Chapter 62 - Season 6pt 2

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Madison POV:

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Madison POV:

My baby is one year and three months old now, we are currently in England with my grandparents. Ethan is here too, so he sees his daughter everyday, he's love for her is amazing. I am currently packing for France, Malia and I are heading to Paris, France. Tori will be staying with her dad for the time being. "Honey?" I heard my grandma calling, "in my room!" I shouted, Tori ran into my room with grandma behind her. "Am going to the clinic, I'll be back before you leave" she says, I lift Tori up onto the bed. "OK, am just waiting on Malia's call, then I'll drop Tori at Ethan's" I told her. "Dada! Dada!" Tori screamed, I kissed her head.

Grandma left, so I fed Tori and then put her to sleep, then my phone rang, it's Issac. "I missssss you" he said when I answer, "I miss you too, can't believe your gone" I told him. Issac decided to go to France, for college, so I'll be seeing him soon. "You'll see me, when I don't have class, how's my baby?" he asked, "sleeping, I just finished packing, then she's off to daddy" I told him. "I still can't picture Ethan as a father" he said, "I couldn't either, but he's a great dad, every time Tori hears his name she screamed 'Dada', it's so cute" I told him.

"It's still weird, I have to go am in history class right now, and the professor is getting his panties in a twist" Issac said. "Oh my god! Issac! get off the phone! Love you bye!" I told him, "love you too" he said and hang up. I can't believe his weir wolf ass, calling me during class, god help him please. Later in the night after I ate dinner and double check my suitcase Malia called, "change of plans" she says. What now? "no France?" I asked knowing the answer already, "maybe, things are happening here in Becan Hills, again" she says.

"What is it this time?" I asked rubbing my forehead, "I don't really have the full details as yet, we have to put our trip on pause" she said. "Yeah, call me when whatever is going on is over" I told her, "yeah, bye" she says and I hang up. "Momma!" I heard. I hang up, then I heard Tori screamed from downstairs, I went down there to see her with grandpa watching snow white. "Are you leaving?" Grandma asked, "yeah, but am making a little detour" I told her. "Detour?" Grandpa asked, "am going to Becan Hills, Tori is going to her dad as plan" I told them.

"Dada!" Tori screamed, I rolled my eyes and smiled at my baby, she's so cute. My grandparents will have Tori for weekends, so everything is plan out. "Things are happening again aren't they?" Grandma asked, "yeah, am going to see if I can help" I told her. I went back upstairs and got my things and Tori's, I told my grandparents bye and left for Ethan's. I spent an hour kissing my baby bye and told Ethan and his boyfriend bye. Yes! Boyfriend, I still can't believe it when he told me he's gay, but hey, he's happy. I mean I still love him and all, but not in 'that' kind of way anymore.

To: wolf in scarf🐺
Change of plans, maybe I'll see u after I see whats wrong in Becan Hills, again, I miss u Issac, ♥😘.

To: Kanima wolf 🐍🐺
Happy anniversary when it comes, I'll be in Becan Hills if u need me, and enjoy work, love u Jackson😘♥

To: Wanted Wolf🐺🌍
I know you probably won't see this but, I miss u green eyes, Tori misses u too, but hey! Just because ur wanted doesn't mean you should forget about us. I'll be in Becan Hills if u need me, 😔 we miss u, stay safe, can't wait to see you Derek.

To: baby daddy 🐺👶👬
Tell my baby I'll miss her, I love u both, and don't let her stay up after 9 She'll wake u up at 3 in the morning. Stay safe Ethan.


     Becan Hills here I come

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