chapter 27 - party time

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Scott POV:

Kira and I arrived at the party, "Derek can not know about this", I told her. The music is blazing and everyone is covers in glow in the dark paint.

Ethan POV:

I went to get the ice I need this party just to get Madison off my mind for a while. As Danny got his body painted I went around back for the ice that was requested. I pick up one bag of ice but the light went out, I turn the blub so it came back on.

It went out again, so I fix it again, the fucking light went out again! So I turned it on back again. But I was surrounded by five guys in mask, they lock the door and attack me.

Stilies POV:

"It just appeared there this morning, I asked my dad if he had put it there but he said no", I told Scott and Kira. "It's just a key right?" Scott asked, "yeah, but it isn't mine, you want to get out of here to figure it out?" I asked. A girl covered in paint kissed me on the cheek, "happy Halloween" she said and went back to dancing. Scott and I smiled at each other, "it can wait!" I said following after the girl.

Scott POV:

I held Kira's hand and we enjoyed the party but then I made eye contact with Alison. I didn't realized that Kira let go of my hand. Alison and I steered at each other for a while then I notice that Kira isn't beside me anymore. I looked around but couldn't find her, so I made my eyes glow, I found her and I also saw this orange fox presence around her.

Stilies POV:

I found the girl that kissed me in front of the DJ table, "I just kissed you!" She yelled over the music. "Yeah you did, what's your name?" I asked. "Katelyn!" She yelled, "Jesus Christ your Katelyn!" I yelled. "Am pretty sure I just told you that!" She yelled, "yeah I know, its just that you and your girlfriend......." I trailed off. "She's dead!" She yelled, "I know, are you OK?" I asked "yeah, am drunk, you wanna dance?" She asked, "hell yeah!" I yelled.

Lydia POV:

I walk around the party until I ran into Aiden, he has in fake weir wolf teeth. "Not as cool as the real ones", he said taking them out of his mouth. "Or lethal!" I said, "OK, I deserved that, I deserve everything you say about me, but am pretty cool setting all of this up!" He said talking about the party. "All this?" He nods his head, "if I wanted to go to a rave, I would get in a time machine and go back to the 90's" I told him. I touch his arm and and walked off leaving him, to his self.

Alison POV:

I walked over to Issac and stood beside him, "you see Scott?" He asked. "Yeah" I said with a bit of an attitude, so I still have a little feelings for him. "You told him?" He asked, "no, we are supposed to wait a couple hours remember? We promised my dad" I told him. "You promised him, your dad", he said "I promised him to protect him", I told him. "You did, your dad couldn't even protect Madison" he said, I rolled my eyes and just forget he said that. We flirt with each other for a while, so we decided to enjoy the party our selves.

Lydia POV:

I lean up against the wall and saw Alison and Issac dancing, "finally!" I said. Then I saw Stilies dancing with a random girl, he is a terrible dancer, "awkward" I said.

Then I turn around and saw Aiden dancing with two girls, "that's just over rated" I said to myself. Then I heard a sound I tried to find where its coming from then couldn't. Then I saw a shadow appear then disappeared, then it appeared again. "Scott! Scott! Scott!" I called no answer.

It came closer to me, so I ran through the crowd of people and ran out on the balcony. I lock the door behind me, breathing a sign of relief. But then I heard the sound again, I turned around slowly and saw the shadow coming out of the floor.

I turned around to run and scream but one appeared in front of me. It grab me behind the ears it looked me in the eyes, it felt like it was looking at my sole.

Aiden POV:

"Ethan?" I heard Danny say behind me, "it's Aiden!" I say to him annoyed by the mix up, "I have been looking for him too" I told him. "I haven't seen him in like half an hour, is something wrong?" He asked. I walked away from him calling my name.

Scott POV:

I took Kira to the roof where its quite so we can talk, she totally momed me. Then we talk about the presence around her, I told her it looks like a fox.

Isaac POV:

Alison and I danced, I lean in to kiss her and she lean in too, but then she stop. "What's wrong?" I asked, "there is something behind your ear", she told me. She dragged me to the bathroom to look at it in the mirror.

"See that?" She asked, "what is that?" I asked, "it looks like the number five", she said. So I turn around to face her, "do you hear that?" I asked her. She shake her head, then we sat bags of ice, we walked over to them and saw a frozen Ethan.

Aiden POV:

"Aiden over here!" I heard Danny yelled, I ran to the balcony to see a frozen Lydia on the floor. "Lydia! Lydia! What happened?" I asked, "I don't know, but she is freezing" Danny said. We carried her inside immediately and lay her next to the heating vent. "They came out of the dark" she said, then I saw the number 5 behind her ears.

Scott POV:

I sat there on the roof with Kira, but then I heard a howl. I got up and listened closely, then it stop "Derek?"

Derek POV:

I went back to my loft after I was attacked by those things that came out of the dark. But I saw a party going on, my blood boil with anger, who the fuck threw party?! I went up to the DJ, but the security stop me "he doesn't take request" he told me.

His hand on my chest, I look at it then at him, "he'll take mine" I told him. I tried to walk pass him but he stop me, I grab him by the throat and threw him out of my way. I threw over the DJ table stopping the music, everyone turn to face me. "Get out!" I yelled at them, they paused for a second then ran out.

When everyone left I saw the shadows, then I saw Scott, Issac, Alison, the new girl, and the twins. "Guys they're looking at me", Aiden said all the shadows face him. "Why are they all looking at me?" He asked as they took a step towards him.

They took another step, "guys!" Aiden yelled, Scott and I attack them. But we couldn't even touch them, it's like fighting with your shadow. They grab Aiden from behind the ears and looked him in the eyes, then he fell to the ground.

Then they face Scott and the new girl, who the hell is she? Then the sun came shining through the windows, they disappeared when the sun shine on them. "What the hell were those things?" Scott asked, no one answer. "Your dad's 24 hours are up" I heard Issac told Alison.

Stilies POV:

I went to the school to test a theory, "Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet, someone let in him" I remembered Scott's dad saying. I took the key I found and it opened the chemistry closet. I went up to the board and rewrite the numbers, then I realized that its my hand writing.

Am the one that told Barrow to kill Kira, am the one that cause Madison to be in a coma. Am so sorry Madison, I never meant to hurt you, please wake up soon.

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