were tightly wrapped around him. He loved the sensation of his lips pressed against the boy he loved. He loved the Sparks that passed through his body as they kissed but most of all he loved Scorpius.

Scorpius was first to pull away, he rested his head in the crook of Albus's neck, while Albus kept his arms around Scorpius.

" please don't ever try to leave me again." Scorpius whispered into Albus's chest.

" I won't because I love you."

Okay so this isn't medically accurate at all but I didn't feel like doing any research soooooo enjoy?

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