Chapter 61 - it's over

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Madison POV:

I ran off into the woods because that's where Scott's scent leads, "your alone Scott" I could hear Mr. Davis say. I ran into Malia and we ran into the same direction. "He has a pack" Theo said, "but Theo's not in it" Malia and I said. "And no one like a nasi" Peter said, We attack the ghost riders. Then I heard a train coming, if the train leaves I lose my daughter forever.

"Scott you have to stop the train!" I yelled as I dodge another bullet to the head. "I can't!" He yelled back, I grab one of the ghost riders wipe when I saw the train coming. "Scott!" I yelled and threw it at him, he caught it and he pulled the lever with it. He stop the train, the ghost riders stop fighting us and walked away from Mr. Davis yelling at them.

He kept on yelled, so they returned and surrounded him and turn him into one of them. "Who hunt with us, hunts forever" I said smirking, they disappeared. I ran into school and crashed into Lydia and Stilies, "where's Tori?" I asked. "With my dad" Stilies asked, I found Mr. Stilinski at the front of the school with my baby in my arms. She saw me over his shoulders, "Ma ma!" She yelled.

Mr. Stilinski let her down and she ran into my open arms, omg she said her first words. "Oh god, am never letting you go again" I said kissing her all over her face. "Didn't you miss me?" Mason asked, "you were taken?" I asked in fake disbelief, his mouth hang open. I laugh and hug him and Corey, "I missed you guys" I told them.
        *** The next day ***

Stilies POV:

The bell rang for the last day of school, "no, no, this can't be it" I said as everyone exit the classroom. The lights lock off with me alone in the class, I eventually got up and went to my locker and clean it out. I saw Madison kiss Matt's locker one last time and left, then I made eye contact with Lydia. She smile then left, Scott and I went outside to my jeep. "So what's going on with you and Lydia?" Scott asked, "I don't know, my 10 year plan is still in motion, she got into Stanford and Madison got into MIT as juniors" I told him.

"They're smart, but what about you? you got into the pre - FBI school" Scott said smiling, "yeah your dad help, but you got into UC Davis" I said. Mason and Liam came up to us, "your going to have to be the alpha now" Scott told him, since all of us are going away. I took my out my bat out of the back of the jeep, "and this is for you" I said handing it to Mason. "I don't play baseball" he said taking it from me, "it ain't for playing" I told him.

They left, so I handed Scott the key to my jeep, "it's yours now" I told him. "Your giving me your jeep?" He asked in disbelief, "yeah, take care of it for me" I told him. 'There's a dead body in the woods' my police scanner said, 'did you just say a dead body?'. Scott and I grinned at each other, he handed me back the keys, "for old time sake" he said, then we drove off.

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