Chapter 55 - wild hunt

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Stilies POV:

Madison went inside the daycare building to pick up Tori as Scott and I waited outside for them. "Tori stop running?" We heard Madison yelled, we saw Tori running towards me. "Hey cutie!" I grab her and kiss her all over her face causing her to giggle. "OK let's go" Scott said, Madison took Tori and we drove off to Alex's house. "Can we go inside already? I want to get a new tattoo" Madison said. "New?" Scott asked, "yeah, I have a anchor on my lower back" she said. I took Tori from her and we went inside the house, we all went upstairs.

Everyone room is empty except for Alex's room, "you hear that?" Scott asked, "yeah, Stilies stay here" Madison said. So Tori and I explore Alex's room, I thought I heard a horse. I put Tori to stand as I look under the bed, I could have sworn I saw horse feet under there. I pick Tori back up and left the room, then Tori started to point at the man dress as I cowboy. She stretch her arms out for him to take her, but he fired shots at us. I used my body to cover Tori's, after a few seconds he disappeared. Tori started to cry, "what happened? Why are you on the floor?" Madison asked.

She, Scott, Liam and Mason ran up to us, why did Liam and Mason get here?. "We saw him, didn't you hear the gun shots?" I asked, "what gun shots?" Madison asked. She took a crying Tori out of my arms, "I got to get going I'll talk to you later" she said and left. We all left the house soon after that, Lydia called us and told us it's called the wild hunt. I went back to the station to see Alex, only to find out he's been erased and no one remember him. Scott and I ran to the school to find the others to tell them what happened.

I ran into Madison first, "hey! Madison Alex was taken, the wild hunt took him" I told her. But I notice she didn't have Tori with her, "and where's Tori?" I asked her. "Who's Tori?" She asked all confused, "your daughter" I said in a duh tone. "What daughter? And who are you?" She asked, "stop playing games with me, it's me Stilies" I told her. "What's a Stilies?" She asked, but I spotted Liam, Corey, Mason and Hayden. I ran over to them, "guys, Madison is acting weird, but not the time I think Tori was taken and so was Alex" I told them.

"Do we know you?" Mason asked, "of course you do, am Stilies!" I yelled at him. "Do you know him?" Hayden asked Liam and Corey, the shakes the heads. I began to freak out, I walk away from them and ran into my dad. "Woah, son you OK?" He asked, I breathe of relief, "oh thank god! Everyone doesn't remember me" I told him. "OK, what's your name?" He asked, oh god not him too. I ran away from him and ran into Lydia, "please tell me you remember me?" I begged. "I remember you" she said I hug her, I could hear the wild hunt coming.

"Tori was taken with Alex" I told Lydia, "oh god, Madison!" She said. Then I saw them, "we have to run, the wild hunt is here" I grab her hand and ran. "Stilies! You know if your seeing them your going to be taken?" She asked. "Yeah I know" I said we ran into my jeep, they surrounded us. "Promise me, that you'll remember me Lydia!" I demanded. "I promise!" She yelled, "I love you" I told him, and all I saw was green smoke surrounding me.

               "I'll remember"

       ****  The next day  ****

Lydia POV:

I stood at the entrance of school, "Lydia you OK?" Madison asked, "yeah, I just feel like am suppose to meet someone this morning" I told her. "That's weird, this morning I could swear I heard a baby crying" she said. The bell rang for class, so I went to class while Madison went to cheer practice.

Madison POV:

I waved Lydia goodbye and went practice, today was just a normal day. Except for the part where am losing control of my true hunter side. I have to feeling to kill Scott again, I know he help me with control but it feels like something is missing. Am not the only one having problems, Malia is too, and that's not the weird thing. This morning when I was taking a shower I notice I have two new tattoo instead of one. One on the back of my right shoulder Matt and my left hip Tori, who the hell is Tori?

After school I went to talk to coach about quitting the cheer team. But I got a big fat 'No!' I rolled my eyes and left his office, but ran into Mason. "What are you doing here this late?" He asked, "talking to coach, you?" I asked. "Am here with Corey, for studying purposes" he answer. "OK, let's go find my favorite gay friend" I said smiling at him, "hey! I take offense to that" he said as we make our way to the library. I laugh, "you know you both are my favorite" I told him, we entered the library, but no Corey.

Out of nowhere we were grab by Corey, he made us invisible, he brought us to the floor. We could see the two of the wild hunt holding up a guy in the air. They had ropes rapt around the guys neck, then green smoke surrounded him and they were gone.

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