Chapter 4 - alpha made a show

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Madison POV:

"Remembered students parents night, everyone below a C- average is required to be here but above must attend also", said my math teacher. The bell rang and now school is over, I tried calling Ali's phone, but she isn't answering. Mom and Dad are going to find out she ditch school, and I will be in big trouble if they find out if I knew she ditch.

"Ali pick up! Where are you? Mom and Dad are going to killing you, call me back now please", I said leaving another voice mail. "Hey have you heard from Alison?" I heard Stilies asked behind me, I face him then said "no, she isn't answering and am gonna be dead meat if my parents find out I knew she ditch". "Scott isn't answering either, I need to tell him something", he said. I have my first date tonight and here I am trying not to get grounded because of Ali.

I told Stilies bye then drove home, when I got inside I went into the kitchen for a snack. "Where is Alison, Madison?" Mom ask, am so happy my family can tell us apart, sometimes. "I don't know, she drop me off at school and gave me her car keys", I told her. That's the truth, I have no idea where she is, I just know she ditch. "Where is Auntie Kate?" I asked curiously, "don't know, probably doing research to find the alpha", she said. I help her prepare dinner then I went upstairs and change my clothes for my date tonight.

 I help her prepare dinner then I went upstairs and change my clothes for my date tonight

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Clothes for the date-∆

"Wow, you look stunning", my mom said as she entered my room. "Thanks mom, am going on my first date, with a guy I like from school", I told her. "What's his name? Did you make sure he isn't a werewolf?" She asked, I said "his name is Matt and I'll check tonight, my lip gloss is wolf bane, just like Auntie Kate teach me".

 "What's his name? Did you make sure he isn't a werewolf?" She asked, I said "his name is Matt and I'll check tonight, my lip gloss is wolf bane, just like Auntie Kate teach me"

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Wolf banes lip gloss-∆

"Did you forget about the meeting tonight?" She asked shit! Totally forgot. "And where are you going so beautiful?" My dad ask smiling as he entered my room. "Her first date is tonight, and Alison isn't here", my mom told him, "where is she?" Dad ask. "Madison doesn't know, and I have been calling her phone for hours, she isn't answering", "I'll call her", he said as he exit my room with mom right behind him.

I called Matt, "hey Matt", I said, "hey, your not canceling are you?" He asked. "No, no, I just wanted to tell you that we have to meet at school cause of the meeting", I told him. "Oh, I totally forgot about that, I'll see you then", he said, "yeah see you later", I said and hang up. I went down stairs and ate something, then my mom, my dad and I left for school. We still couldn't get Ali, but at this point I didn't care cause I am nervous about my date.

Madison POV:

"Even though she just started she has one of the highest GPA (grade point average), a 5.1 she is well behave and have the most impressive people person skills I have seen", my home room teacher told parents. They talked about Ali too even though she wasn't there, then I was told that they need to speck privately, so I went into the hall. "Hey Madison, you look more beautiful than before", Stilies said from beside me, "thanks, have you heard from Scott?" I asked.

"Still not answering", he told me, "I really don't want to get grounded on my birthday", I said. Then I saw Matt walking toward us, "hey", he said to us, I blushed. Then my parents came out of the class, Stilies left to find his dad and I introduced Matt to my parents. We went outside, as I got into Matt's car we heard a car glass breaking. That's when I saw a big black blur pass us, I took out two of my knives out of my purse.

 That's when I saw a big black blur pass us, I took out two of my knives out of my purse

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Madison's knife-∆

"Am going to see if my parents are OK", I told Matt, I walked off and notices the alpha pass me twice. I know my eyes are glowing red, I just want it dead and away from innocent lives. I found my dad shooting after it, "you missed", I said beside him, "it's going extremely fast", he said still shooting. "Still missing", I told him, I threw one of my knives at it, but he hit back sending it right to me.

I held out my hand and caught it before it hit my chest, my mom stood there shock. After a few minutes is got away, that's when we heard "dad! mom! Madison!", it's Ali. I by her, "don't mention my name", I told her and went to find Matt.
Madison POV:

"Let's dance", shout Matt over the music, currently we are in a teen club, I just finished my third shot. We went on the dance floor grinding on each other, I definitely showed him my dance skills. I even twerk, we totally had the time of our lives, then he took me home after one in the morning. We made out on my porch for half a hour, am happy he isn't a werewolf so that I won't have to kill him.

All of a sudden someone cleared their throat, we pull away from the kiss and saw my dad standing at the door with his arm cross. "Hmmm, night, see you at school", Matt said nervously then left, I went inside rolling my eyes at my dad. "How was your date?" Mom ask curiously, "it was great until dad ruin it a moment ago", I told her. "You were making out with the guy", dad said, "so he isn't a.....?" My mom asked, "thankfully no he isn't", I said. She was asking if he is a weir wolf, "where is Auntie Kate?" I asked. "Upstairs with Ali, and good job on how you caught your knife", mom said, I kiss her and dad goodnight then went up stairs and I was happy with what I saw.

 "Upstairs with Ali, and good job on how you caught your knife", mom said, I kiss her and dad goodnight then went up stairs and I was happy with what I saw

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