Chapter 52 - saving the pack

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Madison when she was pregnant-∆

      *** One Week Later ***

Scott POV:

Stilies and I are back on speaking terms now, after finding out what was wrong with his dad and saving him. Now it's time to save the pack, Malia is with Braden to kill her birth mom, the desert wolf. I haven't spoken to Liam since he did tried to kill me, but he's still apart of the pack.

So now we are going to New Mexico to get Kira, then try and get Madison and then get Lydia. "How about we call Madison on our way to Mexico?" Stilies asked snapping me back to reality. "Her phone goes straight to voice mail, she won't pick up" I told him, "she have her new number" he told me.

He handed me his phone and I called Madison, after the fourth ring she picked up.

M- Stilinski am busy

S- its Scott, I need your help

M- am listening

S- Theo is evil, and am getting the pack back together, Stilies and I are going for Kira

M- and?

S- we need your help to break Lydia out of Eichen house

M- (baby Cry's in the background) hmmm, sure I guess I can help

S- thanks this means a lot

M- yeah, see yah

She hang up, "was that a baby in the background?" Stilies asked, "yeah, probably she's out with her grandmother or something" I told him. We arrived in New Mexico the next morning, and right in time to save Kira and her mom from the skin walkers. I kiss her when she got in the back of the jeep with me. We arrived back in Becan Hills the next day, now its time to save Lydia.

Stilies this one with the plan, cause my plans always sucks, for example. When I turned Liam, I kidnapped him because I freaked out. So here we all are, Liam, Stilies, Malia, Kira and I at my house, making a plan. I heard a knock at the door so went and get it, "didn't start without me did you?" Madison asked. I let her in, Kira and Malia hugged her, then Liam and Stilies.

"OK, now that everyone is here, here's the plan, first we have to get into Eichen house" Stilies said. "How do we do that?" Malia asked, "that's where Parrish comes in, two words body bags" he said. "What about getting through the unit doors?" Kira asked, "that's were you come in, your going to cause a brown out, not a black out, or else this card won't work" Stilies told her.

"And where do I come in?" Madison asked, "because Malia, Liam and Scott can't pass the mountain ash you come with me" he told her. "Or I could just absorb all the mountain ash so they could pass" she suggested. Stilies just looked at her then said "fine, do that, and that's how we save Lydia".

"Where is she?" I heard Malia whispered to Madison, "she's currently with Dean, am not ready for the pack to know about her yet" Madison asked. I wonder who they are talking about, must be a cousin or something.
       *** Later That Night ***

******************************       *** Later That Night ***

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Madison POV:

Here we all are in front of Eichen house, well here I am cause am not going in a body bag. "Empty your pocket" the man at the front desk ordered, I only smirked. I was only to stall but I really don't feel like it, I made my eyes glow. "My pocket is empty" I told him even though my Chinese daggers are in there. He look up at me then fainted, weakling, I grab his keys and met up with Scott and Liam.

"Hit me!" Liam said, "what?" Scott asked confused, "if you hit him he gets angry and powerful" I said making myself known. Liam broke the door down but Scott and Liam can't pass mountain ash, but Stilies and I can.

We ran into Theo, well Stilies did I stayed behind and neither of them notice. They kept on arguing back and forth, "will y'all shut the fuck up!" I said walking up to them. "Madison? Your back?" Theo asked, "obviously, am right in front of you" I said with a eye roll. He smirked, I stop walking and broke one of the tunnel pipes. "Follow me, I know where Lydia is" I told them and walk ahead of them.

"Stop steering at my ass Theo" I said with a smirk, "why did you leave?" He asked. "None of your business, now breakdown that door she's in there" I told him. He kept on punching the door, "you have super strength probably you should help him" Stilies said. "Am not breaking my nails for him, but then again" I said, I pushed Theo out of the way and kick down the door.

The doctor was already on the floor dead from one of Lydia's screams. The Parrish (hellhound) came in he took Lydia into his arms and used his body as a shield. We left Eichen house and went straight to Dean, she let out a scream again breaking all the windows. Dean shoved mistletoe into her head where she a hole was drilled in.

Her mom came running in a few minutes later, she hugged Lydia, "mom, they saved me, Stilies saved me" she said. "Madison?" Dean asked making me face him, he held Tori in his arms, I took her from him. "Since everyone is here, this is Victoria Alison Argent, she's the reason I left Becan Hills" I told them. "She's?" Stilies asked, "Ethan's and I daughter, weir wolf pregnancy only last two months" I told them.

"This is what you wanted to tell me isn't it?" Lydia asked, "yeah, so I told Malia instead" I told her. Ms. Martin took Tori from me and we called it a night and went home. Once we got to Lydia's room, Lydia asked "does Ethan know?" "No, I haven't told him, but I will" I told her.

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