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This song is good.

"Harry please I'm begging you don't do this!" Draco sobbed.

"I still love you, please don't leave me." Draco was completely shattered on the inside, he had just found out that the reason Harry wanted to hang out with him was to breakup. He hadn't seen it coming at all, he thought the relationship was going well but I guess he missed all the signs.

" why are you doing this?" Draco's voice broke in the middle of the sentence.

" Draco just leave!" Harry shouted, he knew he shouldn't have but he did, his life was a mess after the war, he was still fighting his own battle with depression and he didn't want to drag Draco along. Yes Draco was there for him even though He had no clue what was going on, but Harry thought he would be better off alone. He didn't want to burden someone with his mental illness.

He loved Draco, but there was this little voice in his head constantly telling him that Draco was going to leave him anyways or that he didn't deserve Draco. He wanted to be alone and he sure as hell did not need someone by his side continually asking if he was okay, he needed to get rid of Draco because if less people loved him it would be easier to leave this god awful earth.

" Draco, get out." Harry said sternly

" Harry, give me one good reason why I should leave." Draco tried to say without letting anymore tears roll down his already tear stained face.

Harry breathed in he wasn't sure if this was the right thing to say but he let it slip past his lips, what did he have to lose?
"B-because I don't love you anymore." Harry couldn't believe he said that he knew it was a lie but that didn't stop him from saying it. He looked at Draco Saddened by his reaction, it hurt him so much by doing this but it had to be done.

Draco's lips trembled he promised himself he would stop crying but that was a promise that was bound to be broken. Harry had to be lying, how could this happen to Him? Was he just a game to Harry, a game to be tossed away as soon as the player got bored?

"Harry, I don't understand...why are you doing this to me?" Draco questioned through tears.

Harry ignored Draco's question.
"I'm sorry Draco but you have to leave now."

Draco knew at this point he lost the fight so he left and slammed the door behind him.

Harry just walked back to his bedroom, laid on his bed and stared at the blank ceiling, as unstoppable thoughts flowed through his mind, he wanted to cry but he felt numb and he hated it. You would think being numb is better then having to feel everything, it's not though, it's like you're drowning, you're so desperately trying to fill your lungs with oxygen to help you fight the battle and breathe, Instead water pulls you down and stops your fighting until you're empty, absolutely empty.

" What did I just do?" Harry whispered to himself.

(3 weeks later)

Draco was getting ready for bed, the breakup had effected him a lot more then he wanted to admit. His sleeping patterns were off, he couldn't enjoy a day out and everything he did reminded him of Harry.

He still loved Harry but he also hated Harry for everything he said. He just wished they would talk more about what happened.

He was laying in bed as he heard his cellphone go off. He grabbed it quickly and checked the contact, it was Harry. Draco was nervous, what did he want to talk about? A load of thought were running throughout his mind but he tried to push them back as he answered the phone.

"Hello." Draco said calmly

"Hello, is this Draco Malfoy?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"Yes and who is this may I ask?" Draco asked confused, did Harry already move on that quickly? Draco hoped that wasn't the case.

" it's Doctor Ridal, Mr. Potter is in the hospital for suicide attempt and you were listed as the emergency contact. He is awake and we suggest you come see him, he needs as much support as he can get."

"O-okay" Draco managed to breathe out before hanging up the phone.

He was shocked he knew the war had effected Harry but he didn't think it was that bad, was that the reason of the breakup? Draco thought. He now felt guilty he should have refused to leave, he should've been there for Harry, he loves Harry.

Draco quickly put on his shoes and apparated to the general hospital. He ran in and went straight to the reception.

"Hello I'm here for Harry Potter." Draco said impatiently.

" Your name please?" The nurse asked.

"Draco Malfoy."

"Okay, he is in room 118." The nurse said

"Thank you very much." Draco said before walking quickly to the room as if something worse was going to happen if he wasn't there in the next few seconds.

As soon as he saw the room he walked in and went to Harry's side.

"Draco...what are you doing here?" Harry croaked

Draco grabbed his hand. " I'm here for you Harry." He placed a kiss on Harry's temple

" I got the call from the doctors and I came as soon as I could. I love you and I need you to know that you are not alone, I'm going to be there for you through thick and thin so please don't try and leave me again because I don't know what I'd do without you." Draco was starting to get emotional and so was Harry, Draco climbed into the bed beside Harry and pulled him into a warm hug.

"I'm sorry." Harry said softly.

" Don't be." Draco gave Harry a sort of sad smile, like the ones before you start bawling your eyes out.

Harry let some tears slip, it hurt Draco so much to see Harry so broken beyond repair, Draco brought both of his hands up to Either side of Harry's face and used the pads of his thumbs to wipe the falling tears.

Draco sighed and pressed his forehead against Harry's, his lips mere millimetres away from the other boy's, he could feel Harry's shallow breaths against his lips.

Draco combed his fingers through Harry's unruly brown locks playing with it softly to calm Harry down.

"I love you so much." Draco let out in barley a whisper before he pressed his lips against Harry's, giving him a soft kiss.

It only lasted about six seconds but it felt like an eternity for Draco, he missed Harry and his lips, his smile, his laugh just his everything.

Harry's eyes fluttered open as did Draco's. They stared at each other for a moment before Draco pushed the hair out of Harry's face. "You are not alone in this Harry, I'm going to help you fight this...please let me help you."

Draco wasn't really expecting a answer, mostly because Harry has only said a couple words since Draco arrived but Harry did answer.

"Yes you can...I love you too and I thought that I didn't deserve you and that it would've just been better if I was by myself."

"Well I'm staying with you weather you like it or not." Draco gave a small smile to reassure Harry that he was in fact  not alone and that he would always be there to pick him up when he fell.

"So please hold on for me." Draco said

"I will." Harry replied

"You promise?" Draco asked

"I promise."

Yeah boiii two updates in one day, If you guys ever wonder why there are a lot of grammar mistakes in my stories it's because I don't re-read them or edit them cuz I'm lazy, very lazy and I'm really good at procrastinating...yeah.

Ily all!!!!

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