Chapter 50 - lost and found

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Scott POV:

"What did she say?" Lydia asked, "she can't be apart of the pack anymore" I told her. "Madison would never say something like that, something's wrong" Lydia says. Well we don't have time to figure out what's wrong with her, I need to find Liam and Hayden with or without Madison's help.

Lydia took out her phone and tries calling Madison but her phone went straight to voice mail. We searched all night but we still couldn't find them, damn it! We all meet up at my house because of how late it became. Lydia's phone rang, I know it was wrong to but I listen in on her call anyways.

Few hours later

(A/N: L- Lydia and Ms.M- Ms. Martin)

L- hey mom what's up?

Ms.M- Lydia where are you? Madison been trying to call you all night

L- am having a sleep over with my friends, she can talk to me tomorrow

Ms. M- I need you to come home, it's important

L- can't you tell me now?

Ms. M- no, it's not something I can tell you over the phone, I need your help with it

L- ask Madison to help, I'll talk to you tomorrow, bye mom

She hang up on her mom.

"Where's Madison?" Malia asked, "she left the pack, something is wrong with her but we need to focus on finding Liam and Hayden" I told her. Her phone beep signalling she got a message, "I have to go, my dad needs me for something" she said and ran out.

Malia POV:

From: 'Maddie 🐺'
Don't tell anyone I text, meet me at the airport, it's important u may never see me again

To: 'Maddie 🐺'
Am on my way, ur like my sis I can't lose u, smh.

"I have to go, my dad needs me for something" I told the pack and ran out immediately. As I drove to the airport we text, what about France?

From: 'Maddie 🐺'
Hurry my flight leaves in a hour time, u won't lose me I'll be bk

To: 'Maddie 🐺'
Y r u leaving? Wat about France?

From: 'Maddie 🐺'
I'll tell u when u get here, France is still on, we'll just have to add one more person to the list that may go with us

To: 'Maddie 🐺'
Am here, see u in a few

That's the last text I sent her before running into the airport, I saw her and Ms. Martin there. "What's going on?" I asked immediately, "I'll give you two a minute and see if I can get Lydia here" Ms. Martin says. Madison pulled me into a hug immediately, "am going back home Malia" she says. "This is your home, Becan Hills" I said, she wipe her tears away then said "London is my home, I'll be back in a few months, I try to get Lydia here to say good bye.......".

"Flight 167 to London boarding now" was announced, Ms. Martin came back. "No luck, I'll just tell her tomorrow" she says, "don't tell her why, neither of you can tell anyone why I left" Madison said. "I don't even know why your leaving" I told her, "finally call for flight 167 to London" was announced again.

"I have to go, love you both, I text to you Malia" she hugged us and ran off to catch her flight.

From: 'Maddie 🐺'
I'm pregnant, bye Malia I'll text u wen I get to London love u 💗😘
                *** The Next Day ***

Lydia POV:

I Left Scott's to go home and change my clothes for school and then go look for Liam and Hayden. I change my clothes and went to Madison's room to see what's wrong with her. But I saw nothing, no clothes, no nothing, it's like she never lived here. I went into the kitchen seeing my mom eating breakfast, "mom where's Madison?" I asked confused.

"She went back to London, that's why I called you to say goodbye" she said. She seems upset about it, "why did she moved back?" I asked, "why don't you call her and find out? That's if she's still your friend, you did ditch her when she needed you the must" she says and walked away. I got my car keys and left for school, I called Madison's phone when it went to voicemail.

'Hey it's Madison call me back am busy at the moment...... but if this is Lydia kiss my ass! Byeeee!' Damn she is mad at me. When I go to school the pack and I looked for more place for where Liam and Hayden could be. Malia keeps on giving me the evil eye, I don't think I did anything to her.

"Hey, where's Madison?" Theo asked, "she moved back to London" I answer and rolled my eyes. "She moved back?!" Scott and Stilies asked, "yeah she left because..... of family things" Malia said. After school we brought Corey to Scott's house, he's a chimera. Scott got into his head and found a place where Liam and Hayden could be.

Mason, Scott and Stilies left to find them but Theo questioned Corey more and found the real location of Liam and Hayden. They were lose and now there found, Theo returned with them an hour later then Scott, Mason and Stilies came back half an hour later.

"Where's Madison?" Liam asked, "she moved back to London yesterday" Kira told him. He and Hayden went to sleep soon after, "OK can you stop?!" I yelled at Malia. "What's going on?" Stilies asked, "she has been giving me the evil eye since morning" I told them. "Maybe if you weren't being shellfish you would have said goodbye to Madison like I did" she said and left.

"It's like the pack is falling apart" we all heard Kira say, "I have to go home, my mom is asking for me" then she left. Stilies and Theo left after, Liam and Hayden was Still on the coach sleeping. "At least their safe" Scott said, "yeah, I have to go I have home to do" I told him then left.

This pack is falling apart, first Madison who's next to go? 😔

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