First kiss

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It was unexpected, Albus definitely thought that after he admitted his love for the blonde boy, he would react in a completely different manner. He did not.

Instead a leap of courage made Scorpius take a step forwards, Albus was certainly shocked when his best friend pressed his lips against his, so in shock that he just stood there immobile with his eyes wide open.

Scorpius pulled away when he realized that Albus wasn't kissing back. He was sure that kissing Albus was the right thing to do, he just wasn't sure why Albus did not kiss back.
" did I do something wrong?" Scorpius asked, confused.
Albus stood there still in utter shock, he wanted to slap himself for how stupid he was being, he was regretting not kissing back.

After another few moments of silence Scorpius finally spoke up. " Albus I-I love you too." He knew it was the right thing to say even if they just experienced their first kiss.

After Albus heard those words it was as if he was shocked out of a trance, he took a brave step forward and pressed his lips against Scorpius's before he Could say anything.
Even though Scorpius was taken aback by the sudden movement he relaxed into the kiss, savouring every moment like it was his last.

It was like a dream, everything else seemed to be blurred out. It was just them, them alone. Scorpius didn't keep his hands idle, he slid his hands down so that he was holding Albus's waist, Albus's replied with intertwining his fingers in those platinum locks he had been dying to run his fingers through.

The kiss was sweet it tasted of butter beer and chocolate frogs that they shared a couple hours prior, as the kiss came to an end Albus rested his head on Scorpius's shoulder. Scorpius wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and sighed.

They just stood there for awhile before Albus decided to speak.
Scorpius placed a kiss on Albus's temple,
"What?" Scorpius chuckled.

"I just really love you." Albus replied.

"Well you're in luck because..." He stopped for a second

"I" he pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Love" the corner of my lips


The other corner.

"Too." and finally on the lips.

And Scorpius was glad that he made that decision because it was the best one he's made in a while

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