Chapter 47 - I know

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Madison POV:

I drop off Brett, Mason and Liam in the woods and went to the police station. Kira called saying Lydia got hurt and Tracey Stewart is a kanima. Great another Jackson, note the sarcasm, when I got there I saw Lydia on the floor bleeding. "Oh god what happened?" I asked, Kira is putting pressure on the wound. "My mom....... Tracey has............... her....... Malia.... went after her" Lydia manage to say.

I ran to the basement to see a bleeding Tracey on the floor with Malia beside her. "I didn't do it" Malia said immediately when she saw me, but I couldn't even look at her. My eyes were on Tracey's body "I didn't do it" I heard Malia say again, I look up and saw Scott and Stilies beside me. "There was these guys in metal suit, they did it, they said 'terminate" Malia told us.

"Madison? You OK?" Scott asked, "yeah, I just got here, I didn't see anyone" I told him. "She came right after they left" Malia said, but I know Stilies and Scott doesn't believe her. Dread doctors that's what came to mind when Malia described them. Well, that would explain the resent chimera (Theo).

We went to the hospital soon after that to check on Lydia, apparently Theo saves her life. Liam told Scott about the holes in the woods, I spent the night at the hospital with Lydia's mom. The next morning I went to the house and change for school

when I got to school we, the pack meet up in the library at lunch

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when I got to school we, the pack meet up in the library at lunch.

"Their called chimeras" Scott told us, I didn't make eye contact with him. "But you knew that already" Scott said making Malia nudged me in the side. I look at Scott and notice everyone steering at me, "yeah I knew, in my defence you guys never asked" I said. "What's the thing that attack Tracey?" Malia asked, Scott and Stilies gave her a 'we don't believe you' look.

"The way you described them, my lucky guess would be they are dread doctors" I told them. Malia believed me but the others not so much, all of a sudden Theo came up to us. "What are you guys up to?" He asked flashing each of us a smile, "oh look at that, I have class" I said and got up.

"Class is important to you?" Theo asked in disbelief, "yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I asked. "Girls like you are more into make-up" he said, wow, he's judging me by the way I dress. "I have the highest GPA in Becan Hills, and I already got into three colleges who wants me to start their school now, and not finish my Senior year. So get to know someone before you judge them" I told him and walk off.

Fucking piece of shit! Girls like me!How dear he?! The bell rang but I have a free period. I only have like three classes a day, because I already pass most of them. I don't need AP biology I already did it but Lydia convinced me to. So in my free time I help out other teachers with their class. Like for now for example, am helping Kira's dad with his history class that Mason and Liam are in.

As I entered the classroom I heard wolf whistles from the boys, "calm down boys, this is Madison Argent, She'll be help me out in class today" Mr. YHumira told them. A guy raise his hand in the air and ask "help us with what exactly?", "she currently has the has GPA in Becan Hills, not just the high school, She'll tutor you if you want" he told him.

I help anyone who wanted my help and then guys who didn't want my help. They just wanted me to lean over so that they could see my breast better. But I really don't care I have big beautiful breast and I don't care if other people see them. But Liam doesn't like it, I got to slap him in the back of his head for growling in class.


                -- the bell rang--

"No! I don't want you back in my class" Liam stated, I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't roll your eyes! They were eye raping you!" He yelled cause everyone in the hall way to look at us. Mason is just stood there laughing at us, I gave Liam a 'are you serious?' Look. "Hey what happened?" Scott came up to us asking after everyone stop looking at us.

"She happened!" Liam told him, "Liam here, has a problem with my breast" I told Scott. Liam rolled his eyes and Mason kept on laughing, "I don't have a problem with them, I just don't like you sharing them with every guy in my class" he said. "I didn't share them! You don't have a problem with them right Scott?" I asked. I cross my arms and it pushed up my breast so they let even bigger and forces Scott to look at them.

"Ah....I-I-I d-dont......" he stuttered out, I smirked "see Liam no problem" I said. I have AP Maths now but I ran into Stilies, "hey, you believe me right?" he asked. "I believe I have AP Maths now, bye Stilinski" I said pushing him not so gently out of my way, "Hey!", he yelled. "Argent!" Someone yelled, "what now?!" I yelled to myself, I turned around and saw coach coming towards me.

"I didn't do it!" I said immediately, he gave me a confused look then said "it has come to my knowledge that everyone requires two extra curriculum activity". "Yeah so?" I asked with a lot of sass, "drop the attitude Argent! Your on the lacrosse team so that's one, so you need another" he said. "OK, so I'll join a club or something" I told him, "no, all clubs are full so cheerleading is your only option" he said.

As he dump the cheerleading uniform in my hands and walked away. "Je ne peux pas faire de la cheerleading, qu'est-ce que je ressemble à une fille girly!" I yelled at him. I can't do cheerleading what do I look like a girly girl. But he was already gone, "and she speaks French too smart girl" a voice said behind me.

It's Theo, "Qu'est-ce que tout le monde me retient des mois AP" I yelled at him and walked away. what is with everyone keeping me from AP Maths?, Jesus Christ. It's no surprise I got to my favorite class late.

 It's no surprise I got to my favorite class late

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