Chapter 10 - he's the kanima?!

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Ali POV:

Scott, Stilies and I are currently in the library, but we are talking through the shelves because there are cameras. We are talking about keeping Lydia save from Derek and his pack. Maddi isn't here, she is in advance maths, sometimes I get jealous of how she smart she is, she is even taking her P.S.A.Ts this year.

After we finished talk about Lydia, I ask "Stilies what happened between you and my sister?" He and Maddi as be acting weird all week. This cause Scott to look at him too for answers, "I might of kissed her and now everything is weird between us", he said cause my eyes to go wide. No wonder she must feel so guilty right now, she probably hasn't told Matt about it. "You what?!" Scott yelled, "shhh!" A lot of people said.
Ali POV:

Lydia, Stilies, Jackson and I just arrived at Scott's house to protect Lydia from Derek and his pack. Maddi is spending the night with Matt hopefully I won't have to call her away from him.

Madison POV:

"Matt am here" I yelled as I entered his house, that I have a key for. He was sitting at the top of the stairs looking out the window, I sat beside of him. "You OK?" I asked, "totally now that your here", he said as he kiss me. It turn into a hot made out session, he end up between my legs.

"Do you want to stop?" He asked, "no I want you right now", I said as I pulled my blouse off and took off his shirt

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"Do you want to stop?" He asked, "no I want you right now", I said as I pulled my blouse off and took off his shirt.

"Do you want to stop?" He asked, "no I want you right now", I said as I pulled my blouse off and took off his shirt

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He stand up and I rapt my legs around him as he walked to his bedroom without breaking our kisses. He lay me down on his bed, "you sure you want me to be your first?" He asked, "yes, I love you Matt" I said, "I love you too" he said.

 He lay me down on his bed, "you sure you want me to be your first?" He asked, "yes, I love you Matt" I said, "I love you too" he said

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Madison POV:

"Am sorry but we need your help, Scott isn't here yet and Derek and his pack is outside his house", Ali told me over the phone. Damn it! Four hours of pleasure got cut short, and I don't think I can even walk am sore. I hang up the phone not telling Ali I am on my way. "Matt I have to go home", I told him, "OK, get dress I'll walk you to your car", he said as he got out of bed.

"Matt?" He looked at me, "I can't get up am sore", I told him, he immediately had a smirk on his face. I threw a pillow at him only for him to catch it and start laughing at me, after he stop laughing he help me to stand up and get dress. I kissed him goodnight and I just got on my bike and rode to Scott's house.

When I got there I saw Derek across the road, my super hearing kicked in immediately. "Just shoot one of them, shoot Derek", I heard Stilies said, I shake my head and cross the road. As I approached Derek, Erica came in front of me, "move!" I said, she rolled her eyes at me. Derek just smirk at us, "you want her dead?" I ask as I look at Erica, "what do you want Madison?" He asked with no emotion.

 Derek just smirk at us, "you want her dead?" I ask as I look at Erica, "what do you want Madison?" He asked with no emotion

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"Is it just me or the way you just said my name sounded really sexy?" I asked with a smirk on my face. Erica became angry and went to punch me but Issac grab her arm, "she's a true hunter", he told her. I rolled my eyes and went to Scott's house, Stilies immediately open the door. When I entered Ali pulled me into a hug and said "I didn't think you were coming", "I couldn't leave my sis hanging", I said.

"Now that your here you can shoot Derek", Stilies said, "he is just going to catch it", I told him. I heard a door shut upstairs, "it's just Lydia and Jackson", Ali said, I look out the window then said "Issac is missing". As I said that Scott burst through the door and Issac came in the back door with Erica. I had a lot of fun taking her down, we drag them outside to there leader. That's when I officially saw Boyd for the first time.

I know we go to the same school together but it's like he is invisible or something

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I know we go to the same school together but it's like he is invisible or something. Scott threw Erica and Isaac to Derek, they talked but all I could hear is hissing coming from inside Scott's house. We all heard a window broke so we looked on the roof of Scott's house.

We saw the kanima on the roof and Lydia running out of the house asking what's going on, "it's Jackson", I heard Scott say, shit my boyfriend's best-friend is the kanima. Jackson and I became close since he is Matt friend, but lately he been acting weird now I know why.
Ali POV:

Scott and Stilies kidnapped Jackson, yes kidnapped him! We didn't tell Maddi cause he is her boyfriend's best-friend. And because she is training with dad right now, dad is also teaching her control. But am I know grandpa is teaching her that control is overrated. Then there is Stilies and Scott currently trying to convince Jackson that he is the kanima.
Madison POV:

"I got tickets to the rave, want to go?" Matt asked me at the end of the school day. "I would love to, let's hangout at the mall today", I said, "can't I have detention in the next five minutes", he said, we kiss and he went to detention.

Ali has detention too, and so does Jackson, Stilies and Scott, what they did, I still don't know. I went home and just went straight to training, with mom and dad, Ali joined us when she got home. Training really helps me a lot now, no more involuntary glowing of eyes anymore. After training we ate dinner and went to bed, Ali slept in my bed that night and told me what happened in detention. My first thoughts went to Matt, I called him to find if he was OK, he said he was so we stayed on the phone all night long.

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