I don't even know your name

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Scorpius's POV

As I tried to stay awake during Potions, I felt eyes upon my back. I got back to work, thinking it could only be my imagination fooling me. At the end of class, I saw what I imagined was the best looking guy in the world. Albus Potter
Albus's POV
I kept having to stop my self from staring at the boy ahead of me in Potions, his blond hair swaying every time he answered one of the Professor's questions. His skin was so pale it looked like it was cut from the finest ivory in the world over. I wanted him to notice me but I was scared to talk to him, so I just kept sneaking glances at him. He was driving me crazy, and I wanted him to feel the same, though I had never felt that way for anyone else but him, a random stranger in class who was probably never going to notice me. Well, I was definitely wrong.

Once I had gone back to my house, I noticed him in Slytherin robes looking like a literal God. I was so stupid, I didn't even notice that he was a Slytherin. When I   asked Louisa, a fellow Slytherin, who was as pale as a piece of cheese and had hair the colour of jet fuel, who he was and she told me; his name was Scorpius Malfoy.
My father had told me about the Malfoy name, that Draco Malfoy was a hero, and that I might as well owe him my life. He also said that Draco had been horrible to him in school. That would mean that Scorpius was my age! I had to tell him how I felt, or at least tell him that someone felt that way. So I wrote him a note, confessing my love for him anonymously, which pained me.

Dear Scorpius,
I only found out your name was Scorpius like two minutes ago but I just wanted to let you know that you make me smile honestly, I don't really know you but I'd like too.
-fellow Slytherin.

When I had the chance I slipped the note under his pillow, his bed happened to be directly across from Mine... I couldn't help but wonder why this is the only time he really noticed him.

Scorpius's POV (all the POV switches I might as well just write it in third person but whatever.)

I woke up the next morning with a slightly crumpled piece of paper in my hand that was under my pillow. I read the note in my head a couple of times, pondering who could've written it. The hand writing was a little too messy to be a girls hand writing and the person must be a boy because they were able to put the note under my pillow.

After I ate my breakfast I made my way to charms class. We were currently learning summoning charms. Today we had to practice with a partner. I was hoping that the professor would choose who we were paired up with because I was always everyone's last choice. That wasn't the case but Albus Potter was walking my way.
" hello Albus."
" Hey Scorpius, you know my name?"
" I could ask you the same question."
He smiled, which made me smile.
" I was um wondering if you wanted to be my partner." He asked nervously.
" Really?" I exclaimed surprised.
" yes...why the surprised tone?" He added a bit puzzled.
" I'm just usually the last choice... I don't really have any friends."
Albus gave me a sad look.
" Well.... I-I could um be your friend."
He said looking at his hands as if they were the most interesting thing.
" I'd love that." I smiled, he blushed...
We didn't end up practicing the charm much, Albus and I were talking the whole class.

We spent the whole day together. It almost took my mind off that note but not quite. I woke up the next morning.... Déjà vu, I felt a crumpled note in my hand.
Dear Scorpius,
I'm really glad I met you, because honestly it's changed my point of view on everything.
-fellow Slytherin.

As I made my way to the great hall I caught sight of Albus, I then walked up to Albus with the crumpled note. " Hey Albus."
" hey Scorpius, what's up?"
" I found this note... And it's my second one I got another one yesterday. It's from a Slytherin, I hope he's cute." Albus blushed bright red.
" well isn't that peculiar... I um have to go to the bathroom." He said quickly without looking me in the eye. That was odd, I couldn't possibly be him making these notes. It just might be a coincidence that the day I got the first note Albus decided to be my friend, right?

He returned from the bathroom and sat beside me. " hey Albus."
" Hi..." He said
" you know what's weird," he added
" what's weird?"
" how I never noticed you before, I mean for the four years I've gone here I haven't met you until now."
" no one really noticed me, I guess no one wanted to be my friend... Mostly because of my dad." I replied a bit sadly.
" Well I'm your friend and I wish I met you in first year... Who cares about what your dad did. I mean you're a great person Scorpius and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend." He smiled, I smiled back.

We did the same routine today, tonight I decided to help Albus with his homework. His handwriting was so familiar I just couldn't picture from where. I grabbed the crumpled paper from my pocket and compared it with Albus's. " Um Albus, this is your handwriting." I showed the note to him. A crimson blush crept upon his face as he smiled. " I- I um..." 
" don't worry I was hoping it was you."
" what? You were?"
" Albus, for Merlin's sake, I dropped enough hints to fill the Temps, and it's only been two days!"

While Scorpius was jabbering away, Albus was admiring the features had come to love, and he wanted to pull him close and show him how much he wanted him.While Albus noted it had only been two days, he realized how much Scorpius had changed him, both emotionally and physically. Albus wasn't as shy, not as awkward around people as he previously was. At this moment, Albus had decided on the perfect way to convey his emotions; with a kiss.
At first, Scorpius was a little shocked but slowly melted into the kiss. Albus tasted like Butterbeer and Chocolate, and like perfection. To Albus, Scorpius tasted like breath mints and his favorite treacle tarts. It seemed like forever, and they finally broke contact, but only for a short while, and that night the only excitement in Slytherin house, was the heated make out session between the two.

we're almost at 1k reads thanks soooooo much I just realized that it changes from a certain POV to third person at random parts of the story....... I am sooooo unfocused honestly though.

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