Chapter 36 - Fox

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Scott POV:

I bit him. I bit Liam, that's not even the worst part. I kidnapped him and tied him up in my bathroom. So I called Stilies over to help me with this situation, I can't have another beta. Yes another, Madison is the first, but she isn't in Becan Hills anymore. Stilies came over, "so where is he?" He asked, "up stairs" I said.

We went upstairs, "you tied him?!" He yelled, "I panicked!" I told him. We took him out of the bathroom and tied him to a chair in my bedroom. "I can't handle a beta" I said to myself, I look up and saw Stilies smirking at his phone. A few seconds later I heard "Stilinski! Do you know what time of the night it is your calling me?!" Madison yelled.

"Night to you too Madison, I have some great news" he told her smiling, "what Stilinski?" She asked annoyed. "Scott got another beta" he said, there was silence, "first the dead pool! Now a beta!" She yelled. "How did you know about the dead pool?" Stilies asked, "Lydia, I'll talk to you tomorrow Stilinski, goodbye!" She said and hang up.

"The purpose of that call was?" I asked, "for her to know what's going on in Becan Hills, she can't resist the drama here, I'll call her later, let's focus on this one" he said. We tried to explain to Liam what he and I is but Stilies kept telling him he might die. We untied him and he ran off cause Stilies and I to fall onto one another thinking its him.

               *** The Next Day ***

Kira POV:

Scott, Stilies, Malia, Lydia and I meet up to talk about Scott's beta Liam. "It's a full moon tonight how are supposed to get him away from his friends?" Malia asked. "We can tell him about a party" Lydia said, "your going to ask out a Freshmen?" Stilies asked confused.

"No, am done with high school boys, why don't we let the tricksters ask him out?" She asked. They all began to steer at me, this is the time I totally wish Madison was here. "Why me?" I asked, "do you know what a female fox is called?" Lydia asked. "It's called a vixen" a voice said behind us, we all turn around. "Madison?!" Lydia asked in disbelief, "I have only been gone a couple of months and you already have drama, god Stilies is really a bad influence on all of you" she said.

 "Madison?!" Lydia asked in disbelief, "I have only been gone a couple of months and you already have drama, god Stilies is really a bad influence on all of you" she said

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"Hey!" Stilies exclaimed, "what are you doing back in Becan Hills?" Scott asked. "Stilinski is a pain in the ass when he begs", she said, "I didn't beg, I just asked for fours hours at 3 in the morning for a favor " Stilies said like it's nothing. She rolled her eyes, "what does the vixen has to do?" She asked.

"I have to asked out Scott's beta to come Lydia's lake house for the full moon" I told her. "Oh, so I came all this way for nothing?" She asked, "no, you can ask him out, I mean you were the hottest girl here" I told her. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and said "still is bae. I'll go change, come on girls" we left with her to the bathroom.

Madison POV:

I didn't miss Becan Hills, but geez Stilies got a mouth on him that wouldn't shut up. Isaac is covering for me back in London, I changed into this sexy ass outfit.

 Isaac is covering for me back in London, I changed into this sexy ass outfit

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"I missed you" Lydia said as I changed, "I missed you too, London is.......... different, everything there is normal, I like it that way" I told her.

"Does she know?" I heard Malia whisper, "know what?" I asked coming out of the bathroom. "Nothing" they all said at the same time, I rolled my eyes and gave them a 'oh really?' Look. "I could always go home and you would have ask Liam out Kira" I said with a smirk. Her eyes opened wide "your auntie Kate is alive" she rushed out saying.

"Now, was that hard to say?" I asked, so my Auntie is alive, no big deal. I saw how deep Peter's claws went I didn't know for sure but I still went to Calaveras and give them her body. I thought they were going by the code and make her kill her self. I was supposed to do the same thing but my dad said he would kill his self he if he lose anyone else. Dramatic? I know.

"Which one is Liam?" I asked as we step into the busy hall way, "the dark guy is Mason his best-friend and beside him is Liam" Malia said. "You could have told me he's hot, for a 15 year old" I said shrugging. "Just ask him out all ready" Lydia said rushing me. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked down the hall.

Everything went into slow motion, as I walked down the hall everyone moved out of my way. "Damn!" a random guy stated, I flashed him a fabulous smile and he fainted. Then I came face to face with Liam, I pushed him up against his locker as he look at me dreamy.

"And you must be Liam, am Madison" I said in a flirting way. "Hhhi am- am li-liam" he shuttered out, "I already know your name hun. I heard your the hottest freshmen here, so I want to invite you to my party, personally" I told him. He nod his head as I gave him the details and told him Kira will pick him up, then I left.

Liam POV:

She walked away from me, all I could do is steer at her ass

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She walked away from me, all I could do is steer at her ass. "Dude! do you know who that is?" Mason asked. I shake my head no, "that's Madison Argent, she doesn't even goes to this school anymore, she's hot" he said. "I thought your gay?" I asked him, "yeah, but I have eyes and so do you, use them" he said then we went to class, I also got her number.

Later that night Kira came and picked me up, "where's Madison?" I asked. "Oh she helping set up the party, that's why I picked you up" she told me. Mason text me asking where I am so I told him about the party and he is inviting everyone.

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