Chapter 48 - my tom boy life is over

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          *** The Next Week ***

Madison POV:

I watch Lydia leave for school through the bedroom window, I didn't tell the pack that I am on the cheerleading team. So here I am all dressed up, god my tom boyish life is over. I know I dress girly girl but I don't act girly girl, I do gymnastics not throw pom pom's around.

 I know I dress girly girl but I don't act girly girl, I do gymnastics not throw pom pom's around

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When I arrived at school literally everyone stop to look at me, jeez is it the first time anyone seen a cheerleader? Good thing I saw Mason immediately. I grab him by his arm and pulled him into the girls locker room, "I need your help" I told him. "How can I help?" He asked confused, "think you can keep the rest of the pack away from me for the day? I didn't tell them about this" I said looking down my outfit.

"Don't you have classes with them?" he asked, shit! totally forgot about that. "You look sexy by the way" he said smiling, "thank you, but I hate when everyone steer at me" I told him. "I could walk you down the hall and to class if that makes you feel better" he suggested, "thank you thank you, your a life saver" I told him as I hug him.

He hugged me back, then we held hands and exit the girls locker room, I followed him to his locker then to mine. "What's so bad about be a cheerleader?" Mason asked, "everything, I hate it but I need it" I told him. First class AP biology and the bell already rang, so am late. I see Theo entered first with me right behind him, "Mr. Rekensins and Ms. Argent your late" our teacher said. Cause everyone to look at us, "sorry we....... we were busy?" he said but it came out as a question.

She sent us to our seat but Lydia grab my arm before I could pass her. "We'll talk about.....this later" she said looking at my outfit, I shake my head and took my usual seat beside Theo. I jump a little when I felt Theo's hand on my knee and going up, "if your hand goes any further I'll kill you right here in front of everyone" I  whisper knowing he heard me.

He smirked but didn't remove his hand, I saw my phone vibrate on the table in front of me. I look at the screen in shock 'Ethan💖😍', he's trying to call me. I haven't talk or seen Ethan since the day we left Becan Hills, why is he contacting me now? It stop ringing but rang again a few seconds later, "aren't you going to answer that?" Theo asked.

I grab my backpack and my phone then ran out of class, "Madison! Madison!" I heard the teacher call after me. I answer my phone "you got some fucking nerves calling me after all this time!" I yelled. "I..... missed you?" He said but it came out as a question, "I never missed sending an arrow up your ass, but what do you want?" I asked.

He laugh, god I missed that laugh, "turn around" he said, but his voice didn't come from the phone. It came from behind me, my phone slip out of my hand and shattered to the floor. I turn around slowly and faced him, "your back" I said but it came out as a whisper. Before he could say anything I crashed my lips onto his, he didn't kiss back at first but then he did.

 Before he could say anything I crashed my lips onto his, he didn't kiss back at first but then he did

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The kissed ended but we still held each other in each others arms. "I love you" he said, "I love you more" I replied, "so cheerleading?" He asked with a smirk. I laugh then said "yeah, my tom boy days are officially over", I kissed his lips again. He grab my hand and pulled me into an empty classroom, "am not staying, I just wanted to see you" he said.

"When do you leave, again?" I asked, he signed "tonight, am not over Aiden's death like you are over Alison's" he said. "Am not over it, am taking it one day at a time" I told him. I sat on his lap and rest my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. "I'll miss you" he said kissing my head, "come over my apartment tonight, even though am not living there I still have it, meet me there?" I asked.

"Anything for you, I have to go" he said, we kisses one last time before he left. I left the empty classroom and went to the lacrosse field. Doesn't make sense going back to class now when it's almost over. I took my lacrosse stick off my backpack and began to practice by myself.

"Nice shot" a voice said, I smiled knowing who it is already, "aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked. I faced Malia, "aren't you?" She asked, I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. "Nice outfit" she commented, "it's coach idea, I hate cheerleading" I told her. We took a seat on a bench, "why didn't you tell him no?" She asked, "have uou met the man? And because it's a school requirement to be in two extra curriculum activity" I told her.

"Am not in anything" she says, "yeah because your failing your classes, how about we make a deal this Senior year?" I say. "What kind of deal?" She asked, "I'll help you study to pass senior year and next year we take a year off college and go to France" I told her. "France? Why?" She asked with a bit of excitement in her voice.

"Alison and I panned on doing that, but she isn't here anymore. I don't want to do it with alone, and Lydia will be off to college" I told her. "But we don't speck French" she says, I smiled, "Vous ne pouvez pas parler français mais je le fais et mon nom est notre boisson après tout" I said. You may not speak French, but I do, and my name is Argent after all.

"Sorry, I forgot your whole family is French, so what the hell did you say?" She asked. I laugh "I said 'you may not speak French, but I do, and my name is Argent after all', see French isn't so hard" I told her. She hugged me suddenly, then the bell rang it's time for another class.
Madison POV:

After school I went to cheer practice 'I fucking hate coach' then lacrosse practice. I took a shower then went to my old apartment. When I got there it was dead silence, hmmm Ethan mustn't have reach here yet. "I've been waiting for hours for you" I heard his voice say behind me, I smiled and face him. "Sorry to keep you waiting" I said sexily crashing my lips onto his immediately.

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