Chapter 51 - fast

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Stilies POV:

         *** Two weeks later ***

I drove off into the night, first Madison left, Malia drifted away trying to find her mother. We also broke up, I can't get a hold of Lydia, Hayden is dying so Liam is with her. Kira left town to get control of her powers, the pack is really falling apart.

I rang Madison's phone hoping she would answer, no has been in contact with her since she left.

M- Bonjour? 'Hello?'

S- thank god you answer, everything is falling apart, Kira's gone, Malia is distant, Hayden is dying, Lydia is-

M- I know, Malia told me, no need to explain the pack is gone, and I know what you did too, Theo left me a voicemail

S- oh, so you hate me too?

M- I've killed before, not chimeras but you get my point, I can't hate you even if I tried

Madison off the phone you have an appointment tomorrow!!

M- I have to go bye Stilinski and I have a new number its ***************  au revoir

S- bye
          *** The next day ***

Madison POV:

You know I have accepted the fact that am pregnant, but what I haven't accepted is that I look like and four months pregnant. But am like three weeks along, "am guessing supernatural pregnancies are different" grandma said. "You think?" I asked sarcastically, we are currently on our way to a doctors appointment.

"Why don't you call Ethan?" Grandpa asked, "he isn't over his brother's death, I don't want him to deal with anymore problems" I told him. I lean my head against the window thinking about my friends back in Becan Hills. "What about your dad? Why don't you call him?" Grandma asked, "no thanks, he's probably too busy to care for me" I said sadly.

I made my appointment on time, when we got there I began to worry. What if I have twin? Twins does run in the family, I mean I was a twin, and the father of my baby was a twin too. But lucky it's one, and a girl too, in the car ride back to the home I pulled out my phone. "Hey can you come to London?" I asked, "why?" The person asked. "How long does a weir wolf pregnancy last?" I asked, there was silence after that.

"I be there by tonight" the person replied, "thanks Derek" I said then hang up my phone. "He's coming?" Grandma asked, "yeah, am going to take a nap" I told them. I ran upstairs to my room, before I could fall asleep my phone rang. Its Ms. Martin


'Madison, Lydia got hurt'

'Oh god! Is she OK?

'I don't know, she isn't responsive'

'What happened?'

'I don't know, but am check her into Eichen house'

'Do what you have to do, I'll be back sooner than you know it'

'Your like my daughter, so I just wanted you to know'

'Thanks for telling me, go be with Lydia'

'OK, bye'

'Bye, mom'

I hang up my phone and took a nap, a few hours later I woke up with my grandma telling to come eat dinner. I got up and went down stairs and took a seat on one of the stools, at the counter. Grandma place a bowl of soup in front of me, "where's grandpa?" I asked.

"He's on his way back with Derek Hale", she says, shit I totally forgot about him. They arrived after I finished my soup, "wow you look..." Derek trail off. "Fat?" I asked, he shake his head, "not what I was going to sat but yeah, who's is it?" He asked. "Ethan, so how long will this last? because am three weeks along and I look four months" I asked.

"Normally two months, but you being a halo I would say by the end of this month" he says. Great one more week of being fat, "so, how did you two meet?" Granddad asked. Derek and I look at each other and started to laugh, "I don't get it" grandma said. "It's just that, I tried to kill him" I told her, "and then we slept together" Derek said.

"Ooh" my grandparents said awkwardly, "well, at least your here and not in Becan Hills dealing with Chimeras" grandma said. "Chimeras?" Derek asked, "yeah, they are 'made' supernaturals" I told him, I told him what have been happening in Becan Hills since he left.

       *** One Week Later ***

Derek POV:

OK so its been a week obviously, and Madison is as big as a house now. "Hey! I take offense to that!" Madison yelled, damn it's my point of view, can't she mind her business? Anywho, "hello?! Am in labour here! Can't you talk about your self another time?" Madison asked. Oh yeah, forgot about that, since her grandparents were doctors they are delivering the baby.

After 12 long hours, Madison delivered her beautiful baby girl, who's name is Victoria Alison Argent. She name her baby after her mom and sister, and gave her, her dad's last name.

"She's beautiful" I told Madison as she held her baby for the first time, "thanks, promise me something?" She asked

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"She's beautiful" I told Madison as she held her baby for the first time, "thanks, promise me something?" She asked. "Anything" I told her, "if anything to me, you'll protect her with your life" she says.

"With my life" I promised, "I want you to be her godfather" Madison said. Wow, "I would love too", I said, she gave Victoria to me to hold, "hey Tori it's me, your godfather, Derek" I told the baby. "Tori? I like it, baby Tori" Madison said. Madison took a well needed nap as I watch my goddaughter.

I stayed in London for a few more days, then went back home to Braden. As much as I love my goddaughter I had to go home, and I still had to find Kate.
Stilies POV:

I sat outside my father's hospital room waiting on the results of how he's doing. He got hurt by one of the chimeras and had to be rushed into surgery. As I sat there Scott came, I ignore him, its all his fault, if he never trusted Theo none of this would have happened.

"How is he?" Scott asked, "they say it has something to do with his tissues" I told him. "He's not the only one that got hurt tonight" he says, I look up at him, "you'll heal" I told him. "I wasn't talk about me, Lydia" he says, I got up and went looking for Lydia's hospital room. I found her room but I saw her mom with a guy and signing papers.

Her mom saw me, "get out!" She yelled, "I just want to know how she is" I told her. "I said get out! This is all your fault!" She yelled, "can I just see behind her neck?" I asked, "get the hell out!" She yelled. I saw the guys shirt and saw Eichen house on it, she sign her daughter over to them.

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