Chapter 26 - results

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Alison POV:

Dad and I sat there in the hospital waiting room for Madison. Issac was attacked last night in my bedroom and now my sister, I can't lose her. Melissa came up to us, "am sorry the doctors are still with her and I don't know anything yet", she told us. "It's fine, thanks anyways", dad told her holding my hand, I wipe my tears away.

Soon Lydia arrived with Stilies behind her, they took a seat beside me, then Ethan, Issac and Scott came. We sat there for hours waiting for results, but nothing, all we know is that she was electrocuted and she was hardly breathing. Soon Stilies dad joined us there, then Lydia's mom, we sat there for four more hours waiting.

"Family of Madison Argent?" A doctor came out asking, all of us stood up, he was shock to see all eight of is stand up. "Am her father, is she going to be OK?" Dad asked, "she suffered from some serious third degree burns that are healing surprisingly fast", he said. True hunter. "But is she going to be OK right?" Stilies dad asked, "she is in a coma, we have no idea when or if she will ever wake up, there is a 1% chance she will ever wake up, am sorry", he said and walked off leaving us.

I sat back down crying, everyone else went home but dad, Ethan and I. "I should have asked her", I heard Ethan said, "asked her what?" I asked. "I should have asked her to be my girlfriend", he told me, he wiped away his tears and left saying he needed to find Aiden.

The next day

Scott POV:

I walked into school seeing Kira heading my way, but when she saw me she made a u-turn immediately. I went to walk towards her but Stilies grab me, "leave her Scott", "I have to talk to her, she is probably like me", I told him. "Dude that girl went through 1,000,000 watt of electricity, she isn't like you", he said.

I signed, "am going to look for Madison, you coming?" He asked, "am not sure, I'll catch you later", I told him, as I went to find Kira. I found her sitting in the hallway with her back against the wall, she look up and saw me. "We don't have to talk about it", I told her taking a seat beside her.

"We can talk about the history exam coming up", I told her as I open my history book and handing it to her. She took it from me and then signed, "am gonna show you something that no one have seen before", she said. I shake my head at her, "take a picture of me using the flash", she said.

I took out my phone and took a pic of her, then I look at the photo.

"Wow!" I said, "yeah, it only started to show up a few months ago, it only shows when the flash is on", she told me

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"Wow!" I said, "yeah, it only started to show up a few months ago, it only shows when the flash is on", she told me. "Barrow knew, and he took pics of Madison and I with my phone", she said, "that's why you asked for your phone?" I asked.

At the police station my dad took Kira's phone for evidence, "we have to get back your phone!" I told her.

Stilies POV:

"Hey, we all miss you hope you wake up soon", I said to Madison I just looked at her, she has the oxygen tube in her mouth. I held her hand and said "I found this key and I don't know what it open, I wish you would answer me". I wish I could see her roll her eyes, "hey" I heard Lydia say behind me.

"How is she?" She asked, "she's the same, I can still see her rolling her eyes at me", I said smiling. "That's what she does best, let's go lunch is almost over", she said. "Bye Madison, wake up soon" I said I kissed her head and Lydia and I went back to school.

Night time

Stilies POV:

"This is for the front door, this is for my dad's office and this is for the evidence room" I told Scott and Kira as I hand them the cards to the police station. "Scott can I talk to you", Kira said pulling him away from me. I sat there waiting on them as my mind ran on Madison still in a coma.

Scott and Kira came back over to me, "so with my dad being impeach by your dad, if you get caught I'll run and leave you for dead", I told them. They sneak into the police station while I sat in my jeep thinking about the key that just appeared on my key ring.

A few minutes later I saw Scott dad arrived, "holy shit, Scott your lucky your my best-friend", I said to myself. As I ran after his dad to stop him from finding Scott and Kira inside. "Wait! Wait!" I yelled after him, we stop right in front his office, "I......I....... I have been think about the Barrow case", I told him.

"I think who ever left that message for him to kill Kira in is from the school", I told him. "I know Stilies, your dad suggested it", he told me rolling his eyes. "You can stop pretend to hate my dad, you don't, you just don't like him cause he knows something you don't want him to know about", I told him. "Go home Stilies", he said "but guess what? I know too", I told him. He waked away and went into his office, so I went back outside to wait on Kira and Scott.

A few seconds later they came out running towards me, "that was awesome! Scary, but awesome!" Kira exclaimed. "Do you guys do this a lot?" She asked, Scott and I smirked at each other then said "maybe one or two times". I drove off going to the blackout party that Danny is throwing at Derek's loft.

Mr. Argent POV:

"The burns are healing surprisingly fast as I said before but you can't see it with the naked eyes" the doctor told me. I shake my head and looked at my baby girl, "even though she is in a coma we still have to give her pain killers, she is in undescribable pain" the doctor said.

I held her hand as they injected her with pain killers and then they changed her bandages that cover her burns. I kiss her on the head, "I'll always protect you am sorry I couldn't this time but I will once you wake up" I told her and left.

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