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Harry: justHarry
Hermione: mione1979
Ron: Kingweasley
Ginny: Its_ginehhh
Draco: Malfoyy (so creative 🙄)
Fred: ImnotGeorge
George: ImnotFred
Luna: la-lune
Neville: Nev;-;
Seamus: Dabomb
Dean: urfavthomas

UsernamesHarry: justHarryHermione: mione1979Ron: KingweasleyGinny: Its_ginehhhDraco: Malfoyy (so creative 🙄)Fred: ImnotGeorgeGeorge: ImnotFredLuna: la-lune Neville: Nev;-; Seamus: Dabomb Dean: urfavthomas ------------------

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(Photo creds to me yay)
234 likes|  4 comments
Mione1979: "If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk I my garden forever." -Alfred Lord Tennyson

La-lune: what book are you reading?

Mione1979: Little Women, it's a muggle book.

La-lune: that sounds like quite the book!

Mione1979: it is.


456 likes| 16 comments Kingweasley: My queen, my everything❤️Tagged { Mione1979}

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456 likes| 16 comments
Kingweasley: My queen, my everything❤️
Tagged { Mione1979}

Malfoyy: since when did you become a hopeless romantic, Weasley?

KingWeasley: I have my moments Malfoy

Malfoyy: granger is a lucky girl 🙄

KingWeasley: I think you're just jealous

Malfoyy: why in the wizarding world would I be jealous?

KingWeasley: cuz you have nobody

Malfoyy: potter doesn't either

KingWeasley: then you're perfect for each other

Malfoyy: that is absolutely  insane!

KingWeasley: okayyyy

Mione1979: thanks for the picture ❤️

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