Chapter 60 - remember

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Scott POV:

'This number your calling doesn't not exist' I tried calling my mom's phone, but that's what I got. Lydia, Malia, Madison, and Liam (Hayden was taken) are at my house. I think we're the only ones left, out of nowhere Mr. Stilinski came in. "His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, he plays lacrosse, his best-friend is Scott, the closes he come to pronouncing his name is mischief, but I knew he would always be called Stilies, my son".

"You remember" Lydia said smiling at him, "yeah, but when I remembered him, there was this purple light, I could hear him and see him, and then it was gone" he said. "I thought there was one rift?" Malia asked, yeah yesterday we found a rift, but now that Mr. Davis is controlling Parrish it broke. "So all we have to do is just remember" Madison said, we made a plan Mr. Stilinski and Liam will buy us time while we, Madison, Lydia, Malia and I remember Stilies.

We went down to the bunker to Parrish's freezer, "it's going to be like when we were looking for Boyd and Erica" Lydia explain. "Who's going in first?" Madison asked taking a step back, "I'll go" I said. I went into the freezer and Lydia talked me though it, I remember Stilies and I first lacrosse game. I got a lot of memories, then I was pulled out of the freezer, "did a rift open?" I asked. "No, Nada" Madison asked, then Malia went in, Lydia guided her through it.

Half an hour later we pulled her out, "I remember" she said, but nothing happened. Then we all faced Madison who's biting her nails, "what?" She asked. "Your turn" Malia said, she took off the jacket and went in.

Madison POV:

Suddenly I was in the school, "does everything that happens has to be in school?" I asked. I heard laughter, "so what now Lydia?" I asked, "where are you in the school?" She asked. "Pool, am literally looking at the water" I said, "OK, it's going to show you your memories" she said. I saw a flash of light in the water and a memory, it's the first I meet Stilies, he was with Derek, then the next time I gave him a wolfsbane cupcake. The next one was him helping me control my true hunter side. The next one was me telling him bye after Alison died, then the last one was telling him I'll unblock him later from me phone.

I was pulled out of the freezer, "I remembered, let me guess nothing happened" I said. Nope, no rift, "your turn Lydia" I said, "I wouldn't last a minute in there, guess we have to do it the normal way" she said. "Am going to go see if I can find Liam" I told them and went the the school. Ohk so why is there train tracks in school? I went to check it out but ran into Stilies almost hitting me with his jeep. Wait Stilies?! "Stilinski!" I screamed, he ran out of the jeep and hug me spinning me around.

"Am sorry for blocking you" I said kissing his cheek, "I know let's go find Scott". We got into his jeep and went to the hospital, he took his bat from the back seat and we went in. We saw Mr. Davis and Stilies knocked him out, wow 😮, "he's the bad guy right?" Stilies asked. "Stilies?" Scott asked in disbelief, they hug then he hug Liam, "can we bro hug later, he's waking up!" I yelled. We ran for it cause Mr. Davis set Parrish on us, "I have been gone for a few days and this happens?!" Stilies said.

"You've been gone for three months" Scott said to him, "wh-what? I swear if they don't let me graduate" he said. Graduation? I forgot about that, Stilies picked up a fire extinguisher. When Parrish came around the corner all fired up Stilies sprayed him beginning him back to his normal self. "Let's get out of here" I said, "yeah we have something to show you" Stilies said. We drove to the school and showed Scott the train tracks, but Liam ran off.

Stilies POV:

We went into school following the tracks, but one of the ghost riders catch me, again. But I didn't end up back at the 'train station' but in the boys locker room. But a ghost rider was pointing a gun at me ready to fire. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" I was heard because I closed my eyes, I open them and saw Lydia. "Stilies!" She said, wow, "I never said it back" she said.

"I know and you don't have to" I told her and kissed her, "ewww I didn't need to see that" Madison said standing at the door. I notice her eyes flashed green, "what's going on with the eyes?" I asked, "oh Mr. Davis happened, am going to find Scott" she said and ran off.

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