Chapter 63 - wolf

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Madison outfit-∆

No one POV:

To: Future 🐺👰♐
Good luck with Becan Hills, this is the last time you'll hear from. I never forget u, it was and still everything to me. I'll find u wen the time comes, bye Madison

To: Wanted Wolf🐺🌍
Bye Derek.
Previously on Teen wolf.................

The wild hunt rides in on the lacrosse field at Becan Hills high school. They take everyone, Alex, Stilies, Corey, Mason, Hayden, Melissa, Argent, Mr. Stilinski..... Everyone, but Becan Hills was save by the true alpha and his pack.
The lights turn on, the sprinklers turn off, he pushes (idk what it's called) the small machine that draws the lines on the lacrosse field. He throws down a dozen lacrosse balls and put on his whistle, with assistant coach on the back of his hoodie. He is.....

Scott McCall.

He looks at the empty field and walk out on it, remembering his days of playing the game. He place his whistle in his mouth and blew it. The players crash into one another immediately, falling to the ground because of thw impact. Number 88 got the ball and ran with it, "go on Diaz! Nolan stay in there, you can take him" Scott told the player on the ground.

Number 88 (Diaz) avoided the other players trying to stop him and he scored, "that was great, best score for preseason" Scott told him. "Thanks coach!" He said and run back to his end of the field, "assistant coach!" Coach yelled at Diaz then face Scott "you aren't the coach, what exactly are you doing?" Coach Flinstack ask Scott. Scott turn to face his former coach, "drills" he answered proudly, "no! your giving them hope, when have I ever given you or Argent hope?" Coach asked curiously.

"Never" Scott answered honestly, "exactly, they take criticism more or they'll be losers, speaking of, where is your little protege?" Coach asked him. Scott look around searching for Liam, "um....." he trail off, "um? Is that a location? Is he behind me?" Coach asked. "He'll be here, he's the back bone of this team, he's a born leader, he can handle this" Scott tells him.
Meanwhile in the locker room.....................

"I can not handle this" Liam exclaimed lying down flat on his chest on a bench with Corey and Mason standing over him. "Yes, you can, you have handle more than this, your practically alpha" Mason tells him. Putting Liam in a sitting position on the bench as he and Corey put on his lacrosse gears for him.

"I can't live without her" Liam tells them, "Hayden didn't break up with you" Corey told him. "She moved to protect her sister, not like she dump you" Mason says. Corey continued to get Liam into his gears while Mason checked his phone. "Scott says coach losing it" Mason told Liam who is still in his depress mode. "Scotts leaving and Madison left already" Liam wined, "Madison left yeah, but going to college isn't leaving, it's growing up, we all will go to different colleges soon" Mason tells him.

"I thought we're going to UCLA together?" Corey asked confused, but Mason shush him immediately, "your applying for the same college?!" Liam asked sadly. "That is not the point" Mason tells him, "then what's the point?" Liam asked confused. "The point is, summer is almost over, we're about to be Seniors, and this is the best time of our lives" Mason tells him. As he and Corey drags Liam out of the locker room, "and your going to be captain of the lacrosse team, so let's gooo" he says but three of them falls to the ground struggling.

The boys ran into each both falling to the ground hard as coach watches them. "I swear if you don't get Dunbar out here in three, this is your last day as assistant coach" coach tells Scott. "This is my last day as assistant coach" Scott tells him smirking a bit. "I can still dock your pay" coach answer smugly, "I'm a volunteer, you want my whistle?" Scott ask smugly. "Who gave you a whistle?!" Coach ask in disbelief and shock.
Mason's phone vibrated signalling he got another text from Scott, Mason sat up on the floor and read it. "Coach is making Diaz captain" he read a loud for Liam to hear, he got up fast and ran out to the field. Diaz was about to score another goal and you could hear the keeper muttering "oh god, oh god". Diaz shoot the ball towards the goal but it was saved by number 9 flipping in the air with his lacrosse stick.

"Now, that's how you play lacrosse, McCall!" Coach cheered on the sideline with Scott. "Who is that kid? He's spectacular" Coach ask amazed by number 9. "That's Liam!" Scott exclaimed happily to him, "well, how the hell am I supposed to tell them apart? They're all wearing the same thing" coach scoffed pointing to the boys. Scott roll his eyes, "they have numbers on their Jerseys coach" Scott says.

Diaz rams into Liam causing him to flip over into the air and land on his back.  He slowly tries to get up but Scott could hear him growling, knowing he lost control of his wolf. Scott blew his whistle immediately stopping the game and runs onto the field towards Liam. Liam look up at Scott with his eyes glowing, breathing heavily and growling. "Liam, your eyes" Scott whispers to him holding onto his shoulder.

"McCall, what the hell was that?" Coach ask from the sideline, Scott look back behind him. "That wasn't a foul. That's called winning" coach says approaching them. But he stop and look beyond Scott and Liam, so did everyone on the field. Scott look at what caught everyone eyes and pulled Liam to his feet with him. To their surprise, there stood a wolf. Not a werewolf, a regular wolf. Scott made eye contact with it and it growled at him.

It took a step forward so Scott turn to everyone, "everyone back up" he tells them. Everyone back away from the wolf as it growled at them.


February 21, 2019 -> I want to apologize to everyone that wanted to read 'Fucking who my teacher' that had over 20,000 views. 😒 Someone reported it and Wattpad deleted it, smh. It was mark MATURE so I didn't see why it's reported but anyways sorry. I was thinking of rewriting all over again because I still have it in my private library. But it would probably be a waste of time so am not gonna do it. Read my other amazing books like: Legacies, the true hunter, pop star by accident, falling for my enemy, it isn't just sex, my human mate, the other malfoy, the girl you kill hunts you at night and the true hybrid. Thanks 😗😚😙.

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