Chapter 12 - another one?!

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Ali POV:

"Maddi am sorry I shot you", I told my sis, "it's fine I didn't expect that response, I totally deserve it", she said. After a while she said "am going to the look out point of Becan Hills, I'll be back later".

After a few hours grandad came back from the police station with a smile on his face. "What happened?" I asked, "nothing, where is........?" "Madison is out, She'll be back soon", I told him. Then I went upstair, "Alison get in here", I heard my dad calling me from his bedroom. "Yes dad?" "What am about to tell you you can't tell your sister", I shake my head at him.
Madison POV:

After spending sometime alone I went home, on my way there I tried calling Matt, but he wasn't answering. "Hey, am sorry for not answering your calls earlier, I just needed time to deal with my mom's death, call me, I love you", I said as I left a message. When I got home I realized that dad and granddad is back, I went into the basement only to hear my grandad singing.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked him, "it's Madison", I told him before he asked. "Nothing I need to tell you something about your boyfriend", he said, "I love Matt, if you want me to break up with him it's not going to happen", I told him. "No, tonight he was killed by Derek", he told me, "no, no, no, no, this can't be true", I kept on saying. I tried calling his phone but he wasn't picking up, "please Matt answer your damn phone, please don't be dead", granddad grab my phone from me.

"He's gone, am sorry", he said as he pulled me into a hug, "we'll make Derek pay for what he did, don't worry he will pay", he told me. My boyfriend is dead, am gonna kill Derek Hale! First my mom, then Matt! Who next?! I swear on Kate's grave I'll kill you Derek Hale, if it's the last thing I do.
Stilies POV:

As I opened my locker, I saw Alison and Madison walk down the hall, I can tell them apart by the way they dress. But unfortunately today they dressed a like.

"They are back", I heard Issac said behind me with Scott beside him, we look at the twin who are now talking to Lydia. One of them looked at Matt's locker that is now covered in 'RIP' signs, that's Madison. We saw her tears, she walked over to his locker and kissed it and walked over to us.

At least I thought she was coming over to us, she went to her locker and grab her things. Ali walked over to her and hugged her, "I should say something", I told Scott and Issac. I walked over to them, "hey guys, am sorry about Matt", I told them, Maddi kept on crying and Alison gave me glares. "Leave me alone! I just want everyone to leave me alone!" Madison yelled, Alison let her go, cause she ran off going to class, then Alison walked off.

Madison POV:

People think they know what am going through they dont! My mom and my boyfriend is gone! They aren't coming back! When I got to class, the teacher came up to me and said "you didn't have to come to school today, I would have sent you your work". She pulled me into a hug and let me cried on her shoulder. After the bell rang we pulled apart then she started her class, thank god for maths.

When I got to lunch I sat by myself where I would have lunch with Matt, Ali sat with Lydia as usual. Out of nowhere Stilies sat in front of me, "move now, before I kill you", I told him. "Am human", he said, "one more thing I should add to my list of things to kill, thanks", I said signing. I continued to eat but no he didn't move, "what do you want Stilies?" I asked. "I thought you should know the truth, Matt was the kanima master", he said, I looked him in the eyes, he is telling the truth.

I rolled my eyes, it makes no difference, Derek still killed him and my mom. "Bye Stilies", I said for him to move, when he finally did, Lydia came over. "What part of leave me the hell alone don't you get!" I yelled, I walk away and went to the library. But this is what truly happened, if only she knew the truth.

Alison POV:

"Sorry Lydia, she just need time, she lost two of her love ones", I told Lydia. "I know, I just want her to know am here for her, that I love her", she said. I hugged her that's the nicest thing she had ever said. After school I never saw Madison, her bike was gone to obviously she went home or out for sometime alone.
Alison POV:

I can't believe he betrayed us, Madison tired to kill him after she found out that he kill Matt. Then this happened,

Dad went after Gerard, as Madison and I stayed with Stilies, Lydia, Scott, Derek, Issac, and Peter. Yes he is back, Lydia brought him back to life, as soon as Madison saw him she threw her knife at him. It embedded it self in his shoulder, Peter fell to the ground holding the knife.

I looked at her, "what? He had that one coming for killing Auntie Kate, not sorry I tried to kill you Issac", she sassed. "Am the one that got shot the most!" Derek yelled at her, "and you will shut up about it, unless you want some more", Maddi sneered. Out of nowhere she caught her knife that Peter threw at her. "Am a true hunter Peter", she told him, "let's go!", our dad yelled from outside.

We are leaving for New York for the summer, Madison was the first one to pack. We are spending the summer with some other hunters, some time away from everything will be good. For both of us.

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