Chapter 14 - alphas

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Ali POV:

Am happy my sister is back hopefully this year we have no drama, "hello? Earth to Ali?!" I heard Madison say. I looked up at her and ask "you aren't really going to wear that to school?"

 I looked up at her and ask "you aren't really going to wear that to school?"

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Madison outfit-∆

"Nothing is wrong with what am wearing", she said, "CHANGE! NOW!" Dad yelled from behind her. I shake my head as they began to argue, eventually she had to change.
Madison POV:

Damn! I hate the fact that I had to change, nothing was wrong with what I had on.

Damn! I hate the fact that I had to change, nothing was wrong with what I had on

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My outfit-∆

Dad approved of this outfit, then we left for school, on my bike that I love so much. When we got there Lydia hugged us and then she and Ali showed me a mark on their arms. They said some woman gave it to them and it might be a clue to the alphas in town.

"Alphas? When did this happened?" I asked cause I didn't know about any of this. They explained, but then I saw twin? Sexy ass twin, Lydia saw my line of sight.

"Those two are alphas, Ethan and Aiden, sexy I know", Lydia said, I looked away then said "I guess"

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"Those two are alphas, Ethan and Aiden, sexy I know", Lydia said, I looked away then said "I guess". "You guess?! They are walking, talking sex appeals", Lydia said, "yeah, but am not ready", I said as I look at Matt's locker.

(A/N: Ethan isn't gay).

Lydia grab my face so that am facing her, "I know you miss him, but you can't be single forever, you got to get out there", she said. "I'll think about it, but for now, I'll just enjoy looking", I said walking away to my class. "Madison, you OK?" Stilies asked, as I stood at the front of the class steering at what use to be Matt's seat. I began to hyperventilate and things began to get blurry, I ran out of class crying. "Stop crying, stop crying", I muttered to myself as I ran down the empty hall way.

Why am I crying? am a hunter am not suppose to cry, I went into the girls locker room. I dropped to the ground still hyperventilating/ panic attack, I tried to catch my breathe but I couldn't. "Hey are you OK?" I heard someone asked, "panic....... attack.......can't........ Breathe", I manage to say, "crap.....umn....I don't ......I don't know how to stop a panic attack", he said. "Got to ........stop breathing........ For at least....... Five......second", I said. Out of nowhere he kissed me, stopping my breathe for more than five second. Did I say kiss? I mean made out? I pulled away from the kiss to see who he is, alpha?! Damn it!

"Am Ethan, weir wolf", he said making his eyes glow, I made my eyes glowed. "Madison, true hunter", I said breathe less, why did him have to be such a great kisser?! Why😂😅😎. "Madison! Madison! Madison!" I heard my name being yelled from outside the girls locker room. "Thanks", I said, he smirk and left the room when Ali and Lydia bursts inside. "Are you OK? He didn't hurt you did he?" Ali asked, as they bent down on the floor in front of me, "no, he..... How do I say this?.........he kissed me?" I said but it came out as a question.

Lydia smirked as Ali looked at me in disgust, "you didn't like it did you?" Ali asked, "I actually did, I know I shouldn't but, it was amazing", I told them. "Can we come in now?!" We heard Stilies yelled from outside, "yeah!" Lydia yelled. "You kisses him!" Stilies yelled as him and Scott entered the locker room, "he kissed me, it stopped my panic attack", I told them.

"Stop enjoying this so much", I told Lydia, but she kept on smirking. We went to class but Ali and Lydia kept a close eye on me, in case I have another panic attack. After school I went to the cemetery to look for Matt, "I thought being back here would help me get closure, but I just opens the wound to my heart more", I said as I sat beside his grave.

"I miss you, I wish you were here, I love you and I don't know if I can move on", I said as tears stream down my face. 😭😭😭😭. Then I heard a snap behind me, I took my dagger out of my pocket and threw it towards the snap. "You should really look who you hurting", the voice said, I know that fucking voice from anywhere, Peter Hale.

I got up there face him only to see my dagger imbedded in his shoulder again, I smirked. "Never sneak up on a hunter Peter", I told him, he tried to take out the dagger out of he but couldn't. The whole dagger is soaked in wolf banes so he can't even touch the handle, I rip it from his shoulder as he fell to the ground in pain. I walked away leaving him there, I have made a decision, am done being a hunter, being a hunter just reminds me more of Matt.

When I got home, I packed up all of my weapons and brought them to my dad's office. "What's with the weapons?" Dad asked as I place all of them on his desk. "Am done! I don't want to be an hunter anymore, I just want to be a normal teenager", I told. "I wish Alison was like you more", he said as he took my weapons and lock them up in the family safe.

"Madison? Madison?" We heard Ali calling my name, "in here Ali!" I yelled. She entered saying "Lydia and I need your help", "is it regular stuff or supernatural stuff?" I asked. "Supernatural", she said in a duh tone, "tell her dad", I said, "she isn't a hunter anymore, so she will no longer be involved in the supernatural like me", he told her as I exit his office.

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