Chapter 40 - Party & music

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Scott POV:

Here I am at the bonfire trying to keep everyone safe, Stilies is with Lydia. I see Malia dancing and drinking, I haven't seen her since she found out the her real name is Hale. Madison isn't talking to Stilies either, he suggested that she might be the benefactor. Just because she's a true hunter, but she is all the way in London it couldn't be her.

"Hey" I said to Malia, she kept on dancing and drinking "hey, what are you doing?" she asked. "Am trying to keep everyone safe" I said, "OK" she said in a bored tone. "You know you can't get drunk right?" I asked, she stop dancing. "Really?" She asked, "yeah, it has something to do with our body healing" I told her.

"You should probably tell him that" she said and went back to dancing and drinking. I look over to where she pointed and saw Liam sitting with Mason drinking. Out of nowhere Malia stumbled, I caught her immediately. "Your drunk?" I asked, "yeah, I guess so" she giggled out.

"What did you drink?" I asked thinking someone might of put wolfsbane in it. "Just vodka" she said, I smell it and it has nothing in it. I walked over to Mason and Liam, Liam stumbled, "how  much has he had to drink?" I asked. "Nothing enough for him to behave like this" Mason answer.

I began to stumble, Mason caught me "how much drink did you have?" He asked. "None, not even a sip" I told him, I looked around and everything began to get blurry as the music got louder. "It's the music, we got to turn it off, Mason stay here and watch Malia and Liam" I said.

I walked away, I mean I stumbled away going up to the DJ to turn off the music. As I got closer the music became louder and the more foggy my eyes came. Someone grab me and I tried to fight but I couldn't, next thing I know am on the ground.

Am next to Liam and Malia inside of school on the ground. "What are you doing?" I asked weakly, "Haigh, said to burn you" the guy said. They poured gasoline on us ready to set us on fire, all of a sudden the music stop.

Then I saw Derek and Braden knocking out the guys that tried to kill us. "What happened to the gun?" I asked, "your cover in gasoline" he said smirking. I rolled my eyes then we left the bonfire, Malia went to the hospital. To check up on Stilies since he was almost killed in Eichen house with Lydia.

Lydia brought Jordan Parrish to Derek, because he was set on fire but he lived. We told him about the supernatural world and about the dead pool. We don't know what he is yet but these assassins don't really care.

             *** Few Days Later ***

Chris POV:

I entered my building but something feel off, then I saw movement. I took out my gun immediately, but then I saw it's Scott. I lower my gun "you should have told me you were having company" I said. "Am sorry I didn't know where else to bring them" he said, "the hunters went after them" Kira said.

"Hunters?" I asked confused, "yeah, they shot arrows after us" Kira said. "Their not hunters are they?" Scott asked, "not if their killing for profit" I told them. "So we're not safe here?" Kids asked, "no, their probably waiting until it's dark, I asked Madison to coming back but she refused" I told them.

"Yeah, Stilies might of accused her of being the benefactor" Kira said, what?! God! Stilies have a mouth that will never shut up. "All we have to do is wait it out" I told them, I talked to Satomi and her for a while. As soon as it became dark the hunters came out of the dark.

            *** One Week Later ***

Stilies POV:

Liam and I are at our lacrosse game waiting on Scott and Kira to arrive from their date. "Where are they?" Liam asked, "I text Scott, but we can play without him and really good" I told him. "Stilinski! Where's McCall? and Yumira?" Coach asked, "their both going to be late" I said.

"Late? What could they possible be doing to make them later?" He asked. "They are doing something that will make them both late" I said, he walked off with a weird look on his face. On the first half of the game the other team crushed us out there.

So I called Scott again and no answer, then Derek called me to meet him at his loft. I left with Malia, when we got there we found the place destroyed and Scott and Kira's blood all over the place. Dean called saying they might be back in Mexico where we found Derek.

Malia and I went to Scott's house for Malia to catch his scent, we got it, but ran into Liam. He wants to come with us but its a full moon and he has no control at all. If Madison was here she would be able to power him down with her halo powers. That reminds me, I need to apologize to her for thinking she's the benefactor.

We allowed Liam to tag along with us, Derek, Malia, Peter, Liam, Braden and I meet up on the road to Mexico. Lydia is at school so Liam text Mason to find her, we couldn't wait on her any longer. So we went to Mexico without her, Derek and I drove in the back of a US marshal's van with Liam.

Liam got control by saying "three things that can't be hidden, the sun, the moon, the truth". We arrived in Mexico but Derek was immediately attack by a berserker. He told us to go inside the church and save Scott and Kira, so Peter, Liam, Malia and I ran off to save Scott and Kira.

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