Chapter 6 - Season 2 surprise

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Ali POV:

We hid behind a rock from my dad and the other hunters, dad approached Scott. "Hello Scott what are you doing here?" Dad ask, "nothing much just hanging around, how are you?" Scott asked. I giggle at him, "so is Lydia apart of you clique or should I say pack?" Dad said. "No, clique sound right to me", Scott said, "do you know what is.......?" I couldn't hear the question.

But I heard Scott answer "no sir, I think your gonna tell me", "it's being cut in half, goodnight Scott", and he and the other hunters left. "That was scary", Stilies said, "let's get him down", I told Stilies. We walked over to Scott, but a arrow pass between Stilies and I cutting Scott down, dropping him on his head.

"Where did that come from?" Stilies ask as Scott got up and stood between us. "If you turn around you would see", a voice said behind us.

"Madison?" I asked, her eyes are glowing, she aim the arrow at Scott this time. "Don't, pl-please", I begged her as I stood in front of Scott. She lowered the bow, I ran towards her crushing her into a big bear hug. "Ali am fine, you weren't at home so I came here", she said as I let her go. Her eyes still glowed, she notice me steering so she said "I still don't have control, I have to go, before I kill him", and she just left.

"Bye Maddi!" Stilies yelled, Madison smiled at him and left, "she needs to learn control or she is gonna kill you Scott", I told him. "I promise I'll help her, but first we need to find Lydia", Scott said, and we continued to look.
Alison POV:

"Do you know who is coming?" I ask Madison in the car to the cemetery. Today is Auntie Kate's funeral, "yes, but dad says not to tell you", she said smirking. "Please, I just need to know", I told her, "let's just say if this person finds out Scott's a you know what, he won't be living for long", she said with a wider smirk on her face. "Are you smirking of the thought of Scott dying or is it the true hunter?" I asked. "Both" she simply said, I shake my head at her and kept on driving, "I can't control myself Ali, if I don't learn control I might kill you secret boyfriend", she said signing.

Dad made me break up with Scott because he's a wolf, so we are secretly seeing each other and Madison knows. She isn't going to tell she cares about our sisterly relationship more than anything.

Scott POV:

"Look it's just starting", Stilies said to me, we saw Alison and Madison and their parents arrive. Madison whispered into Ali's ear, then the both look in the direction of Stilies and I and smiled. "Who is that?" Stilies asked, we saw a old man walk through the news reports.

"Ah. The two of you are unbelievable", Stilies dad said behind us pulling us from our hiding spot.

Madison POV:

I smiled when I saw that Scott and Stilies got caught, but blushed when I saw Matt taking a picture of me.

Out of nowhere granddad grab his camera from him and took out the memory card and break it and sent him away. I saw the hurt in his eyes, I was about to approach him but Ali held onto me. Granddad bend down in front of us and said "hello girls", while smiling at us. He is the only one who can't tell Ali and I apart, "which one of you is Madison?" He asked. I immediately point on Ali, she gave me a weird look and just went along with it.

He faced me and ask "do you remember me?" He asked, I almost said yes, but I remembered that I lived with him Ali didn't, so I shook my head no at him

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He faced me and ask "do you remember me?" He asked, I almost said yes, but I remembered that I lived with him Ali didn't, so I shook my head no at him. "Well you haven't seen me since you were three so I didn't think so, am Gerard, but you can call me granddad", he told me. I shakes my head and the funeral continued, afterwards I placed a flowers on Auntie Kate's grave. Then I smirk down at her grave then said "Nous chassons ceux qui chassent", 'we hunt those who hunt us' that's a promise. See you soon Auntie Kate I smirk down at her grave and walked away.😉😏😈

***********************************Madison POV:

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Madison POV:

"Are you sure your ready for this?" Ali ask Lydia, yeah she was found running around the woods for two days and she doesn't remember anything. I am trying to keep my distance from her, she is something supernatural, I just don't know what. I really have the urged to kill her for being this close to her, but am trying to learn control, for Alison. "Am not the ones with a Aunt that killed an entire family", Lydia said cut me from my thoughts.

We entered the school and literally everyone stop to look at her, "maybe it's the nine pounds", Ali said. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked away from us. I roll my eyes at her and walk off leaving Ali to find Matt, when I found him he was in the library with Danny.

"Morning guys" I said, I sat on Matt's lap as Danny shut down his laptop and left us. Matt rapt his arms around me and kissed my cheek, "morning beautiful", he said making me blush. I got up and pulled him to the extreme back of the library, I push him up against the shelves and we made out.

The bell rang so he had to get to class, I had a free period, so I went to the office. Yeah, I totally forgot to tell you that my granddad is the new principal. It's his first day on the job and I want to welcome him, I love him, he practically teach me everything I know. He bought me my first bow and arrow, when I just found out about our 'family business'. I fix my clothes and put on more lip gloss, can't let him know I was making out with someone.

 I fix my clothes and put on more lip gloss, can't let him know I was making out with someone

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Clothes for the day-∆

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