Chapter 21 - dreams

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Stilies dad POV:

I stayed in my office with the door open looking at my crime board, trying to solved all my unsolved cases. But one case stick out for me, Malia Tate, went missing after her mother and sister died in a car crash a few years ago. I need to solve this case.
Lydia POV:

"Well well look who is the crazy one around here", I said as Scott, Alison and Stilies walked behind me.

Madison went home for the day, she almost got killed by a truck so she is a bit traumatized

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Madison went home for the day, she almost got killed by a truck so she is a bit traumatized. "We are not crazy", Alison said, "illusions, dream paralysis yeah you are not crazy" I said. "Let's go to class and Lydia stop enjoying this so much", Stilies said.

Madison POV:

After a few hours of sleep, Lydia came over saying I need focus, and comfort, meaning archery time. We went out into the woods, and set up for a little archery practice. "Do you think this might work?" I asked, "yeah, this will help you focus, just shoot", she told me. My hands began to shake as I loaded the bow with an arrow, I shot the arrow only for it to land beside the tree.

 My hands began to shake as I loaded the bow with an arrow, I shot the arrow only for it to land beside the tree

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(A/N: Alison up top and Madison at the bottom)

I picked up another arrow and shoot it and same results, I tried another way and it didn't work. Then I saw a woman ran across the trees, "Lydia did you see that?" I asked. "See what?" She asked, I picked up my arrows walking off saying "I'll be back, stay here". "You did not say that", I heard Lydia say, but I kept walking in the woods.

Then I saw her, Kate she screamed at me, then disappeared. I spin around only to see it's night, "Lydia? Lydia?" I called out but no answer. Then I saw her again she screamed at me and started to run towards me. I fired at her but saw Issac holding the arrow away from Lydia's face.

"Oh my god! Lydia am so sorry, am so sorry", I told her.

The next day

Alison POV:

At school we all sat around the picnic table talking about what is happening to us. Out of nowhere this girl came up to us saying she knows what is happening to us. "What do they call you?" Lydia asked her rudely, "Kira", Scott said. All of us looked at him, "oh see is in our history class",  he told us, well except for Madison.

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