Chapter 15 - sacrifices

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Stilies POV:

"Dude am gonna die a virgin! All those other sacrifices they were all virgins", I told Scott. He just rolled his eyes, he isn't a virgin so he has nothing to worry about. "Your not going to die Stilies I won't let you", he told me, then we saw Madison and Alison walking towards us, it looks like they are arguing.

"Hey guys what's wrong?" I asked, they both roll their eyes at each other, "which is which?" I asked Scott in a whisper. "Alison on the right, Madison on the left", he told me, they are dressed alike today.

"Stilies think he is gonna be sacrifice cause he is a virgin", Scott told them. "Poor you", Madison said walking off leaving us, "not me alone! You too!" I yelled after her. She smirked at us and kept on walking, "it's like she doesn't care if she dies", I said frustrated. "She isn't a virgin Stilies" Alison said scoffing, "am I the only one that never had sex before?" I asked throwing my hands in the air in frustration.

"My dad convinced Madison to stop being an hunter, so now she wants nothing to do with the supernatural", Alison told us. What the hell?! "He can't do that we need her, she is the true hunter, probably the only one that can stop Ducalion", I told her. "I know, but she isn't listening to me, you can talk to her", Alison said to me. I walked off to find Madison, a true hunter can't just give up being a hunter I can't die a virgin.

 I walked off to find Madison, a true hunter can't just give up being a hunter I can't die a virgin

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Madison POV:

"Hey", Ethan said beside me as I search for a history book on the shelf, "hi Ethan", I said being polite. "Can we talk about the sacrifices that's happening?" He asked, "your talking to the wrong twin, am done with the supernatural", I told him. I took a seat at a table and began to read the history book, "you can't stop being a true hunter", Ethan said.

I rolled my eyes and ignore him, then I saw Lydia talking to Aiden, "your brother is on the right track talking to her, she knows what's going on, I don't", I said. "Madison we need to talk right now!" Stilies said as he busted into the library. Ethan got up from the table leaving us alone, "what's wrong now Stilies?" I asked not looking up from my book.

"We need your help, we need the true hunter, your the only one that can defeat the alphas and stop the sacrifices of virgins", he told me. "I'll have sex with you" I said deadpan, "really?" Stilies asked in shocked. "Hell no! Am not a virgin, am done with the supernatural Stilies, it already cost me my mom, my aunt, my granddad and my boyfriend", I told him. "Your aunt, your mom and grandad all tried to kill Scott and Derek, plus Matt tries to kill us", Stilies said. "So because of that they deserved to die?!" I yelled, with my eyes glowing.

"Stay the hell away from me Stilies before the true hunter turns into a non supernatural hunter", I told him, this got him running out of the library. I stop my eyes from glowing and continued to study for my history exam that's coming up.
Alison POV:

It's night fall and Scott and Derek are going to the Becan Hills Bank to recuse Erica and Boyd from the alphas. "Madison?" I asked as I entered her room, she is currently studying, she looked up at me then said "no, the answer is no". Then she went back to studying, "come on please, I need to make sure Scott is safe", I told her. "Why do you care? He isn't your boyfriend anymore, you like Issac", she said, how the hell did she find that out?

 "Why do you care? He isn't your boyfriend anymore, you like Issac", she said, how the hell did she find that out?

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"It isn't so hard to see, and no I have a test to study for so anything your gonna do that involves supernatural leave me out of it", she said. I rolled my eyes at her and left the house unseen, when I got to the bank I immediately saw Scott and Derek in trouble with Boyd and another she wolf. "Don't break it!" Derek yelled at me as I was about to break the mountain ash, but I saw Scott was about to get hurt so I broke it.

 "Don't break it!" Derek yelled at me as I was about to break the mountain ash, but I saw Scott was about to get hurt so I broke it

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So Erica is dead, I found her body in another room when I just arrived. Madison and I never liked her but we never wanted her to die. Boyd and Cora who we found out is Derek's sister is now loose and and in the mood for killing for pleasure.

I called Madison for help to track them she is the best person to do it since she is the true hunter.

A- Madison I need your help, if it wasn't important I wouldn't ask
M- what is it?
A- killing machine weir wolves got free from mountain ash I need you to track them
M- how did they get loose?
A- I set them free, but I had to! They were going to kill Scott!
M- don't yell at me! You should have stayed home but no! Your on your own.

She hang up on me, Scott, Issac and Derek listen in on my call so no need to tell them Madison won't help. So the only person left to call is my dad, he also put up a fight too but eventually he help us. We lead them to the school and lock them in the boiler room until morning. But I never went inside the school I went home cause school starts in less than five hours and I have a test I never study for.

When I got home I see Madison asleep on her bed with her books all over her and the floor open. I kissed her on her head and went to bed, even if it's just for a few hours I need the rest. Maybe Madison does need the normal in her life, am happy if she is happy.

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