Chapter 34 - Derek😍😍

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Lydia POV:

"Wow!" Deanton said when he saw young Derek, "wow, as in 'wow I know what's wrong and I can fix it', cause that's the kind wow we are looking for" Stilies said. "I think your over estimating my abilities" he answer shocked, "leave him here he will be safe here" he told us. "You mean safe from Kate?" Scott asked, "if she is alive she won't be able to get pass the mountain ash" he told us.

"I'll stay, my grades are fine, you guys go home" I told Scott and Stilies. "Am not OK with that" Stilies said, "we'll see you tomorrow" Scott said. "Am still not OK with this" Stilies said, Scott grab him by his arm and pull him outside, "only cause your stronger than me" I heard Stilies says.

      **** The Next Morning ****

I woke up beside Derek, "am going to test something" Deanton said coming into the room. "He's burning up" I told him as I held on to Derek's hand. Deanton took a small knife and cut his arms it heal fast than usual. Then he woke up, "Derek? Derek it's fine, your safe" I told him back he freaked out and and ran off.

Deanton got injured so I help him out then call Stilies and Scott, then I went home and got ready for school. At lunch Kira, Malia and I video chat with Madison.

Stilies POV:

Scott and I immediately went went to my dad office, he pulled us inside. "OK, tell me the truth have you been time traveling?" He asked, "wh-what?" I asked confused. "Cause am done I'll drive myself to Echien house myself" he told us, "we found him like that" I told him.

"Where?! Swimming in the fountain of youth?!" He yelled, "no, in a temple in Mexico" I told him. Shit! "You told me you were camping!" He yelled angrily, "yeah, in, in Mexico" I stuttered. He threw his hands in the air, "just let us talk to him" Scott said. "He isn't talking to anyone, what make you thing he'll talk to you?" Dad asked him. Scott made his eyes glow.

Scott talking to Derek for a while then he told me to bring him to his house

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Scott talking to Derek for a while then he told me to bring him to his house. He is going to talk to Peter, while in the jeep my phone rang so I put it on speaker. "Hey Stilies" the voice said, "Madison! Aren't I happy to hear your voice" I said smiling. "Thanks Stilinski, I just talked to the girls why aren't you in school?" She asked. "Am busy" I said, "why couldn't I go with Scott?" Derek asked.

"Who's that?" Madison asked, "a, uh, it's Derek?" But it came out as a question. "Yeah right, why would Derek sound like a 17 year old boy?" She asked, "things happened" I told her. "Video chat now Stilinski!" She said and hang up, she call back so now where video chatting. "Your hot!" Derek said, "thanks, Derek? Wow" she said, "aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked.

 "Your hot!" Derek said, "thanks, Derek? Wow" she said, "aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked

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"Free period, and I think your hot too" she said looking at Derek with heart eyes. "Madison!" I heard a voice shout in her background, she rolled her eyes, "shut up Jackson!". "Jackson as in kanima Jackson?" I asked, "he isn't a kanima anymore, I have to go am going to practice, good luck with my aunt, paybacks a bitch" she said smirking. then hang up before I could say anything. "She's your girlfriend?" Derek asked, "no but you and her had a thing" I told him.

"A thing?" He asked confused, I gave him a 'you really don't know what thing am talking about?' Look. "Oh that kind of thing" he said as we pulled up in Scott drive way, "was it good? the sex with her, was it good?" He asked. I stood outside Scott house, I can't believe he just asked me that, "ahh, w-we can asked her" I stuttered out. I rang back Madison and she answer by the third ring, "speck Stilinski, coach watching me and no and not telling you where her hide out is" she answered.

Derek took the phone from me, "was the sex good?" He asked bluntly, "best sex ever, bye guys" she says and I could practically feel her rolling her eyes, then she hang up, we went inside. "OK so you are not going to talk to anyone" I told him, "can I talk to you?" He asked, "no" I said. "Good. Who's going to talk to him?" He asked looking behind me, Scott's dad came out of nowhere.

"Hhhey are you um getting taller?" I stuttered out, "what are you doing here Stilies?" He asked. "We're waiting on Scott" Derek told him, "OK who are you?" He asked Derek. I immediately said "Miguel, this is my cousin Miguel from Mexico". He spoke to Derek in Spanish, "oh god" I said, then Derek answered him back, shit.

 He spoke to Derek in Spanish, "oh god" I said, then Derek answered him back, shit

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"Casserole it is" Scott dad answer and walked off into the kitchen with Derek. I as we ate Derek saw Scott's dad FBI badge, "so Mr. McCall your an FBI agent" Derek said. "Yeah he is, but he is really low level, very low level" I said, "yes I am, why do you asked?" Agent McCall asked.

 "Yeah he is, but he is really low level, very low level" I said, "yes I am, why do you asked?" Agent McCall asked

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"What do you know about the Hale's?" Derek asked, oh god am dead, we went to Scott's room immediately. "You lied to me! I want to talk to Scott! I want to talk to the alpha now!" He yelled at me. "OK, I'll go call Scott" I said as I ran downstairs for my phone. I called Scott, he told me to keep an eye on Derek cause Kate might go after him.

I soon as I got back to Scott room I see Kate leave through his window with Derek. I told Scott and he told me to meet up with him and Peter.

                *** Night fall ***

Scott POV:

Peter, Malia, Kira and I arrived at school to save Derek from Kate, but Kate is a controlling bitch, she wants to learn control. So she took Derek, we fought off the berserker while Peter went to find Derek.

A few minutes later Derek came out of the his family voult that is built under the school to help us fight. As he fought he began to change back into his regular self, but his eyes are gold not blue. The next day at school Stilies and I walk to the field, "you got your grades up like coach said of course your still captain" he told me.

"Yeah but he never said that am still am the team" I told him, "that's great Liam, you'll be great for the captain position!" We heard coach said. "Maybe we should practice" Stilies said, "so did you tell Argent?" He asked. "I text him" I told him, "you text him that his dead sister is alive? Did you text Madison too?" He asked. "I didn't have enough to call France and Madison needs Normal in her life, this isn't normal" I told him.

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