Chapter 42 - summer

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Madison POV:

My friends are finally here! 🙌🙌 am so excited, I wish Kira was here though. We decided to relax today, I help Malia and Lydia unpack and we gossip. "So who was that guy that tackled you to the ground?" Lydia asked. "Oh that's was Eric, he's into me but am not into him" I told her, "why not? He's hot, he has a great body" she said.

"How would you know that? They were all clothed" Malia asked, "I saw when he took off his shirt" she answered. I shake my head, "so how did you feel when you saw Jackson?" I asked Lydia. "He's gotten hotter, but I was OK, I like someone else" she said. "Shut the fuck up! Who?" I asked immediately, "Parrish" Malia cough out, and I laugh.

"Oooh, Lydia has eyes on the young Deputy, that's cute" I said as Malia and I laugh. "Shut up, you have been here almost a year and you haven't hit on one of these London boys" she said. "Their not my type" I told her, "oh, I know your type, strong muscles, sexy body, weir wolf, lived in Becan Hills" Lydia said. Malia and I laugh at how Lydia described Ethan.

Liam POV:

"Oh, I know your type, strong muscles, sexy body, weir wolf, lived in Becan Hills", I heard Lydia say. So Madison either has a crush on me or Scott. Couldn't be Stilies because, let's face it Stilies has no muscles and Mason is gay. I step into the room shirtless, "guys want to swim so we were wondering if you want to join us?" I asked.

"Yeah, we'll go change and join you in a few minutes" Lydia answered. But my eyes were on Madison as she help Malia unpack not looking my way. All of a sudden I was being pushed out of the room by Lydia, "stop steering" she said. I went back to the pool only to see people entering through the back gate, I guess Issac invited some people over.

"Guys meet the girls and boys lacrosse team, this is now officially a pool party" Issac said. Everyone cheered, "Jackson?" Scott asked in disbelief. I remember him, Scott said he was a kanima now he's a weir wolf. "McCall, Stilinski" he answer, then I saw Mason talking to a guy, "this is Liam, my beta" Scott said.

"Oh yeah, I heard about you, Madison told me about you" he said. Oh god! She talks about me, all of a sudden Jackson went flying into the pool. "Hi Jackson!" Madison waved to him as he surface, "alcohol is here!" Someone yelled. Everyone cheered then music began to play, the maids share out the drinks and the food.

"Hey Liam, aren't you enjoying your self?" Madison asked me. "I guess, do you want to go for a swim with me?" I asked. She took off the big shirt she had on then said "sure", I kept steering at her body.

"Liam! my eyes are up here" she said, "oh yeah, sorry" I said

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"Liam! my eyes are up here" she said, "oh yeah, sorry" I said. I held her hand nervously, then we jump into the pool together. "Oh god that was awesome!" Madison said resuffering, from under the water. She is so hot, she got out of the water and went over to the lacrosse guys.

One of the guys grab her by her hips and they began to dance, as they grinded on each other I growled. "Liam!" Scott yelled getting my attention, I looked at him, "your eyes" he said. I close my eyes trying to stop my eyes from glowing, all of a sudden I felt calm.

Madison POV:

As I grind on Nate I heard a growl, I look up and saw Liam's eyes glowing. "Liam!" Scott yelled at him, he look at Scott and close his eyes. "Hey Nate go dance Kelly" I told Nate and went into the pool. I stand in front of Liam and use my halo powers to calm him down, I still don't know why he growl.

"Liam? can you open your eyes now?" I asked, I held his face between my hands. He's strong for his age and I didn't know if my powers work. Since this is the first time am using my powers to calm someone and not making them more powerful. "Liam? Please open your eyes, you not opening your eyes is freaking me out I don't know if my powers worked" I said nervously.

His hands went to my hip, I looked around and notice only the pack is watching us. Everyone else is enjoying their selves with not a care in the world. "OK, don't open your eyes tell me why you growl" I said, "I can show you than tell you" he answer. At least he's talking, his heart beat is stead....... he's calm.

He open his eyes that are not glowing anymore and look me in mines. I bit my lip just realizing how close we are, my eyes looked at his lips a couple of time. "Sh-show" I stuttered out, Alison would call me a dork at this very moment.

me" I stuttered out, Alison would call me a dork at this very moment

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I love Ethan and all, but that was....... Great! I kissed back then I stop. God! He's only 16 and am 19 plus I live here in London, he doesn't. "Why did you kiss me?" I asked, "is she that blind?" I heard Lydia asked, "why did you kiss back?" Liam asked.

Soon I was pull out of the pool by Jackson, he glared at Liam, he put a towel around me. Liam kept his eyes on me, I went inside and I saw my grandparents in the kitchen. "I miss mom" I said, they faced me surprised because I never talk about mom or Alison with them. "I know you do" grandma said, "no! You don't! I wish she was here to tell me what to do about boys, I wish..... I wish......" I kept on saying.

"You wish Derek never bite your mom? You wish Alison was alive? You wish dad never abandoned you?" Granddad asked. I gave him a confused look "we knew, your mom and dad told us everything, we knew you wouldn't talk to us about it so we just act as if we didn't know" grandma said. "There is a 16 year old boy out there that likes me, and am so caught up on still being in love with Ethan that I didn't even see that, mom would have told me what to do" I cried.

"Why don't you go back to Becan Hills for Senior year?" grandad asked, "I think I'll pass on that one, why should I go back to the place where I lost my mom, my sister, my grandfather, my aunt, and even my dad? He doesn't even want me anymore" I told them. Why would I want to go back to Becan Hills? where I lost everyone and everything that I cared about.

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