Chapter 38 - Brett/ Malia

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Liam POV:

Scott and Stilies held me under the shower in the locker room for me to calm down. "Are you calm yet?" Stilies asked, I roar "I guess not" he said. They kept me under the shower until I calm down, "I thought you said it was a teacher's car?" Scott asked.

"He was also my coach, then I got expelled, then I was sent to a doctor" I told them. "What did the diagnosed you with?" Stilies asked, "they call it incentive explosion disorder" I said. "Great! You gave super powers to IED!" Stilies said throwing his hands in the air.

"Did they give you something for it?" Scott asked, "yeah, but I can't play lacrosse on it, it makes me tired" I told them. Then we began to talk about the dead pool and the possibility of a player being the killer. The person who paid for the beers is the killer, the kill is on the lacrosse team, Garrett.
Stilies POV:

Am scared, am not even on the dead pool and am scared. As the game went on Liam, Kira and Scott tried to keep distance away from Garrett. Kira got benched for not passing the ball, so that left Scott and Liam alone. All of a sudden Liam, Garrett, and Brett (other team) collided into each other. Scott and ran to Liam to see of he was injured by Garrett and he wasn't.

So we thought he missed his target until Kira told us Lydia broke the second key. Brett is on the list, but he was taken off the field cause he got hurt. Scott went off the find him and Kira went home cause her mom is on the list. I took Brett to Deanton's and called Derek, when I got there Deanton told Derek and I to hold Brett down.

He's going to cut Brett for the wolfsbane to come out of him, we couldn't hold him down. He cut Derek's arm and shoved Deanton and I away from him and ran. But Peter came in and knocked him out cold, Deanton cut him and the wolfsbane left his body.

Then Brett began to whispered something, "the sun, the moon, the truth". "Three things that can't be hidden, the sun, the moon, the truth, its Buddhist" Derek said. Satomi.

           *** Few Days Later ***

Malia POV:

Today is the PSAT's I don't want to do it but I have to, that's what Stilies said. We arrived at school at 7 am, "where's Lydia?" I asked Scott, Kira and Stilies. "She took her PSAT's freshmen year" Stilies said. "So that means I could have taken it another time?" I asked, ready to leave.

"Your ready for this Malia, you study harder than anyone of us" Scott said. "That doesn't mean I'll do good" I said frustrated, "do well..." Stilies said. "Well what?" I asked confused, "it's not do good, it's do well". "Oh god" I said now am freaking out, we went inside the exam room and took a seat.

I wish Madison was here, then again every time someone says they wish Madison is here, she appears. I look at the front door expecting her to walk though it, and smiling saying "am here bitches". But to my unfortunate luck she didn't I wish I was with her now and I wouldn't be doing a test.

The exam began, but after a few minutes one of the students in front of me fell out of her seat. "Sydney? Are you OK?" Mrs. Martin asked, (Lydia's mom is the biology teacher). She asked her a couple questions then left the classroom. She call CDC, control disease center, Stilies and Scott went off somewhere.

"What's Scott hiding under his bed?" I asked Kira, "I never been under Scott's bed, just on it, but with clothes on, we both had clothes on" she said nervously

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"What's Scott hiding under his bed?" I asked Kira, "I never been under Scott's bed, just on it, but with clothes on, we both had clothes on" she said nervously. Lately I have been feeling like they are keeping something from me. Kira and went to find Scott and Stilies, they are in the locker room.

Scott can't stop his eyes from glowing and my claws won't go away. Something is making everyone sick including us, we need to be kept away from everyone else. We went to the Hale vault, "Malia can you open it?" Scott asked, "why me?" I asked. "I have no control and Stilies and Kira don't have claws" he said.

"OK, but you have to tell me what your hiding from me" I said, they look at each other. "Am I on the dead pool?" I asked, they said yes, "how much?" I asked. "6 million" Stilies said, "OK" I said, "OK? You OK with that?" Scott asked. "Yeah, Scott's worth 25, and Kira is worth 18, they'll take them out before me" I said. They look at each then Stilies said "it's progress", then I have opened the vault.

We went inside and closes it behind us, Stilies sat down with me and kira and Scott walked around. Everything became blurry for me, I began to feel like I have the flu. After a few hours Stilies said "Malia, am going to make sure no ones looking for us", "your leaving me?" I asked weakly.

"I'll never leave you, I'll be back for you", he kissed my head and put his jacket around me, then left. Soon after he left I went blind, "Scott, I can't see" I heard Kira say. I put my hand in Stilies jacket pockets to keep my hands warm. But I felt a paper in one of the so I took it out, "Scott, Scott it cure is inside the vault with you it's on the shelves" I heard Stilies voice say.

Soon I heard things turning over, then I felt a lot better and I wasn't blind anymore. I look at the paper in my hand, its the dead pool list. But my name, Malia Hale, not Tate, am adopted, that's what they were hiding from me.

"Malia?" Scott asked he and Kira looked at me, I got up and pulled the vault open. I saw Stilies and shoved the list and his jacket into his hand and walked away from them.

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