Chapter 16 - life

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Madison POV:

"Out late last night?" I asked, smiling at Ali as she yawn and rub her eyes, I just got out of my history class and am sure I just scored a A+ on my test. Ali glared at me cause she knows I know that she went out last night to save Scott. I have a free session now, she doesn't, "I have a maths test and I didn't study for it", she said. I do advanced maths so we aren't in the same maths class, but this is math:

M- Mental
A- Abuse
T- To
H- Human

"I have a free session now, tell me where your class is and I'll take the test for you", I told her. "I can't let you do that", she said, "take my session and sleep, it's a win win situation, I don't get annoyed by Ethan and you get a A+ on your test", I told her. She told me where her class is and went there for her, "Madison what are you doing here?" Scott ask as I took a seat in front of him.

"Ali is sleeping, so am here in place of her, now shut up and let me do this test", I told him, he held up in hands in defense. The teacher came an handed out the test, geez this is easy compared to my maths class.
Madison POV:

After school I got back my history test result, A+ as usual, and for the maths test that I did for Ali, A+ too😀😀🙌🙌🙌🙌😏 Ali huge me for it, so I asked her to tell me what happened last night cause I know she been dying to tell me. So Erica is dead, that I never saw coming, Cora, Derek sister is alive and Deucalion wants Derek in his pack.

I saw Stilies standing at his locker, so I said "I'll talk to you later, I have to apologize to Stilies", I walked off leaving Ali to speck to Stilies. When he saw me coming he smiled, "hey Stilies am sorry for what I said to you", I told him. "It's OK I get threatened a lot", he replied smiling, "so, the chemistry exam is coming up want to study together?" I asked. I know Alison will be busy with 'supernatural' so am not even gonna ask her to study with me.

"Yeah sure, we will study today after school at my house", he said, "OK, but no supernatural talk", I told him. "None at all, it will be like they never exist" he said, we part ways and went to lunch.
Stilies POV:

After I talk to Scott on the phone I heard the door bell rang, I looked my window a saw Madison's car. Damn that car is sexy, "it's open!" I yelled from my room, soon my bedroom door open. "Normally people greet their guests at the front door", she said taking a seat on my bed. Hopefully I can convince her to help us, especially since Ethan has a thing for her.

We study for a while until my dad came in, he doesn't know anything about the supernatural. "I was wondering why the place is so quiet", my dad said standing at the door. "Hi Mr. Stilinski am Madison Argent", Madison said, my dad smile and said "you should hang out with her more Stilies, she will teach you respect", dad said then left my room.

"That's the first", Madison said, I looked at her, "everyone always says to me, you should be more like Alison, I love Ali but am me", she says. We finished study so we order pizza, since we are both hungry. "What is it?" She asked, "I know there is something you been dying to say to me so what is it?"

"It's about the alphas", I said, she signed then said "am listening, speck before I change my mind". We talked but then she explained to me why she doesn't want to be involved cause she doesn't want to lose anyone else. I totally get it, she just want to be normal but she isn't, but that doesn't stop her from trying to be normal.

 I totally get it, she just want to be normal but she isn't, but that doesn't stop her from trying to be normal

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So we might have done more than study, just happened like the last time. We didn't have sex, we just made out, "we have to stop.... I got to go", she said and ran out of my house. Damn it!!!!
Madison POV:

After what happened with Stilies, I totally freaked out and ran away, all that came to mind was me betraying Matt. After I arrived home I ate dinner with Dad and then went to bed. Ali wasn't there, I have no idea where she is but it has 'supernatural' written all over it.

The next morning I walked in Ali's room seeing her packing a small bag. "What are you up to now?" I asked, "Lydia and I are going to follow the school bus on the cross country trip, Scott was hurt last night and Derek was killed", she said. Damn it! I was supposed to be the one to kill him! Just kidding, maybe.

"OK just be careful and don't do anything dangerous, and make sure Lydia is safe too", I told her worrying like am mom. She rolled her eyes at me then ask "you can come if you want?" I said "no thanks, is Stilies going?". "Yeah he is", she said, I breath a sign of relief and walked out if her room before she could ask.

OK, so no Stilies, no Boyd, no Lydia, no Ali, no Scott, no Issac and no Ethan school is boring without them. All my classes were OK, so I spent the day with Aiden and he is pretty cool, but I missed my twin I feel like my half is gone, so I called her.

M- come home please

A- why what's wrong?

M- I miss you that's what wrong

A- lol, didn't think you would have separation issues

M- ha ha very funny, how are things there?

A- Scott isn't healing

M- it's from an alpha so its gonna take a while to heal

A- how did you know it's from an alpha? I didn't tell you

M- Stilies told me when we were studying yesterday, before the epic make-out session

A- OK, I could hav-...... Make-out session???!

M- oh look at the time, talk later, love you

A- hey sto......

I hang up and put my phone on silent no need for her to be calling me. After school I went to the ice-cream shop, I felt for rum & cream ice-cream. After I order my ice-cream I went into my car to check my messages on my phone.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!" I screamed when I saw Derek bloody hand on my window

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"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!" I screamed when I saw Derek bloody hand on my window. "Fuck! Don't people in this town know how to stay dead?!" I yelled out in frustration. After he fell to the ground, I got out of my car and looked at my window, "you got blood over my baby, I'll kill you later for this", I said to the unconscious Hale.

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