Chapter 19 - true alpha

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Scott POV:

Stilies POV:

We found the nemotoe and rescue our parents just in time, but we (Alison, her dad, Issac, Scott, Derek, Peter and I) had to rush to the clinic. We had to see how Madison is, but when we got there still wasn't awaken. "Why isn't she waking up?" Alison asked, "I truly don't know, I thought she would have woken up when you did", Dean told her.

"I could try to wake her up, a true alpha to a true hunter", Scott suggested. "Good idea Scott, just try not to wake up the true hunter, so roar", Dean told him, Scott let out the loudest roar ever. Madison sat up immediately on the table hearing Scott roar with her eyes glowing red. "Holly fuck! My ears?" She yelled slapping Scott across the face, everyone laugh at her silliness, but we saw that her ears bleeding.

"Next time you deicide to roar Scott, make sure its not in my ears!" She yelled at him. We all hugged her except for Derek and Peter, then I just remember her and Derek had sex with each other. "When were you going to tell us?" I asked, "tell us what?" Alison asked confused, "yeah, what are you talking about Stilies?" Madison asked.

"In the elevator, what Scott smelt....", telling her without the others knowing, other than Derek and Scott. Her eyes widen in shock then said "I have no idea what you are talking about Stilies". "You meaning you don't know about you aaaaaa" she covered my mouth immediately, "say it and I'll tear you tongue right out of your mouth", she whisper in my ear.

She smiled at me sweetly, then said "let's go home, I want to sleep", "but I want to hear what Stilies was about to say", Alison said. "What did you have to say Stilinski?" She asked with a threatening look, "nothing, nothing at all", I rushed out saying. Then her, her dad and her sister left to go home, "good choice of words Stilies", Derek said before leaving with Peter and Issac.

"Lets go home Stilies, before Madison or Derek kill you", Scott says patting me on the back.
Madison POV:

I stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror looking at my naked body as the water from my hair drain on my back. I made my eyes glowed, "why do I have to be hunter? Why can't I be a normal teenager?" I asked myself. I walk in to my bedroom and into my closet to put on my pyjamas, as soon as they were on and jump into my bed.

I heard a tap on my bedroom window, but I could already tell who it is by the smell. "If you are hear to apologized save it, I don't want it", I told the person. "You deserve more then an apology, I should have never attack you", he said, I turn to face Ethan. "And I should have never pulled you and Aiden apart taking away your alpha titles", I told him, "you were defending yourself we don't blame you", he said.

We kept steering at each other, until he said "I should go", as he walked over to my window. "No don't leave, stay with me until I fall asleep please", I begged, he smiled at me. He came under the sheet with me, I lay my head on his chest and he rakes his arm around my hip. "Sweet dreams", Ethan said and kissed me on the head, "night Ethan", I said snuggling closer to him as I got sleepy.
Derek POV:

"I already told Scott am taking Cora to south America, your going to stay with his pack", I told Issac. He left as Peter came in with a bag, "where are you going?" I asked confused seeing his bag, "am coming with you and Cora, am coming weather you like it or not", he said.

I rolled my eyes and continued to pack, "so you and another Argent?" He asked. "Leave it alone Peter", I told him, "haven't you learn your lesson from Kate?" He asked. "I guess not", I replied, "she isn't even a regular hunter, she is a fucking true hunter, she will end all supernatural, but no you are sleeping with her" he said. "I like her, she's different", Cora said entering my room, "not you too, fine, I'll drop it, you would hear my mouth again for the rest of the night", he said.

"Thank god!" Cora and I said the same time, we smiled at each other as Peter huffed walked out of my room. "How long?" She asked taking a seat on my bed, "how long what?" I asked. "This thing between you and Madison?" She asked, "it's not a thing we just had casual sex, that's it", I told her. She got up and left, so I decided to text Madison, I got her number the night we had sex.

D- am leaving for South America

M- will you be back?

D- yeah I am, just going to drop off Cora

M- ohk, she is OK now?

D- yeah, she OK now

M- hmmm, about the sex.......

D- it's fine we both were in a venerable position, it was casual sex

M- yeah, thanks for understanding, but best sex ever 😎😏

D- smh, bye

M- bye Derbear😉😉

I turn off my phone and left my room, there stood Peter and Cora waiting on me.

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