Chapter 64 - supernatural?

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But then Scott realized that one players didn't step back, Scott could smell the fear rolling off of him. "Nolan. Nolan, hey, step back man. Are you OK?" Scott ask stepping towards him. Scott pulls him back, "what are you doing?" Scott asked but never got an answer.

Scott faced the wolf and glowed his red eyes showing the wolf that he's alpha. Upon seeing Scott's eyes the wolf whimpered and walk off the field. Everyone watch it leaves into the woods, Scott gave Liam a look and they both followed it. "So hey man, is it a wolf or a wolf - wolf?" Liam ask Scott, a few minutes later following the wolf. Scott didn't answer him, but they both stop walking when they came upon a dead wolf, with spiders leaving it's body.

"Scott" Liam says gaining Scott's attention, they look beyond the dead wolf and see a few more just like it, dead and covered in blood.

"Wolves or werewolves?" Malia ask as she read a French book to help her learn the language for her trip to Paris with Madison. "They said wolves" Lydia answered dropping her suitcase on the floor, "not interested. You go" Malia tells her as she roll over on her back on Lydia's bed. "Liam was asking for help from the werecoyote, not the banshee" Lydia tells her. "Why me?" Malia ask confused, "cause your the former animal. Nobody understands mysterious animal situations like you do" Lydia says.

"Am done with mysterious animal situations" Malia says as she lay on her belly, "I want mysterious men. French ones" Malia tells her. Lydia look over at Malia's laptop at the flights, "your flights delayed" Lydia points out, "no, no, it's rerouted. There's a difference" Malia says. "Delayed is what happens when your flight is rerouted" Lydia says smartly, "you have plenty of time to help, and there's a storm system shutting down Charles de'Gaulle Airport" Lydia says.

Malia looks over to her laptop, "it's a minor shower" she says continuing to read her book. Lydia look down at her with her eyebrow raised, Malia shut down her laptop. "Liam got everything covered. So there's dead wolves. Doesn't sound supernatural to me, Madison would agree with me if she was here" Malia said.

Scott and Liam both grunt as they try to close Scott's suitcase. "Whatever happened to those wolves was definitely supernatural" Liam tells Scott, "well, I wouldn't say definitely, it could have been a parasitic infection. I mean, we get dogs that come to the clinic that have botflies coming out of their skin" Scott tells Liam.

"Can that happen to people?" Liam ask curiously, "yeah, yeah, they crawl under the skin, lay some eggs, and eventually they ...." Scott's suitcase burst open "burst" Scott says signing. They both just steered at the open suitcase, but decided to leave it and take a seat at the edge of Scott's bed. "So, you want to talk about it?" Scott ask Liam knowingly, "I thought we were talking about it?" Liam ask confused.

Date: December 20,2020 check out my new book Almost Christmas.

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