Chapter 46 - she what?

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Stilies POV:

I ran into the library to show the pack the new info I have in Theo, I slam it down on the table

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I ran into the library to show the pack the new info I have in Theo, I slam it down on the table. "There is your prove, Theo's not who he says he is, this is his registration paper and a speeding ticket. They are completely different signature on them" I told them, "they kind of look different" Malia said. "No, no, they are completely different" I told her, "Stilies did you break into the administration office?" Scott asked knowingly.

"No" I told him, Malia, Lydia, Kira and Scott gave me a 'oh really?' look. "I didn't, Madison did" I told them, "she what?" They all yelled, "yeah, she hacked the schools mainframe, so I wouldn't get caught. But that's not the point! Theo isn't who he says he is" I told them.

I tries explaining it to them but they wouldn't listen, so I left but ran into Liam. I smirk and at him as I saw him with Mason at their lockers.

Madison POV:

"OK!" He said, "that's it, no try outs, no nothing?" I asked, "no, my sister sent me a video of one of your practice, am making you captain" coach told me. "Captain? What about Scott?" I asked, "McCall wants to 'focus on his studies' this year" he said putting on air quotes and rolling his eyes.

I thank coach and left his office, so now am officially on the lacrosse team. But I literally walked into Theo, "oh, am sorry I should look where am going" I said. "No, it's my fault.... Madison right?" he asked, "yeah, Madison, Madison Argent" I said. His eyes went wide when he heard my last name, "Argent?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's French for silver, I have to go" I said and walk away, I saw Stilies and Liam leaving together. What are those two up to now? I rolled my eyes and went to the parking lot. "Nice car" I jumped and face the person, it's Theo. "Thanks, but I have to go" I told him, "you know? When I heard your last name I thought, she's a hunter, but why is she friends with Scott knowing what he is?" he said smirking.

"Am not a hunter" I said rolling my eyes, at least not anymore, "but your sister was, I heard what happened, sorry for your lost" he said. This guy just went for hot to creepy in seconds, "I may not be a hunter but I am something better" I said making my eyes glow, white. "Halo" I hears him say, "you have no prove of it Theo" I said smirking not correcting him.

I drove off leaving a confused and shock Theo in the parking lot, I drove to the cemetery. "Hi, I know I said I wouldn't love again, but I know you would want me to move on" I said. Sat beside Matt's headstone, "I miss you everyday, it's the first day of Senior year and all I could think about is you, I love you" I said.

"I got accepted into M.I.T to be a Junior, but I don't want to go to college anymore. I always thought it would be me and Ali against the world. But she's gone and so is my mom, and mainly you, your gone" I said and wipe away my tears. My phone rang, it's Lydia.

L - where are you?

M - .......out

L - it's almost time for dinner, and my mom is asking for you, I told her your with Scott

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