Chapter 49 - Positive

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Lydia POV:

Scott, Kira and I watch Madison ran out of class, I gave Scott a 'what's wrong with her?' look but he didn't know. "Why don't we go find out what's wrong with her?" Kira asked, "if she wanted us to know she would have told us" I told her. "Is there something you two girls would like to share with the class?" The teacher asked us. She made everyone look at us, "no?" Kira said but it came out as a question.

"Good. Now pay attention" she said and went back to the board, I rolled my eyes at her. "Why was she dressed like a cheerleader?" Kira asked, "guess we'll find out later" I said. The bell rang half an hour later, with all the chimeras going on and body being taken. Madison being a cheerleader is the last of our problems.

Then we saw her at her locker with Malia, then Stilies, Liam and Mason joined us in the hall way. "Why is she dressed liked that?" Stilies asked, "let's find out" I said and we all walked over to her. "Hey guys" she said smiling, "what's up with the cheerleading uniform?" I asked. "Oh this would be coach fault, did you know you have to be in two extra curriculum activity here?" She asked.

"Yeah, we know, but why cheerleading?" I asked, "everything else is full, and coach dump the uniform in my hands yesterday" she said. "Argent! You have cheer practice after school!" We all heard coach yelled from his office. Madison rolled her eyes, "I hate cheerleading, I rather take my daggers and stab my self in my eyes" she said.

The bell rang, "come on, you have history with Mason and I" Liam said. "History?" Kira asked, "yeah, am assisting your dad with his classes, next semester will be physics" Madison told her. We all left for class, "did you pick up that scent on her?" Scott asked Malia. Malia nod "What scent?" Stilies asked, "Ethan, his scent his all over her" Scott answered. "Who's Ethan, again?" Malia asked, Kira was about to answer but I answered first. "It's Madison's ex boyfriend" I told her, then we went to class.
Liam POV:

I dragged Madison to class even though I don't want her there because of the guys in my class. It's not that I don't like her, I do but not in a boyfriend kind of way. It's a brother kind of like and the things the guys say just makes me went to kill them. As soon as we entered the class the guys wolf whistle when they saw her in her cheerleading uniform.

I took a seat beside Mason and realized that our teacher hasn't arrived yet. "Can I get everyone's attention?" Madison asked from the front of the class. "You got more than our attention" Nolan said to her. "Thanks, your teacher is absent today so I'll be teaching you, are you guys OK with that?" She asked. "You can teach us anything you want, does it have to be in in a classroom?" Eric asked.

I growled but Madison shot me a look, "no it doesn't, what are you implying, Eric?" Madison asked. She damn well knows! she just like playing games, "it could be anywhere, me and you private tutoring in my bedroom" he said. He had on a smug look on his face and his friends patted him on his shoulders on back.

Madison smiled, "sorry Eric but am not into guys with small dicks" she said smirking. "Ooooohhhhh!" Everyone said at him, Eric smug look was wiped off his face. She started class immediately after that, "she is my favorite teacher now" Mason said. "You only like her cause we're her friend" I told him, "Mason! Liam! Stop talking or it's detention!" Madison yelled at the front of the class. Guess not. 😯
            *** Two weeks later ***

Madison POV:

"So who's Hayden?" I asked as Liam and Mason tries to explain to me what's been going on in the pack. "Hayden is in my history class, she's a chimera and the dread doctors after her" Liam said. "And Scott's plan is?" I asked, "to protect her, him and Lydia has a plan and am helping" Liam said. "OK, good luck with that" I said patting them on their shoulders and walking off to the lacrosse field.

"Wait! What of we need you help?" Liam asked, "you have Mason" I told him. He rolled his eyes, "am not going to help, Scott says it dangerous" Mason says. "Stilies human, it always dangerous, Scott need to get his head out his ass" I told them. "Even more for you to help us" Liam says, "am sorry Liam I can't am going to doctor for a check up after school" I told him.

"You don't need a check, your a weir wolf" he says, "it's mandatory, it's for my college applications, this is the only time I can do it" I lied them. I made sure my heart beat is steady so Liam wouldn't know I lied. After school I went to the hospital and meet up with Scott's and Lydia's mom.

Their the only persons I trust with this, "ready?" Ms. Martin asked and hugged me. "I think for the first time ever, am scared" I told her nervously, she rubbed my back and said "it's going to be fine". Melissa guided us into one of the room and took blood samples and urine from me then left to test it.

"I wish my mom was here, but am happy I have you" I told Ms. Martin. "Even though you may not be my biological daughter, your still my daughter" she says. She hugged me, "what am I going to do?" I asked, but she never got to answer because my phone rang, its Scott.

(A/N: S- Scott and M- Madison)

M- hey Scott what's up?

S- I need your help, the dread doctors took Hayden and Liam, your a true hunter you can find them

M- just find them by scent Scott it's not hard to do

Melissa came back into the room with the results, but she showed Ms. Martin first.

S- there isn't any scent, the pack, I need you Madison, your still apart of the pack

M- I know that but am busy right now

Ms. Martin hand me the results, I almost drop it, terms welled up in my eyes. I almost forgot that I was on the phone. But now I know what I have to do.

S- what ever your doing can't be more important than Liam being missing right now, your apart of the pack

M- sorry Scott, um but I can't be apart of the pack anymore, um you'll understand one day, bye McCall.

I hang up the phone on him and look at the results with my undivided attention.

I hang up the phone on him and look at the results with my undivided attention

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