Chapter 32 - Season 4 France?

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Madison POV:

We cremated Alison and scattered her ashes in France, this is where all Argents are originally from. I miss my sister every single day, I love France, but we are only staying here for the summer. Dad is shipping Issac and I off the London to live with my grandparents on my mother side, they don't know about the supernatural world.

I don't hate Scott and Stilies, I was angry, Scott is my alpha now since he bite me. So now am a weirhalo and a true hunter, yeah am a true hunter again. So am a true weirhalo, my eyes are red again with a little white in it. All summer I hang out with my dad and Issac. They try to make me smile but there is nothing to smile about. First Aunty Kate (ish), then mom, and now Alison, so who's next?

Ethan and I spent his last day in Becan Hills together, we cried and ended things between us, so I also lost my boyfriend. We didn't have sex, we just had a goodbye kiss, on my last day I spent it with Lydia, Kira, Scott and Stilies. I hate Becan Hills, am never going back, am going to be a Junior this year and it's going to be supernatural free.

        *** Three Months Later ***

Issac POV:

Madison and I are on a flight to London, summer is over so we are going to London for school. Chris isn't coming with us because he still has business in France. Madison hasn't smile or anything, she's really depressed, I don't blame her but she needs to be happy again.

When we arrived in London at the airport we saw two old people holding up and white paper with our names on it. "Grandma! Grandpa!" Madison shouted and ran into there open arms. "Baby, we miss you so much, and sorry about Ali" her grandmother said. "You must be Issac, we are sorry for your lost too, am Mr. Collins and this is my wife Ella Collins" Madison grandfather said.

We left the airport and drove one hour to their house, when we got there my mouth literally drop. "Close your mouth Issac, you don't want to catch flies" Madison said smiling. "Your smiling" I said in disbelief, she rolled her eyes and looked out the window as we pulled into the drive way.

 "Your smiling" I said in disbelief, she rolled her eyes and looked out the window as we pulled into the drive way

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We went inside and Madison ran off to her bedroom, so I followed her as the maids took our things. I followed her scent into this amazing room.

 I followed her scent into this amazing room

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