Chapter 44 - date night

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Outfit for the day-

Lydia POV:

After the game we went shopping, we as in Malia, Madison and I. The guys kept on playing, Malia and I are help Madison pick out something for tonight. "Your going to have sex with him?" I asked bluntly, "what? No, he's only 16!" Madison said. "So? you had sex with like 4 or 5 guys already" I said as I look for a dress, "no I slept with 2 guys, I didn't even have sex with Ethan" she said.

"Should have given him goodbye sex" I said, "goodbye sex?" Malia asked confused. "Yeah, when you won't see the guy again you give him a taste of what he'll miss" I told her. "Is that what you and Jackson did?" Madison asked with a smirk, I rolled my eyes. I handed her a dress and pushes her into the dressing room.

"Are you coming back with us for Senior year?" Malia asked, "I don't want to, my grandparents think I should" Madison answered. She came out of the dressing room, "that's it, you look fabulous, all we need now is shoes" I told her. She paid for the $3,000.00 outfit, then we left the store, to buy shoes. Four hours later we found the perfect shoes and then we back to the house.

I did her make-up after she took a shower, then we help her put on her clothes and her shoes.

I did her make-up after she took a shower, then we help her put on her clothes and her shoes

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Madison shoes-∆

I look at my hard work then we heard a knock on her bedroom door. I look at the time and see its 9:06 pm, Malia open the door and Liam's drop open. "Wow, Madison..... You look beautiful", he told her.


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Madison -∆

Madison POV:

"Thanks Liam, let's get out of here, before Issac turns into the protective big brother" I told him. "Wait, wait, we have to get a picture" Lydia said grabbing her phone. After a few minutes of endless pictures we went downstairs. "No go back upstairs and change!" Issac and Jackson said at the same time, I rolled my eyes.

"See why I wanted to leave before they see me?" I asked Liam, he shake his head. Then Stilies, Scott and Mason came in the living room. "Wow, you look hot" Mason said, "well thank you Mason, and am not changing" I said. "So where are you guys going?" Malia asked, "am taking her to see the new transformers, then we're going to a teen club" Liam told them.

"Maybe we should meet you guys at the club" Issac said, oh god! he wants to come on our date. "No, we're leaving, bye grandma!" I yelled, my granddad is out. Liam and I left, first the movies which I totally enjoyed. Then we went clubbing, it was very disappointing to learn I can't get drunk.

But we still drank and dance on, yes on each other, I maybe older but he is taller. It's one date, no more, we agreed on just being friends. But before our night ended I kissed him, on the cheek goodnight. Stilies, Issac, Scott and Jackson really think their smart, I saw them at the club. But Liam and I act as if we didn't see or smell them, I love date night with Liam.
            *** Summer Ends ***

Madison POV:

All summer we spent it together and I decided to go back to Becan Hills for Senior year. Well I didn't decide my grandparents did, Scott, Stilies, Malia, Mason, and Lydia went back to Becan Hills a week ago. I didn't tell them am coming back, only Lydia knows since I'll be living with her and her mom for Senior year.

"Your mom would be proud of you" I heard my grandma say behind me as I pack. I faced her and said "I know, I could always stay here you know" I said. I really wanted her to say I could, "Becan Hills is where you belong, with your friends" she said. I gave up my lacrosse team captain status and popularity I better get something good out of returning to Becan Hills.

"Oh your grandfather and I thought we would get you a going home present" she said. Ooh!! I wonder what it is? They always give the best presents. I held out my hand for them, "it's in Becan Hills" she said, I pouted. I really want it now, guess I'll have to wait.

We said our goodbyes, I won't see them until next summer, then I left to catch my jet. When I got to Becan Hills it was like 12:00 pm so Lydia picked me up from the airport. I wish Issac was here but he can't be back here yet, he hasn't heal from the trauma here. It's also scribbles night for all the seniors I can't wait, I got some rest cause I was jet logged.

After a few hours of sleep I got dress

then Lydia and I went to the school to wait on the others

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then Lydia and I went to the school to wait on the others. I can't wait to see their reaction to me being back here, hopefully this will be the year of normalcy.

Malia POV:

Scott went off to get Kira from the airport and Stilies and I are currently looking for Lydia. Am so nervous am waiting on a text to tell me if am going to be a Senior or not. All of a sudden I hear someone running towards Stilies and I fast. I turn around immediately knocking the person on their back with my claws out, only to see Liam.

"Scott's being attack" he said immediately, I ran off with him and Stilies right behind me. We saw Scott and Kira fighting this huge guy with blue claws.

so this new guy came, his name is Theo Rekensins. He seems OK to me, as we walk back into school I got the e-mail I have been waiting for.

"Am in!" I said with excitement, "that's great!", a voice said, "we've been looking for you guys everywhere, are we doing this are not?" Lydia asked. And Madison, Madison?!, "Madison??!!" We all yelled, she rolled her eyes. "Yes, now come on, let's do this" she said, I hugged her before she walked away.

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