Chapter 28 - silver finger

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No ones POV:

The lights keep going off and on every second, in the Becan Hills Hospital. Everyone running around crazy, because of a sudden storm that started. Then the shadows appeared at the entrance and disappeared by time anyone could see them.

They reappear back in the hospital room, looking at one of the persons they came for. Madison Argent, but she is useless to them in a coma, but other wise perfect. One of the shadow held her behind her eyes, while another held her eyes open. After a few minutes they disappeared again, leaving Madison with the number 5 behind her ears.

 After a few minutes they disappeared again, leaving Madison with the number 5 behind her ears

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The next day

Scott POV:

I rode to school on my bike thinking about what happened last night, what were those things? Alison, Issac and Mr. Argent left town for information and left Lydia's mom to watch over Madison's progress. As I park my bike Aiden and Ethan pulled up beside me, "are you following me?" I asked. "Yeah, to protect you, they were looking right at you", Aiden said, I rolled my eyes and went inside to find Kira.

They followed me everywhere, "why are they following you?" Kira asked, "they say it's to protect me" I told her. We went to class with them following us, I can't take it anymore. Every single class they followed me, so I sent Kira to dismantled their bikes. So that we can spend sometime alone without them following us.

Lydia's mom POV:

"How is she doing?" I asked the doctor who is currently checking up on her now. "Her burns are still healing incredibly fast, and there is now a 35% chance she will wake up" he said. Thank god, the Argent family has been through enough.

First Kate, Mrs. Argent, Mr. Argent (Gerard), they can't lose Madison too. She is Lydia's best-friend and a very smart girl, who don't deserve any of this. I took out my phone to call Chris and tell him the good news about his daughter

Alison POV:

"Oh, thank god, thanks again for watching her", I heard my dad say, then he hang up his phone. "The doctors say there is now a 35% chance Madison will wake up" he told me, the news brought me to tears. She'll wake up soon and I can't wait, but for now dad, Issac and I need to focus on this guy name Silver finger.

Derek POV:

"Will you leave!" I told Peter, he rolled his eyes, "haven't seen your girlfriend in a while" he said. "Madison isn't my girlfriend, I think she's dating Ethan" I told him. "Let's call her and see", he said I turned around to see him with my phone.

"Peter don't you..." gco "hello Madison, it's Pe....... Lydia? Where?........ When?............ Oh we didn't know" he hang up. "So?" I asked, "weren't you listening?" He asked, I shake my head no. "William Barrow electrocuted her, so now she is in a coma at the hospital" he told me.

"I'll be back" I told him as I grab my jacket and my car keys, "when I get back, be gone". I arrived at the hospital within a few minutes, I saw Scott's mom at the front desk. "What are you doing here? Is Scott OK?" She asked worried, "he's fine, I want to see Madison" I told her.

She shake her head in understanding and let me to her room. When I saw her, I couldn't believe its her "how is she?" I asked. "She is healing at a supernaturally paste and there is a 35% chance she'll ever wake up" Melisa told me. "How did this happened?" I asked her not really believing Peter's story.

"Short story?" She asked, I nod "she got kidnapped with a girl name Kira, she got electrocuted and here she is now in a coma" she said. I shake my head and took some of her pain before I left, it's soon night fall and Scott needs protecting.

Scott POV:

Kira and I just arrived at my house, just before the sun goes down. "Scott? What do you want for dinner?" My dad asked as soon as we step in. "Dad what are you doing here?" I asked, "we planned to have dinner tonight" he told me. "Am sorry, I forgot" I told him, he look behind me and asked "who's that?" Kira and I look behind us and saw the shadows.

"Dad stay away" I warn him, "no, who are you? What are you doing here?" Dad asked them. One of them pulled out a sword and stab him, "dad!" I screamed out. Same time my mom came home and Derek arrive, then the twins burst through the window. Mom pulled dad out of the living room while we fight the shadows, we fought them until they end up outside.

"Mom!" I yelled out for her, she came in and threw the mountain ash aligning it at the front door stopping them from entering

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"Mom!" I yelled out for her, she came in and threw the mountain ash aligning it at the front door stopping them from entering. I breath a sign of relief but the mountain ash began to break, I called Alison to see if they found anything. "They are looking for an evil spirit, the nogitsune its an evil fox" she told me. "So what are we supposed to do? They're trying to coming in" I told her, "let them, your safe as long as the evil spirit isn't in you" she told me.

I hang up they phone, then said"its going to be fine, your not the evil spirit their looking for". "What if I am?" Kira asked, "what is she? She couldn't pass the ash" Aiden said. "She's a kitsune, use your eyes, she probably doesn't know how to hide it yet" Derek told them. "You'll be fine, I'll be right here" I told her, then the ash broke and the came in.

We walked up to them hand in hand, they grab us from behind the ear and steered into our eyes. The let go of us leaving us freezing, "Scott!" My mom called our reminding me that my dad was stab. We call the ambulance and went to the hospital immediately.

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