Chapter 53 - the beast

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Madison POV:

A few days later

"Hey" I said as I enter Stilies dad hospital room with Tori in my arms. "Hey Madison" Stilies and his dad said at the same time, Mr. Stilinski took Tori from me as I took a seat beside Stilies. "What you watching?" I asked Stilies since he's watching a video on his dad's laptop. "I need to show Scott this, watch" he said giving me the laptop. Its a surveillance video with a cop going in and out of a building bit a beast came out afterwards.

What I saw the beast I think a had a mini heart attack, "scary right?" Stilies asked. I node my head yes at him, there is no way that thing came be alive. It was kill over a thousand year ago, 'the beast of guvan?' Hell to the fucking no. I look over at Tori and Mr. Stilinski smiling at each other, she is so cute it hurts. "She looks like you, you know" Stilies said, I look at him and smiled, my baby looking like me, looks like Ali.

"So are we going to show Scott this or not?" I asked Stilies, "yeah, you coming?" He asked. I looked over at Tori, who has fallen asleep in Mr. Stilinski's arms. "Actually, I can't I have to go somewhere" I told him, a few minutes later I left the hospital and drove to the edge of Becan Hills. "Hey what's up?" Ethan asked, "you remember what happened the last you were here? and what we did?" I asked. "Yeah, what about it?" He asked, "we did 'it' and I wasn't on the pill and we didn't use protection, what do you think happened?" I asked.

"Your pregnant?" He asked, "no, was, weir wolf pregnancy last only for two months" I told him. "Oh, damn it!" He curse, I walked over to my car and took Tori from her car seat. "This is Victoria Alison Argent, your daughter, I didn't give her your last name cause you still have some enemies out there" I told him. He took her from my arms and kiss her cheek, "she looks like me and you" he said awe. We spent a few hours together and then we went our separate ways, but not before he told me he's gay now.

Anywho, the beast of guvan, I think its is, why? Grandpa told me the story. Am honesty surprise and not evil like him and aunty Kate. "A/N: am lazy asf, so going to skip

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