Chapter 18 - fight

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Madison POV:

I walked over to Ms. Blake and grab my tracking device off the back of her neck, "bitch!" She yelled at me holding her neck in pain. I notice everyone steering at me, "what? I had to get my tracking device back", I said walking off leave them. "You guys should probably move the alphas are on their way", I told walking to Cora's hospital room.

But first we have to take the elevator up there. "What's with the bat Stilies?" I asked as I put silver bullet in my gun, "they got claws and fangs, you got bows & arrows and guns, and also super strength so I got the bat", he said.

OK so the elevator ride up is kinda awkward, "OK so anyone wants to tell me what happened when I took Lydia here?" I asked. "She tried to convinced Derek that she isn't killing people, and it didn't work", Stilies said, "convincing him how?" I asked. "She kissed him", Scott said, I gripped my gun tightly and accidentally pulling the trigger, I fired 3 bullet.

Scott, Stilies, Ms. Blake jumped and steered at me in shock, but Derek didn't look at me, knowing why I did that. My eyes glowed in anger, Scott gave me a confused look, "what do you smell Scott?" Derek asked trying to give him an answer why am upset without saying it. He sniffed the air, "anger, hatred and, you have each other scents all over you", he said shocked.

The elevator open when he finished what he said, same time we saw Peter sliding over towards us on the ground. There stood mega alpha, Ethan and Aiden

Stilies hit them (him?) with the bat but it broke, "run! I'll hold them off, go!" I yelled at them. They ran off leaving me to face mega alpha, "Aiden I don't know about you, but I do know that Ethan would never hurt me", I said throwing my bow & arrow to the floor.

"All we want is Ms. Blake", they said, "I can't let you have her, she knows where Stilies dad is", I told them. They roared at me, that I never expect them to do, "Ethan don't please", I begged not wanting to hurt them. OK, I might have a small crush on him but doesn't give him the right to roar at me.
Scott POV:

We are currently hiding out from the alphas, I can hear Madison fighting with Aiden and Ethan not far from here. We lost Ms. Blake a few minutes ago, but she came to us saying we need to protect her from them or Stilies dad die.

Out of nowhere Madison came flying into the room, blood all over her. She got up off the floor ready to go back out there to fight. "Stop! They'll kill you out there", Derek told her, she faced him, "it's not like you care", she said leaving. "We need to help her or she is a good as dead", I said, "hello, Mr. Deucalion, oh just Deucalion says you must bring the one known as Ms. Jennifer Blake to the front desk, thank you", my mom's nervous voice came through the intercom.

"He won't hurt her Scott, trust me", Ms. Blake said, "trusting you is the last thing we are gonna do!" Stilies yelled at her. So we made a plan Peter and I will distract Ethan and Aiden while Derek and Stilies get Cora out of here then I'll go get my mom. Peter and I walked around the halls ways of the hospital looking for the twins and Madison, we couldn't find them so I called her phone.

"Am kinda busy here Scott", she said, I hear Aiden and Ethan roaring in the background. "Where are you?" I asked immediately, "near the morgue, if you want to help come now", she said. I hang up and Peter and I ran to where she is just in time to see her pull Aiden and Ethan apart from being mega alpha. "Remind me never to get on your bad side", I said she faced us with her eyes glowing red, she point one of her guns at us.

The true hunter has taken over, "just knock her out we don't have time for this", Peter said. "You can't even touch me, that must be the reason why Auntie Kate set your family on fire and watching them burning and screaming for their worthless lives", she said with a smirk. Peter eyes glowed, he roared after her and went to attack her, I tried him back, "Peter no! She isn't in control" I yelled at him.
Stilies POV:

Am currently in the back of an ambulance with Cora waiting on Derek to come back, he went to find Scott. I saw the twin walk by moments ago, soon there was a bang on the door, I literally jump out of my skin. "Stilies open up, it's me Issac", Issac said, I open the door and let him him, "am I happy to see you".

"What's going on?" He asked, "alpha have to the keys to the ambulance, I just saw the twin walk by moments ago, and Scott, Peter and Madison isn't back yet" I told him. Soon enough we heard Alison's voice and her dad's, Issac and I left Cora in there care to find Scott.

Scott is leaving with the alphas, to make sure everyone is safe, but his mom was also taken just like my dad. He is leaving with them to get help to find them, all I want is my dad back, the full moon is tomorrow and they will be dead by then.

****** The next day ******

"Am here, what are we doing?" Scott asked as he entered the clinic, with Madison behind him. We only called her a few minutes ago her dad was also taken, so last night she lost control but Alison got her back on track. Anyways, Deanton Scott's boss said "you guys are going to replace your parents for the sacrifices, they won't die but you will but you will be brought back to life".

There is three ice bath, one for me, Scott and Alison, she is older so she thought she should do it. Lydia held me down, Dean held down Scott and Issac held down Alison, Dean said the Madison can't hold Alison down cause of her being her a true hunter.
Issac POV:

As soon as they were out like a light Madison fell to the ground unconscious, I picked her up and place her on the table. She is as cold as ice, Deanton says because she is a twin she is in the same state as her sister. Sixteen hours later they wake up saying that their parents are at the neome, we told them how long they were out, then Scott left to go back to the alphas while Stilies, Alison and I went to find there parents.

Unfortunately Madison is still unconscious, and Deanton is trying to find out what's wrong with her.

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