Chapter 29 - run away

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Scott POV:

I sat there in the waiting area, then I saw Stilies, I remember him coming here to get something to sleep. I told him what happened at my house, then we decided to go look for Madison. "I wish she would wake up" Stilies said, I place a hand on his shoulder then said "It's not your fault, you didn't do this to her".

"I feel like I did it, if she wakes up I swear I'll stop my sarcasm for a week, OK not a week but for two hours" he said. I rolled my eyes typical Stilies, he wouldn't last that long. We stay with Madison for a few more minutes then left. Stilies and I went home to get some rest. A few minutes after midnight, I got a call that Stilies missing, so I woke up Issac and we left to find him.

We track Stilies Jeep to the hospital, so we went there immediately. We went to the roof and meet up with Derek up there, "do you smell that?" He asked, "stress" I said. "Anxiety, he was struggling" he said, "with who?" I asked, "his self" he told me then he walk off to talk to Stilies dad. Then we left to check the school, "call Alison, she isn't picking up her phone" I told Issac.

My dad ended up finding Stilies and so I went back to the hospital. He was sleep walking, he was in the coyote den. "I was so sure, I thought he was there" Lydia kept on saying. She thought he was at eichen house, cause William Barrow was admitted there.

"OK kids go home, you have six more hours until school starts, he'll be fine" my mom said, so we all left.
               *** the next day ***

Stilies POV:

I sat there waiting on my MRI to start, then Scott came in, the doctor, my dad and Scott's mom left giving us a minute. "You know what there looking for right?" I asked him, he look at the floor. "Its call frontotemporal dementia. Its the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers and ah... there's no cure", I told him.

"Stilies.... if you have it I'll do something". Scott said, and he paused for a moment before continuing, "I'll do something". He said, hinting that he would turn me. Our eyes watered, but I managed to get a hold of myself, "go on" I told him nodding to the door. I quickly wipe away my tears and watch Scott leave.

Scott POV:

I stood there waiting for the MRI to end, the doctor says it would take up to an hour to be completed. So my mom told me to wait in the waiting area, I went but was confronted by Derek. We sat across from each other, then he said "it all began when Barrow took Kira and Madison, vulnerable, Kira and I went back there".

"So you think Stilies the one that possessed?" I asked, even though I suspected it too. "Yes, but he is fighting it, like on the roof" he said, "what's on the roof?" a voice asked. Derek and I face the voice, only to come face to face Madison dressed in hospital gown. Lost for words, "stop steering, am fine now, even though am not a true hunter anymore" she said with a sad smile.

"What?" Derek asked shocked, "my powers are gone, am just a regular hunter now" she told us. "Your awake" I said still in shock, "no shit Sherlock, what are you two doing here anyways?" She asked. So we told her what's been going on since she been in a coma, she put on some clothes and we all went on the roof of the hospital.

"What was he struggling to do?" Madison asked, "let's find out" Derek said. "Look, the wires have been cut" I told them, the electricity sparked and fly off the hospital roof and and down in front. We ran down there only to see Kira absorbing the electricity, and Issac on. "No, no, no, Issac wake up, wake up, Scott he isn't healing" Alison said beside Issac.

The doctors ran our and took up Issac and ran into the emergency room, Alison ran inside with them. "Scott, have you seen Stilies?" Mr. Stilinski asked me, "I thought he was doing his MRI with you and my mom" I told him. "No, he's missing again" he said, "we'll find him Mr. Stilinski" Madison told him. "Thanks Madison....... Madison?! Your awake?!" He said pulling her into a hug"yeah, but its a surprise for my dad so don't tell him" she said.

Mr. Stilinski shake his head and left, "am going to stay with Alison, go find Stilies" Madison said, then walk off. Something is different about her, the moment she walked away I felt less powerful.

Madison POV:

Miss me? I know I did, I heard every single word everyone said while in my coma. "He doesn't have a family!" I heard Ali yelled, when saw her she is arguing with a nurse. I rest my hand on her shoulder, she face me, "Madison?" She asked with tears streaming down her face. "Yes Ali, I missed you" I told her, she crashed me into a hug, "I love you" she said, "I love you too" I told her.

I turn away from her and face the nurse, "Isaac's room now!" I yelled at her. She rolled her eyes, "as I was telling your twin, only family" she said, "and as she was telling you before, he doesn't have any family, they all died" I told her. "Sorry it's policy" she said, Alison and I took a seat, after a few hours Scott arrived.

"Did you sleep here?" He asked Alison, since I haven't been checked out of the hospital yet. "They won't let us see him, we kept telling the nurse that he doesn't have any family" Ali told him. "He have us" Melissa said coming up to us, "and I have this" she showed us his room card.

"Be quick" she told Scott and Alison, I stayed behind with her. "Can you discharge me?" I asked, "your dad has to do that" she told me, "I can't face my dad, I lost my powers" I told her. "You lost...... how?" She asked, "I don't know, I woke up with them gone, am normal, I have never been normal before" I told her. She discharge me and then we went back to Ali and Scott.

"Guys, times up, doctors are on their way here" Melissa told them. We left Issac room, "you three go home and get a shower, and go to school" she told us.

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